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The "News and Announcements" Section Could Stand to Be Used


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Wasn't sure whether or not to post here or in Problems and Issues.


I've noted that despite the large amounts of official update/announcement posts on the subreddit in recent times, not a single one has been cross posted to the forums where they wouldn't be buried as quickly. I still think that the subreddit is great for visibility and such announcements could still be posted there, but aside from the initial 2 threads made at the forum's inception, the "News and Announcements" section is still empty.


At this point I'd say either start using it or remove it.

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I keep forgetting we even have that section of the forums. I'm putting off the Survival update post I intended to make today until tomorrow when I can finalise some details with totemo, but i'll make sure to cross-post it there and i'll add all the previous posts i've made as of late as links as a sort of archive. I'll do the same when we announce the next round of chaos. Thank you for keeping us well organised on this front, I know you've prompted similar use of the forums elsewhere that many of us have forgotten about.

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  On 8/4/2013 at 2:00 AM, JohnAdams1735 said:

I've moved the Survival Rev. 22 post to News and Announcements (and added it to the calender!).


We can bug a tech at some point soon to get it so Server Admins can add posts to that area for new Revisions and the like.

Thanks :smile: I am glad to see that the calendar is being used again!

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