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Deletion of posts on these forums.


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I'm guessing you know that we can't delete posts/threads on here, I'm also guessing it's intentional. My question is - why? Sure, we can edit our posts and replace text with [REDACTED], but that's a little unorthodox and takes up space in a thread. 

I can live with that, sure. But what about threads that we'd prefer gone that we created? Right now we can only remove our personal thread-starting posts, not the thread itself. Sure, if we could delete them, issues would occur with users deleting threads purely to delete a comment made by someone else, and I see how that would affect important threads. However, a simple way around this would to have a backup system for all threads. Have it auto-backup to an archive whenever a thread/comment is posted, edited, upvoted, downvoted, the works. We don't need a fancy, fully decked out public access website, just a simple place to backup forum posts in-case people delete their threads to troll. 

A Tech Admin could simply restore the post in that case. I think it's quite obvious that being unable to delete posts is a pain, and the current way of avoiding that is for no solid reason nor is it successful in doing so. Thoughts?

Edited by EeHee2000
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I've been under the mindset that if you feel you will regret something, don't say it. The inability to remove threads by users, in my opinion, forces people to think before they post, or be forced to live with it. Admins can remove things if they violate or rules, but many cases we leave threads to be referenced back to if a similar topic arises. What type of threads do you feel should be able to be deleted?

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Thinking on that, I can understand why you chose to have that in place in the first place. However, it's rather that people don't realize they'll regret making a thread/post. They could accidentally offend someone, or unintentionally sound like a huge dick. It would be nice to be able to have the ability to apprehend for that properly, rather than making an edit that probably won't be seen. It's also nice to be able to start a fresh thread on a failed topic, rather than being referred to said failed topic. There's a few conventional uses, but those are the main ones. I feel that AMA's should be delete-able, as well as Problems & Issues threads. 

Edited by EeHee2000
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I don't think even admins can entirely remove a post, though. They can edit it and make it full of nothing, but that just clogs shit up.

They can, during the staff only mod voting, some people actually replied to the post instead of voting, realized that there was a poll, and their post was deleted.

I remember seeing posts replied to the poll, hitting refresh and seeing them completely dissapear, as if there was never a post in the first place

Edited by coolgamerovr90
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However, a simple way around this would to have a backup system for all threads. Have it auto-backup to an archive whenever a thread/comment is posted, edited, upvoted, downvoted, the works. We don't need a fancy, fully decked out public access website, just a simple place to backup forum posts in-case people delete their threads to troll.

They would have to see how muck disk space that would eat up keeping track of all that

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Eh, a simple 1TB external hard drive would be an easy fix. It doesn't even have to be web-based, just updated once a month or so. This is pure speculation on my part, sorry if I'm bullshitting. 

Edited by EeHee2000
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They can, during the staff only mod voting, some people actually replied to the post instead of voting, realized that there was a poll, and their post was deleted.

I remember seeing posts replied to the poll, hitting refresh and seeing them completely disappear, as if there was never a post in the first place


Yes, Moderator and above forum accounts have the perms required to delete comments.

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