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  1. I do own the account, but it had been used by a clanmate. Since been secured with a new email address, although since the person that used it is unbanned I wouldn't view that as a problem anyways.
  2. This account was banned a while ago and since then the person displayed in the ban reason has been unbanned. Was wondering if you could unban this too. Thanks!
  3. Still waiting for that update. (: We're going to "make survival great again!"
  4. I think the new wings item poses a major opportunity for PvP. If the server made it craftable (because it is not in vanilla), although expensively, it would encourage building on roads, but building big so that others can't swoop into your base. It'd also encourage attacking other players (=encouraging PvP). I think it'd create a group-dynamic for gliding into combat, or something of the nature, with your clan/friends.
  5. I understand what you mean, but its under Universal, therefore its the same under all categories on all servers. I don't think the atmosphere/type of game-play should in which anyway change any Universal rule, though.
  6. If the "Don't be a dick move was in affect, I suppose the platform-stopping grinders on Survival would be banned, but they're not. Also, don't pull "S has less of a friendly atmosphere" on me-the rules are the exact same and apply the same.
  7. Why does pokegeek1234 deserve head admin? Can you please give me 1,000,000,000 beacons in game? pls answer and also /promote pokegeek1234 a couple times while you're at it ;)
  8. That's a fucking huge BLT, bro. How much money is that? $1,000?
  9. We're not the average irl community. We can't tell players to do community service to shorten their ban length. It's kind of like telling someone who's kidnapped a little girl that if they move this many rocks in the jail then you get this many days less of being imprisoned. It doesn't work that way. I'm against this.
  10. What's your favorite hobby that's not computer-related?
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