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Changes to Moderation on Creative


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  • Players can now place their own fire using /i fire or using flint and steel.  WorldGuard has been configured to notify when either is placed.
  • Item frames and TNT can now be placed by moderators when requested with /modreq.
  • C now has a jail set up (Cyotie911's Big Box-O-Shame).  The commands for that are /jail <player> and /release <player>, which unmutes them and sends them to spawn (or alternatively /unmute <player> and /tphere <player>).  Region flags for that are currently set so that players are muted, in addition to the muting that occurs automatically with /jail.  There may be some additional work needed on the /jail command to allow players to /msg without being able to escape jail with /spawn or /home.  I will investigate in due course.
  • With 1.6.2 I've added the new ModMode plugin to C as well.  Both moderators and admins can use it and it brings the following benefits:
    • It remembers where you last were and puts you back there when you leave ModMode.
    • It maintains a separate inventory for ModMode, so you don't have to shuffle items in your hotbar when doing moderator tasks.
    • It logs your ModMode edits under modmode_<playername>, making it safer to do small rollbacks on yourself when you have to make temporary edits during moderator tasks.
    • You will show up as ModMode in /list.

You don't have to use ModMode, but it's very handy and there are few disadvantages to using it.  The one disadvantage is for admins: at the time of writing, admins who use ModMode will find that they don't have access to admin-only commands like /ab while in ModMode.  I'm still weighing my options for how we should fix that.

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We were given an almost immediate rundown on the flint and steel and fire WorldGuard warnings when the server updated, and I noticed that when people used the flint, both warnings popped up (spamming our screens with double effectiveness).  I suggested at the time to buzzin that perhaps the flint and steel warning be disabled, since the fire warning pops up anyway when it's used, making the flint warning unnecessary.

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Guest Former Staff
  On 8/18/2013 at 4:42 PM, ROCKONN said:

Fire isn't currently leaving any logs on C, we should amend this asap


Works after tracing the person who placed fire if this helps for a fix.

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