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[PMC] All The Events!


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Hey everyone, lately we have been thinking about ways for us to host more events in MC as the majority of events we have done have been outside MC or is a fundraiser. We came up with the idea of hosting weekly or biweekly events on the Event server, something like “Event Saturday.” The idea behind this is to have more events more often while providing diversity in events and bringing the community together to have a good time.

We are currently working on the first couple of events however we are in need of Arenas! We need your guys help in building multiple arenas for us to host these events in and to provide arena diversity. If you are interested in building an arena please reply here so that I may contact you with information about what kinds of arenas to build.

We also may hold a arena contest in the near future on C that players build for us to use, however we would like some special staff made arenas as well (such as holiday ones).

We would also like to hear any idea’s that you guys may have for these miniature events. We just ask that you keep them relatively small as they are meant to be a quick hour or two event that isn’t too hard to set up (such as PvP Game, UHC, Tiered Spleef, etc.).

We look forward to any help or ideas you guys can offer!

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Just a quick update/amend to the original post. We are not wanting to take away man power from building the fundraiser and are currently not seeking help for arena building. We are however still looking for any idea's that you may have for small events that we could use!  :smile:

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