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  1. I would like to see a custom map again. I thought this was done in the past, and I recall these revisions being fairly enjoyable. I'd also like to see the map much larger next time on launch. I like this current revision (most of it), but it'd be nice to have some additional building space next time so we can still do the larger land claims without having to run out of unused outskirts land (I believe this may have happened just a bit, mainly due to the efficiency of using world edit over building by hand).


    Otherwise, I don't have any suggestions for changes which would need to be implemented in order to have revision 28 be as good as 26/27.

    • Upvote 1
  2. If this is an ongoing issue and it appears to be by kittypuppet's logs, then instead of posting them publicly on the forum going after a fellow player, you need to approach a cadmin or a head admin about this.


    I believe that SirTacoface was approached about this (in fact, I've approached him multiple times regarding this as well), and he's not done anything about it. I'd be happy to see if I have logs which can prove my part of this.


    I'm not sure if other admins have been contacted about this, but I'm certain that admins have been asked to handle this in the past (again, I'm not sure whether or not this is the case).

    • Upvote 1
  3. Regardless of more servers, advertising would be required to see an increase in players. Unfortunately as others have said, nerd lost the chance to gain a significant amount of players through advertising (again - based on my knowledge from the other thread, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

    Additionally, I don't think people will seek nerd out based on its community, especially when servers exist with far better setups (with these features just part of the deal of playing there), and based on the fact the rules are so heavily enforced on nerd. With that said, I still like the idea for events on existing servers, but I do not think that based on the points I stated above that nerd will benefit with high player numbers because of a change like this.

  4. Suggestion: Why not make all swearing / name calling against the rules so the servers can be rated PG. Nerd.nu hates criticism and any type of name calling already, hell downvotes on the forums have been removed because players would get downvoted and cry.


    I fully support the removal of all swearing and name calling. It would remove the drama regarding people being upset at other people for the reasons stated.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I've been around the community for a few years now and decided to do an ama. Get to it! :3


    BMX are you actually going to answer any of these?


    Bmx what was your expectation of your ama?


    He posted the AMA today guys. I'd imagine that a majority of the day he was working, which leads me to think that he'll respond as soon as he's not working. :P

    • Upvote 1
  6. I'm rather excited for a normal S revision again. I appreciate all the work the SAdmins have put forward for this so far for this next revision - it looks like it will be great fun again! I also appreciate your update, Mumber, I think revision 27 will be a good one.


    Additionally, I think looking into some advertising for the servers wouldn't be a bad idea, especially due to the lack of players that Survival has at the moment. Is there a plan regarding advertising at some point? Cheers!

    • Upvote 2
  7. Bottom line, the down votes aren't coming back anytime soon. You have been given options for you to continue to project your disapproval with a comment but down voting is no longer one of them.


    You remove us the option to dislike a post, yet you keep the option to upvote it. In my opinion, if you're going to take action against downvotes you might as well remove upvotes as well, because the entire system is really circlejerky at the moment.

    • Upvote 2
  8. I would hope you're a bit smarter than that but who knows. Like diff said it matters who and what the poll is about, but headadmins added their input and said since we already had a poll that was a tie, they are adding a new one to test the waters again so to speak. Should the community not be trusted with making polls that can influence something nickeox?


    This is not what he's saying, and you assuming that is the case is really ignorant in my opinion. He is saying that an opinion-related poll should not be the determining factor for removing downvotes, regardless of countless people saying that the vote system is rubbish. He never said that the community should not be able to handle these votes, he was referring to the fact that a poll that should have been seen as an opinion based poll was taken in as a "community decision."

    • Upvote 1
  9. This thread happened in Admin Chat, and unfortunately will not be made public. I should have explained why we decided to not implement this instead of giving the reply I did and for that I'm sorry. 


    Couldn't you show us (at least a screenshot of it's existence would work) some proof? I appreciate your explanation, but I would like further evidence this has been discussed.


    Let me reword how I approach this. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain this to us, but I would like that future threads of this nature not be closed immediately without much discussion. Thank you.

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