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[PMC] Mod perms on S


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Not sure if its just me, but I no longer have the perms to ban, kick or add notes to players. It also tells me I don't have perms to use /trace, however it shows up in chat after a bit of a delay.

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As I was saying when crock disconnected from Mumble: have you changed your name in-game recently? If you did, that's why shit's messed up for you. Perms are still somewhat tied to name, and certain things will break if you change it and they're not updated promptly. Namely, BungeeCord (which handles bans and kicks) and if we run our patch script to add or remove a player from perms without first updating your name there, it will completely remove you from perms.


So, PSA: don't change your name without notifying the techs. It will break your perms.

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