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[PMC] Appeal Takeovers


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Fellow Moderators and Admin,


Recently I've noticed a large number of Ban appeals that sat well over 2 days, as well as a large number of appeals that relate to former staff members. Since I was not debriefed at all on matters relating to this, what am I, a perfectly available moderator to do about these appeals that are now clustering the appeal page? Am I allowed to takeover appeals for former staff as I have noticed Crockoduck do in the past? If it isn't something of major concern (some of cyotie911's appeals other than randomdoor's) am I allowed to do them? Am I supposed to pester an admin until something gets done? What am I to do?

Also, Cyotie911 hasn't replied to anything since April 3rd, although his forum account says he was online today(could be a fluke associated with having a tab open on a cellphone). I have not seen him anywhere else, so I feel a bit concerned, has anyone here spoken with him since then? Is he alright? If he isn't, will someone handle his ban appeals?


That is all.








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You are more than welcome to help with appeals of old moderators, and those that have been open a while with no response.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask an admin :)


Cyotie has been around on IRC in the last day or so talking, so perhaps he is just busy.

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Since we have to do an alt check to be thorough, and only admins can do alt checks, should we just leave this up to the admins then? I'd like to help out but it seems that 1) kitcat and MrLoud have it covered and 2) I'd be waiting on the alt checks anyway, so really not much is gained.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Appologies for my absence.  Yes, I haven't been around much lately but hopefully that will be changing.  Had multiple personal things come up all at once (Along with my laptop having a meltdown).


Now, with that being said, I will assume that most (and should be all) staff know which appeals are of the strictly admin/head admin only appeals.  However, most appeals that are made that seem sincere and the user is banned by someone who is inactive or hasn't been able to handle appeals, should be able to be handled by any staff member. 


Just remember, when in doubt, leave it for someone else to handle or ask someone else.

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