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Community Tag?


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As part of my idea/plan to help us spread out into the community I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on Community/Clan Tags.  A Community Tag is just a simple few letters or something before your name to identify you with the community.



nerd | SwitchViewz

nnu | SwitchViewz



You could use the tag like a clan tag in Steam or other games. It would help show players that we are all together and playing together and that they can join the community if they like. If we did decide to add some sort of tag should users have to apply for the tag kind of like recruitment or should anyone that plays on our servers and is apart of the community be able to use it?


I'm curious on everyone's thoughts on this.

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I know that in some competitive games on steam you can use Group tags, such as in CS:GO or DotA 2, and some others.


I've generally been against clantags in profile names, it clutters and disorganizes friendlists and makes it difficult to find who is who. (I realize I say this as my name for the past six months has been d3north_4K, which was a joke but I liked the look of it and was too lazy to change it back)


Letting people know we are all together isn't always a good thing, and usually gets all of us put in a bad light for stacking teams etc.


Having a public group but having application for clantag usage always seemed a bit snobbish to me, sure you can hang out with us but you never really are part of our group, etc. It creates smaller groups within groups, and that isnt good for a whole host of reasons.


I dunno. I'm not really for clantags, but I see their usefulness.

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Basically that. I would have been for it in the past though, heh...
I suppose if we really want to, we could just change our names. Steam doesn't restrict that whatsoever as far as I'm aware.
Whether or not we make an official tag though, we should decide on which tag would be preferable for people who do decide to use one. Personally, I don't like it being 'nerd' because...you know. It could be seen as having some other meaning without the 'nu'.
'Nnu'? 'Nenu'? nenunenunenu Actually, that one might be a bad idea.
Capitalization's worth discussing, too. Capital placement can alter perception of the group.

Edited by Pyr0mrcow
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