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Staff Meeting Notes


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November/December 2017 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes
December 9, 2017 5:30pm EDT

  • Creative
    • Spleef is having a fairly decent turnout. Cadmins will continue alternating
  • PvE
    • Reminder that Secret Santa sign up ending today
    • Padmins have added Easy-sign at spawn to get treat
    • Discussion regarding grief and when/how to handle (stemming from a specific incident)
    • Testing new death message on dev currently - should be coming to P soon, this time around will have 450+ messages. 
    • Admin Hunt 
      • Catsenburg won the poll 
      • Padmins have rebuilt the event hub 
      • looking to have first hunt in January would like to have admins to visit arena soon to take a look around.
    • This week we reach golem soul target. Setting up villagers, looking for suggestions for special trades, otherwise will be going with list they have. 
    • Don’t forget to check out the change log for all things!
  • [Redacted] discussions for ongoing projects    
  • Minigames
    • No updates
    • Techs will look into adding more maps, its not very simple and take some time to put together.
    • Miscellaneous discussions regarding the future of minigames. No decisions made at this time.
  • Head Admins
    • Staffing
      • Spook6 has been added to staff today. 
      • One other candidate has been approached and will consider
      • Note to look out for staff candidates during off-peak time zones. 
      • General reminder to staff to comment on notifications as they come in so they can be acted on timely.
      • Reminder to staff to watch for modreqs on creative so they don’t sit.
  • Open Floor
    • Updates requested on a tech project. Heads will try to get an update for the next meeting.
    • Zomise has updated advertising banners, some were not able to be claimed previously, zomise will need to provide an update for the next meeting.
    • All the verses will be released before buzzie’s gets busy. 
    • Please continue to add thoughts and ideas for the 2018 Fundraiser to the Forum
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  • 2 weeks later...

January 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes

Saturday January 20th, at 5pm EST.


Creative - Brief Update

  • Hollifer has rejoined the Cadmins, Welcome back Hollifer!
  • Usage is going up
  • Spleef, weekly build, and speed build are still going, currently going through suggestions and working on other events. (defiex requested pics of events for Instagram)

PvE - Brief Update

  • Upcoming events:
    • Player events - Tabula Rasa is currently working on the PvE Olympics
    • Valentines Events  - see the subreddit for details
    • Admin hunt - being held tonight after Speed Build
  • There is a new document regarding protection requests


  • Zom and buzzie were not present
  • The event has been revealed through small events across multiple platforms and was announced

Ongoing Projects


Head Admins

  • Mod Nominations and new staff discussion
  • Open floor discussion with staff on the state of the Nerdnu community and future goals
  • Fundraiser planning will begin soon ™
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  • 1 month later...

February 2018 Staff Meeting Notes

Saturday February 24th, at 5pm EST.

  • Creative

    • Rev 33 update

      • Next revision - Discussed ways to keep players active.

        • Current rev started Oct 14, 2017

      • Holli thinking of making a PSA post to help spread the word to C players what admins will support and help them with

      • Staff suggested other possible events for C including tours and cooperative builds

  • PvE

    • Rev 21 update

      • Nightoak - March 10th, 3pm Eastern time.

      • Tic & Ice's fireworks - March 9th, 8pm Eastern time.

      • End of revision zombies and chaos. We will be releasing more details about this event in future. This event is being made possible largely due to redwall's efforts.

    • Rev 22 update

      • Reset happening on March 16th. Theme is archaeology.

  • 6k

    • Discussion about progress

  • Other

    • Discussed other projects in the works

  • Head Admins

  • Mod Nominations/New Staff

    • Welcomed new staff and discussed more nominations

    • Recruitment criteria for upcoming month

      • Feel free to nom anyone you think would be good

    • Help Wanted

      • Send pictures to defie for instagram

  • Open Floor

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  • 4 weeks later...

March 2018 Staff Meeting Public Notes

Saturday March 24th, at 5pm EDT.


  • Creative

    • Rev 33 update

      • C is doing well

      • Discussion regarding plug-ins

      • Still discussing rev lengths

      • Suggestion: use the end as “Space” on c

        • there’s a separate space world

  • PvE

    • Rev 22 update

      • Player counts have been good the beginning of this rev, average playtime seems to be up

      • Thanks to staff that helped prepare the map for the new revision

      • Discussion regarding moderation requests and mod training

      • Suggestions should be resolved soon™

      • Discussion on events, gameplay, and game performance on P

  • Discussed other projects in the works

  • Head Admins

    • Fundraiser Update

    • Mod Nominations/New Staff

    • Recruitment criteria for upcoming month

    • Help Wanted

  • Open Floor

    • General discussion about being more welcoming and helpful to new players.

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  • 1 month later...

April 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes 
 Saturday April 28th, at 5pm EDT.


  •  Rev 33 update
    • Made a post about the revision, so everyone knows that it's going on a bit longer
    • Things are going pretty well
    • Barlimore mentioned he likes the reddit posts Holli has been making with shaders and such


  • Rev 22 update
    • A few more moderators trained up this week 4
    • Land Claim Grief
      • Discussion on how to handle this type of request.
    • A number of changes from the tech team since the last staff meeting, including:
      • Signtext for players on P (thanks pez)
      • A few handy moderations to some older commands we use to restore pets (thanks pez)
      • An update to easyrider, incorporating a number of past suggestion box requests from players - there's a link on the forum if you haven't noted the changes yet (thanks totemo).
      • On a similar note, bermuda has been working on a possible fix for the issues players are having with drops from the dragon. Hopefully if it goes well, drops should be able to be received directly in the player inventory upon dragon death.
    • Note: We've spent countless hours discussing feedback so far this revision. At least largely in part due to the survey feedback, which we've since responded to. A number of the suggestions found Didy and myself in disagreement with one another on the course of action, so we had to hold additional meetings throughout the past two weeks to further those discussions, before reaching team decisions.
    • Reminder of the ongoing poetry competition - grand prize includes a fortune IV pickaxe.
    • Discussion of bringing new padmins to the team

Tech Admin Updates

  • A new member - Bermudalocket!


  • Paused due to some technical issues

Ongoing Projects

  • [redacted]

Head Admins

  • Fundraiser Update
    • Dungeon builds until June 1
    • Bard working on map
  • Mod Nominations/New Staff
    • Check the forums you lazy bums
    • Recruitment criteria for upcoming month
    • Keep eyes open and nominate when you see someone

Help Wanted

Open Floor

  • Plan on C training after next month’s meeting
  • Logblock Training/Practice
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May 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes 

Saturday June 2nd, at 5pm EDT.


  • Going smoothly
  • Waiting for Dumbo to add traincarts


  • 24 people have completed the maze and claimed the prize, padmins continue to keep an eye on the progress. 65 people have started the maze, which is a good turn out.
  • Poetry competition was won by buzzie 71, 32 valid poems were received from fun to sad.
  • [redacted]
  • Progress made in future events and further the story line going on. Will be a large effort for us to put together.
  • Lost Slime Golems are still available. Basic hide and seek around the map.
  • Other events are also in the plans.
  • Since the last meeting there’s been a team increase, currently 4 padmins and it has allowed some more relax time for all.
  • Map world is getting an update. Old map world maps are also returning. Lots of new plots.
  • The newest tech admin has done some very helpful work already for PvE: special thanks for the shulker box content logging upon death.
  • More trades at spawn, including decorative skulls
  • Hopper policy has been introduced after testing. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4921-new-policy-regarding-hoppers/
  • Rev mid point is arriving, so padmins will be seeking feedback in the coming weeks, in the form of a subreddit post and forum topic for preparation of rev 23. We will also be reviewing feedback we have already received this revision from the suggestion box, survey and elsewhere before making decisions for Revision 23.
  • It’s likely that rev 22 will remain on 1.12 since the technical changes are so big, however the aim is that rev 23 would be on 1.13 (or the current version at the time) if it’s out.


  • Discussed ongoing technical issues and progress made. 

Ongoing Project

  • Minor updates and testing still to be done.

Head Admins

  • Fundraiser
    • [redacted]
  • Mod Nominations & Needs
    • Please go vote
    • EU evening, early US afternoons could use more staff.

Help wanted

  • Nothing currently, but fundraiser things will go up soon

Second box down temporarily

  • Mumble got moved to another server
  • Dev servers, build and wiki are currently down. 

Open Floor

  • Hollifer: if anyone needs any C training or refreshers i'm pretty in the swing of doing that, you're welcome to hit me up pretty much anytime im online
  • [redacted]
  • June staff meeting will be June 30th, time pending
    • Sir_Didymus: Can I request that public staff meeting notes are brought up to date - I don't think I've seen them recently? Answer: Yes
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  • 9 months later...

June 2018 Staff Meeting

  • Creative
    • Trial run for group build event held. Went well. Another similar group build event to be planned.
    • C wiki update planned.
    • Modreq list expected for wiki so users know who can complete various requests.
    • Feedback thread expected in the next ~month.
    • Updating to 1.13 or waiting for new rev? Discussed, but no finalized answer.
  • PvE
    • Events held
    • Mapworld expanded
    • Wiki updated
    • mod guide updated
    • upcoming events discussed
    • suggbox responses
    • new rev planning
  • 6k
    • 1.13 issues
  • UHC
    • nothing new
  • Head Admins
    • Mod nominations & needs
    • Fundraiser
      • planning update


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July 2018 Staff Meeting

  • PvE
    • Rev Prep
    • Events next week
  • Creative
    • feedback poll open until early sept
    • updating to 1.13 as soon as possible
    • rev prep
    • building contest for speedbuild/spleef
    • group build as event
  • Minigames
    • future plans?
  • 6k
    • in progress
    • 1.13 testing
  • UHC
    • In progress but delayed by other project
  • Head Admins
    • Mod nominations and needs
    • Help wanted
    • Head admin search
    • fundraiser
      • current finances
      • event update
  • open floor
    • Suggestion box disclosure update
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September 2018 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Welcome new padmins
    • help wanted
    • HR
  • PvE
    • Rvw'd recent padmin meeting
    • end of rev ideas/planning
    • rev prep
    • 1.13
  • Creative
    • Rev prep
    • Creative events updates (weekly build, group build, spleef & speed builds)
    • Ideas
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January 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head admins
    • Mod nominations and needs
    • Lobby Contest tbd
    • HR
  • PvE
    • State of PvE on 1.13
    • Dragon Fight
    • Events
    • Protections
    • Villager lag
  • Creative
    • Speed build arena contest
    • Creative Training
    • State of FAWE
    • Cadmins
    • mods
  • Minigames
    • ideas
  • open floor
    • next meeting dates discussed
    • Other games
    • Villager lag
  • Tech Admins
    • state of hardware
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February 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head admins
    • Mod nominations and needs
    • changelog
    • Head admin meeting notes
  • PvE
    • Protections
    • Villager Lag
  • CreativE
    • Speed build arena contest
    • lobby contest tbd
    • creative training
    • state of FAWE
    • mods
  • Minigames
    • ideas post made
  • Fundraiser 2019
  • open floor
    • Forum Questions
      • Fundraiser
      • BANS
    • Financials
    • Public Staff Meeting Notes
  • Tech Admins
    • State of hardware
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  • 1 month later...

March 2019 Staff Meeting


  • Head admins
    • Mod nominations and needs
    • changelog
    • Head admin meeting notes
    • [redacted]
  • PvE
    • Upcoming Events
    • Training updates
    • COLLECT ALL THE THINGS continues!
    • Modreq handling clarifications
  • Creative
    • Weekly build returns
  • Minigames
    • ideas post made - deadline April 13th to respond
  • Fundraiser 2019
    • Planning continues!
  • open floor
    • Forum Questions
      • Fundraiser
      • BANS
    • Financials
    • Public Staff Meeting Notes
  • Tech Admins
    • State of hardware


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April 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head admins
    • Fundraiser Planing
    • Discussion re: Ban Appeals and updated how-to for staff on how to respond to a ban appeal
    • Spring Cleaning on the Forum starting int he Private Mod Chat/Admin to clean up old posts which includes
      • Moving old posts to "closed status"
      • categorizing old posts (staff meeting vs staff cleaning vs fundraiser planning and so on) in the closed status section
    • Return of old staff to current staff: Marting11


  • PvE
    • New Moderation Guide updates
    • Review of Easter Event (Currently ongoing)
    • Review of upcoming events
    • Next Rev Pre-planning to begin son
    • Quick discussion about 1.14 and when to expect PvE switchover to it.  no plans to move to 1.14 during current revision.


  • Creative
    • Discussion about updating to 1.134 and testing of FAWE


  • Open floor
    • Discussion about list of plugins
      • old list on wiki
      • more current plugins on GitHub
      • List of plugins is not a secret, though some of the live-configs info is not shared for game-play reasons.
    • Clarification of the rule regarding impersonation - rule covers player impersonation rather than just staff impersonation
    • Lobby Contest Update - waiting on 1.13.2 on C before going live with the contest.
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  • 3 weeks later...

May 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • announcing chaos 1.14
    • staff update on fundraiser planning/work
    • returning staff request discussion
    • head admin search - thank you for suggestions, currently discussion submissions
  • PvE
    • events discussions (ongoing and upcoming)
    • New Revision Discussion/planning
    • discussion about bots on PvE
    • End of revision activities discussion
    • staff training area updates
  • Creative
    • no new updates (has been only two weeks since last meeting)
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  • 2 months later...

June 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser planning update
    • Minigames replaced with Chaos
  • PvE
    • New Revision planning update
  • Creative
    • 1.13 testing is ongoing
  • Tech Admins
    • 1.14 for PvE testing
    • 1.13 for Creative testing


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  • 4 weeks later...

July 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Funraiser planning update
    • Chaos updates and future looking
    • nerd.nu website updates
    • Modreq's & You!  on both C & P - notes about training and completion
  • PvE
    • Revision 24 has begun and staff related updates
  • Creative
    • Spleef night upcoming!
    • 1.13 Still being tested (note 8-10-2019 - creative has since upgraded to 1.13!)
  • TechAdmins
    • Welcome back Dumbo!!
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August 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser planning update
      • Pvp, Minigames, PvE type activities being planned and details about each.
  • PvE
    • Restart times still being fiddled with
  • Creative
    • 1.14 planning, maybe new rev soon?
  • Techadmins - nothing new this meeting



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  • 4 weeks later...

September 2019 Staff Meeting (held first weekend of October)

  • Head Admins
    • Discussed upcoming staff meeting dates (happy holidays!)
    • Fundraiser Wrapup - thank you!!
    • NOT THE BEEES! - Chaos update - working on getting the newest snapshot up on chaos
  • PvE
    • Thank you for the hard work on getting modreqs done!
    • Weekly Friday Events - New to PvE
    • Admin Hunt was a success! Had participation from all the timezones.
    • Discussed ways to raise player count for all servers.
  • Creative
    • Weekly event tonight! SPLEEEF! (speedbuild is next week)
    • [redacted] More news coming soon!
  • Tech Admins
    • No new news at the moment - Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech Admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech
  • Openfloor
    • Discussion platforms
      • mumble vs discord
      • slack vs discord
      • subreddit vs forums
      • Nerdnu Branded game nights -
      • HR


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  • 2 weeks later...

October 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Post Fundraiser Posts coming this week!
    • Chaos snapshot server is up and running, go visit the bees!
  • Pve
    • Friday Funtime Events are going well!
    • Halloween Celebration went well!
    • If you hear of any players that wish to run an event, let the Padmins know!
  • Creative
    • Training refreshers for Mods discussed
    • [redacted]News coming soon!
    • Halloween Contest is still on! See the subreddit:  https://redd.it/djga6g
  • Tech Admins
    • No new announcements at the moment. - Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech
  • Open Floor
    • Halloween Town review
    • End Dragon issues discussed
    • Shulker issues discussed


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  • 1 month later...

November 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Post Fundraiser Feedback thread was posted and pumped! Please take a look!
  • PvE
    • Weekly Friday Fun Night events are going well!
    • Discussed Late Rev Feedback thread(coming soon)
    • Discussed slow times of day and moderator coverage
  • Creative
    • [redacted] News coming soon!
    • Training refreshers discussed
  • Tech Admins


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