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WIKI - "User commands" vs "List of commands" pages


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So I had begun to update the List of Commands page (http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/List_of_commands) when I noticed that at the bottom it had a link under "See Also" to the User commands page (http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/User_commands). After looking through both of them, it occurs to me that these two pages could be considered redundant. I was wondering which one would be better to focus on, if the other should be deleted, and if anyone would like to assist me in the updating of that page, as my knowledge of S is incomplete and my knowledge of C is fairly lacking.

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Edit: Sorry, even though I said I would write a complete list, I can't. You would need a server or tech admin to do a complete list. There are too many commands and new one's being added, that even if I were to try, the list wouldn't be complete, Here is the previous forum post- http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/18916/outdated-user-commands-list#Item_25

Edited by coolgamerovr90
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