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Streamlining the community


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So this place is pretty active but not enough for 3 or 4 subreddits and Forums.


I think we should kill r/mcpublicofftopic and r/mcpubliccirclejerk or at least delist them. I don't think it looks great to have a bunch of dead boards. We should encourage that kind of stuff on the nerd.nu forums


I also think we should point the wiki to wiki.nerd.nu or a nerd.nu/wiki

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Guest Former Staff
I think we should kill r/mcpublicofftopic and r/mcpubliccirclejerk or at least delist them. I don't think it looks great to have a bunch of dead boards. We should encourage that kind of stuff on the nerd.nu forums


Just a few days ago I was taking a look through those subreddits. They are sparsely active with some fun topics (which would be perfectly at home here on the forums) and some discussions on playing games within the wider community which I understand is being co-ordinated on these forums too.

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I guess I don't understand the problem with having multiple avenues into Nerd, what exactly is the problem with this? Yes we have multiple areas but it all leads back to the same area it seems. The forums should be our main "hub" in my opinion, everything should lead to here, but I don't think that means deleting the other subreddits. 

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Like the name change and the logo it is about image and attracting people. It looks bad to have many duplicates of the same thing especially when they are dead. This isnt inviting and will not pique the interest of someone who stumbles in

The point is exactly the title, to streamline the community

It isnt a way into nerd. No one will ever start there. It could get in the way of future involvement. We do have new users coming into pve ans the subreddit. Anyone who does internet marketing knows you have limited clicks and attention spans though. If a user comes to mcpublic and is in a mood to chat they might click those and see boards that havent been updated regurlarly in years. We are lucky if those users make a second click

Edit: isuck at touchscreen typing

Edited by cdmrtbeok
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Guest Former Staff

I guess I don't understand the problem with having multiple avenues into Nerd, what exactly is the problem with this? Yes we have multiple areas but it all leads back to the same area it seems. The forums should be our main "hub" in my opinion, everything should lead to here, but I don't think that means deleting the other subreddits. 


This is a fair comment Dizney, I support the notion of having multiple avenues into the Nerd community and while I don't believe those subreddits need to be advertised, I don't think they should stop existing.


If we are to turn Cmdrtebok's proposal around for a second. Imagine that the r/mcpublicofftopic and r/mcpubliccirclejerk subreddits were not listed on the sidebar. My questions would then be 'Why would we want to add them to the sidebar? What value do they add to our community if they are largely un-used?'. In this situation, from my opinion the answers would not be in favour of adding them.

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If all the content that went onto the main sub was redirected to offtopic or circlejerk then the subreddit'd be dead too. I agree with closing them down. We're branching out into a wider gaming community, so off topic isn't really relevant anymore. It's sole purpose was for people within the community to post stuff that wasn't minecraft related. Obviously there's still submission rules on the main subreddit, but the three should be consolidated.

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