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  1. I read that appeal too and was kinda dumbstruck by jchances outright refusal to behave in a fair, level-headed manner. "Guilt by association" isn't even a remotely sound reason for a permaban. Then again, I've seen him mute people for disagreeing with and/or questioning his motives. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise.


    Abroosky should take it higher, if possible. The guy did nothing wrong.


    You can't really take a ban up with a higher member of the community when the person who banned you holds the highest position in the community, but I definitely agree with what you're saying here.


    From what I understand (and from my brief interactions with Abroosky), he's still interested in playing here, and he's disappointed that he was permanently banned based on guilt by association. I think it's very unfortunate that the Head Admins are not willing to allow him the ability to prove that he can remain a productive member of this community, even though it's (falsely) presumed (using outdated evidence which had no context with nerd.nu) that he was allowing permanently banned players to access the server through an additional account.

    • Upvote 1
  2. We don't bandy the word around in private conversations and honestly the only people I see calling others toxic are specific players to each other. That, and the players who other players have called toxic wear it like a badge of honor.


    Jchance, I have a question- Who is acting like being called toxic is a badge of honor? While I can see where this may appear to be true in some cases, I disagree that all players who use toxic in a banter fashion like to act as though it's something they're proud about.

    • Upvote 5
  3.  Well done on the arena Veltoss, iamdarb, and Avada. I heard about your arena through the forums. My opinion on how it was hosted is that it was hosted well, the host picked the players to go into the arena quickly. I would like to see free diamond armor in future arenas but I don't expect that to happen. Overall, well done hosting you three.  

    Thanks for the positive feedback! We're looking forward towards hosting these often, since last night went pretty well. Feedback wise (for Darb), I think we should try to limit the number of fights to roughly three or so (so maybe a 1v1 kitted tournament, 1v1 BYOG tournament and a 4v4 kitted tournament - not including any FFA's we may do of course).

    • Upvote 1
  4. The wiki is editable by anyone that registers afaik. Feel free to make corrections.

    That page is/was* protected to prevent griefers from spamming random shit on them. With that being said, I don't think that's an issue anymore, so unprotecting it (letting registered users edit it) would be feasible in my mind as long as the information on that page remains the same as before.

    *it was originally protected back in 2011 or so IIRC

  5. Sounds fun - will you be announcing specific dates for when this will take place? Some prize suggestions I can come up with right off the bat include (like you said previously) premium building plots in spawn city, and possibly some kind of sign recognizing the winner. Preferably we keep extra items from an event of this nature off of the survival servers, but I'm sure if you offered a stack of quartz or something for winning you'd get some attendees/participants.


    I'm excited to see this take place!

  6. Has there been any announcement about how long the chaos revision will last?  I think something like a tournament / bracket would be fun, but I don't know if there's enough time in the revision.


    I'm guessing it will be up for the rest of the month at most, since the creation of a new map and (if S is going to be using 1.8 next revision) updating everything to work would take a couple of weeks.


    I'd personally like to see an arena league with arenas hosted every Friday or Saturday with the winner of the league (the user with the most points) getting something in spawn next revision, similar to how SAL worked a while back.

  7. An underwater arena.

    No I'm actually being serious. How cool would it be to be in an area that's almost completely submerged in water, with little air pocket areas that you have to retreat to to get air. No respiration and no bows


    Eh, I'm in disagreement. This would make dieing of natural causes (drowning) easier, and that isn't the point of a PvP arena - the point of a PvP arena is to fight people, not to run around trying not to drown.


    I'd personally like to see at least three arenas pasted onto this chaos map:

    • A classic PvP arena (very similar to the one I used for my arenas on Revision 27).
    • A maze arena (with larger hallways - use four block hallways instead the traditional 2).
    • Maybe a unique arena or a KOTH/KOTV arena accessible from spawn where we can host occasional events).

    I'm looking forward towards 1.8 Chaos - I'm hoping to see these arenas occur regularly!

  8. A known timetable would be great for all 3 servers. It sucks not knowing how long we're stuck on dead revisions.


    Can we just set a revision ending date when starting a rev/in the middle of a revision (for all servers, or possibly Survival and Creative specifically)? I think when we set a one-three month deadline, it makes the revision more interesting since you have an idea of when it's going to end, and you can make plans on whether or not you plan to play accordingly.

    • Upvote 1
  9. We can no longer have the now-official one stay that way, as names for groups cannot be changed, and it is still Reddit Minecraft.


    Wow, seriously?  I for one will not endorse a group that isn't run by the staff of nerd.nu.  To me it seems like you are trying to undermine the staff here.


    Wouldn't it be more logical to just change the name of the existing group if it came down to it? I'm not really convinced the steam group needs to have it's name changed, since the subreddit is still /r/MCPublic, and the IRC channel is still #redditmc after-all.


    I'm sure if you guys asked d3north nicely to change the name of his group so the "official" group could be renamed to nerdnugaming, that would more than likely be feasible, and would minimize the drama.

    • Upvote 1
  10. The community has not chosen a new name, has chosen to not give out free food to get to unclaimed land, has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla, and have made Uncehaven on P.


    The admins alone have only dictated (I think) what the settings of NoCheatPlus are, which affect the skeleton and rubberbanding you have.


    .....what does Uncehaven have to do with this discussion? I'm also assuming you have literally no clue what rubberbanding is, because it has to do with latency, not NoCheatPlus.

    • Upvote 3
  11. I won't reply to everything, but here's some minor clarification:


    2. There are 0 players on a Saturday afternoon.


    I'd assume that you're in a timezone which would be nighttime for both the United States and Europe, which could account for the lower player-numbers. I recall there being nearly 25-35 players on last night for the arena GizzleTinks and I hosted.



    3. The spawn and the buildings look the same as they do every rev.


    Survival's spawns are simple and functional (I'd say even the one we have right now serves its functional purpose, regardless of the hot tub part), which is why they're almost identical to their predecessors (of course this excludes revision 26's spawn due to the fact we used a ring road/random spawn system and that was an arena).



    9. Log back in after a bit to find there's now one other person online.

    10. But they're afk.

    15. Log off and go on P bc there are some players there.


    See #2 - People don't typically play when they're asleep.


    edit, bonus whinging: log back in a third time and get serious lag where I fall through chunks, rubberband all over the place and can't eat food. #2 die from lag and respawn in "twi and redwalls super secret hotub" which is a super creepy experience 


    I'd like to see the rubberbanding be fixed, since we had multiple instances during the arena where we weren't able to PvP because of server lag. Also, the hot tub is a really creepy thing, and I'm unsure why something of that nature would be included in a Survival spawn, so I'd have to agree with you on that portion.

    • Upvote 2
    1. Put a limit on the "copy" command.


    Yes, please. I would really like the ability to use other people's buildings in my builds. I think that there should be some sort of restriction to prevent abuse (eg: you can't copy an entire mountain and then paste it in on a 1x1 region), but this would be a good addition in my mind, and would also let us build large cities easier if we could simply copy someone else' buildings.

  12. I can see how these examples can be an issue, but I'd like to note that these can also become issues on the other servers which have the same portals. Unless survival users specifically target people (I couldn't say I have had too much experience with this, having never been an admin here), but I doubt that this would get abused any more than it is currently abused on the other servers.

  13. I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, but I wanted to ask whether or not it would be possible for Survival to get a modreq web portal similar to what Creative and PvE has. I assume the reason Survival never got one was due to the fact survival never had very many modreqs over the summer (due to Civ Craft), and it never really made sense to have it before.


    I'm not sure whether or not adding this would create a problem due to the fact users could potentially use this as an opportunity to gain an advantage over other users, but I highly doubt having modreqs public would cause an issue, unless the requester was posting their coordinates or something in the /modreq (in which case this could potentially could be abused).





    • Upvote 2
  14. I'm not sure you can expect people with jobs and other irl responsibilities to be on mumble 8 hours a day. I couldn't even do that when I was in school.

    D3's original post said eight hours a week, not everyday (heh that would be a really long time to dedicate to mumble).

    I think having a way to have at least one sadmin on every day or so (providing that real life responsibilities don't get in the way) is a reasonable thing to hope for, especially since threads like this could be done quicker and more casually on mumble.

    Just my two cents.

    • Upvote 3
  15. Personal thoughts: I have to disagree with that - that link is how I found nerd.nu and I know for a fact the same is true for many others, though I'm not sure to what degree, and it's most likely that will see diminishing returns. This is the main reason I wouldn't want to drop all Reddit affiliation, so perhaps if we randomly survey new joiners on where they heard of us, we could get a better idea of how effective this has been.


    I do agree with a majority of your thoughts here (and since I may have read the original thread differently - I originally thought we were choosing one or the other), it'd make more sense to keep the reddit affiliation. It wouldn't be a bad thing to survey users to see where they found nerd.nu from though, since it could assist us in our advertising efforts.

  16. I personally dislike the fact that nerd.nu is considered the "official" reddit servers, mainly due to the fact there are lots of non-redditors playing here, and (like tebok said) there is a massive personality difference between redditors and most people who play here. I think that reasonably these servers should be called something else (nerd.nu public minecraft servers, mcpublic minecraft servers, etc), rather than the "official reddit minecraft servers".


    I also think it wouldn't be a bad thing for nerd's admins to have the link on r/minecraft to be taken down, as it's really not a main source of advertising (you'd get more advertising by advertising on some random advertising site - nobody clicks that link), and to try to establish a more unattached reddit server network.


    tl;dr: I don't think debranding "reddit" from our name is a bad idea, and I also think taking advantage of nerd.nu (being a domain that you can remember easily) wouldn't be a bad thing either.

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