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Survival Rev 23 now in Preliminary Planning!


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Copying over from the subreddit to keep better track of the post.



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Now that the CTF and P and C's new rev have gone off without a problem, it's time to begin the approach to Survival Rev 23! We've seen the player activity dwindle, and heard the laments for a new rev: it's time for a fresh start.
With a triumvirate of sadmins we're hoping this launch will go as efficiently as possible. We don't have a date picked out yet, but we'd like to aim for a rev release within the next few weeks. We're looking at few nifty plugins (No promises, but we're lookin') and picking out a seed currently, but the map has a long way to go beyond that.
As such and as usual, we are welcoming player designs for Spawn Building(s), arenas (Main Arena, Public Arena, Koth, Punt, any other arena's you have interest in), a clan hall and the general design of the road system. Beyond that, we're open to suggestion as to what you would like to see on this survival rev.
If you have a design for any of these buildings, we'd appreciate schematics or world save files , if that doesn't work for you, C has a fresh new rev to build them on too :D.
Please submit here with: your in-game name, what build you are submitting for, and a way for us to access it - whether it be a dropbox link to a world file, a set of coordinates on C, or an image album of your build.
As per what we're expecting out of each build, I'll take from prior rev expectations and post those hereafter - That being said, we're somewhat willing to compromise.
Now, onto what we're typically looking for in these sorts of things:
If you're familiar with the spawns on Survival, you will know that it will need to at least include a suitable safe zone to spawn into, as well as a section either immediately or close by to list the rules. We're toying with the idea of having a warp-to area within the spawn region (sealed off) for some more descriptive how-to's for new players (such as how to use the /modreq system), so if you might be interested in including such an area in your spawn design, we would be more than welcoming to it.
For some context, the current spawn region is 160x160 including the surrounding areas. We'll probably aim for a similar size this time around, so bear that in mind if you want to plan big with your design.

  • Main arena

A good arena possesses several components:
The arena floor itself should be relatively square shaped, to better accommodate for protected regions. It does not need to be strictly one square but involving square shapes helps us out a lot in setting up the protections further down the line.
There should be at least four 'boxes' for fighters to be teleported into, as well as some form of redstone-controlled doors that allows us to open them for free-for-all fights.
There must be some form of control box where all redstone mechanisms involved in the arena meet up, in order to be managed from one spot. It is also incredibly beneficial to have said control box in some view of the arena floor, as this allows for easier single-staff arena events.
There must be a suitable area for arena attendees to watch the ongoing fights, and they should not be able to walk onto the arena floor from where they're standing. We can set up region flags to disallow pearling into the arena floor, so this is something you won't need to take into consideration when designing.

  • Public arena

A public arena should follow pretty much the same design as the main arena, with the exception that the control box needs to be accessible to anyone that wants to use it.

  • King of the Hill Arena

I will defer to the designs of our current and previous KotH arenas to give some idea on what usually works well. The bare essentials is that there needs to be some form of elevated position that one must fight/climb their way towards and manage to defend the title of 'King' upon, and some form of dangerous path by which you must trek to get there in the first place.

  • Punt arena

Whilst we hope to include another punt arena next revision, we're going to hold off on accepting any kind of designs for one until we've decided upon what spawn we will be using. The reason for this being that we have to situate punt in a way that makes it easily accessible after respawn. If you're keen on designing a punt arena alongside a spawn, have at it!

  • OTHER arenas

This rev we've run a King of the Void arena brought to us by Mrgauthier34 and it's been a refreshing take on the mini-game model. If other players make similar, easily functioning minigames, Contact the Sadmins with your idea. We'll certainly see about adding it!
Clan Hall
Given some of the issues people have been having with the bunch of player heads near spawn, this rev we've moved the Clan Hall to the end of one of the roads. This also gives us a nice bit of change to the general spawn setup, and gives us much greater room for expansion down the line. The room should be open for free exploration, but it will not be a combat-free zone, so bear that in mind. To not limit creativity, i'll only say that this needs to accommodate for several clan spots, and have a structural feel to it (so it doesn't necessarily have to be a building per se, but just having the clan podiums out in the open isn't ideal either).
Road layout/design
This current rev we went with a basic 4 cardinal roads out from spawn, and it seemed to have worked well. However, we also understand that some players prefer the grid system we went with in the rev prior. I'd like to get some feedback on this, along side some road designs. Roads must be a repeatable pattern with at least one specific block-type per road (this rev we have four different colors of hardened clay - one for each road). Player's generally prefer them to have an ice-path alongside the center to better allow for quicker travel. Beyond that, it's up to you.
That's all, over and out.

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I went ahead and created an arena. Here's an album, and a schematic.
All possible ways into the arena floor from the stands and outside of the arena floor have been blocked off either using invisible blocks (id 71) or terrain. I also made it impossible to enter from the outside (as far as I can tell) if you want to use it as the event arena.

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  On 10/14/2013 at 6:10 AM, smiler100 said:

I went ahead and created an arena. Here's an album, and a schematic.


All possible ways into the arena floor from the stands and outside of the arena floor have been blocked off either using invisible blocks (id 71) or terrain. I also made it impossible to enter from the outside (as far as I can tell) if you want to use it as the event arena.


I like it. Love the more "natural" arena look than the usual square, flat arenas.

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