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Posts posted by jllmprrt

  1. Avada- I doubt we'll make a new category. I think this is really more of a fad in the sense that we're getting several now and it will calm down in a week or two. If it continues to be a high volume thing we'll take a look at organizing them in to another forum section.

    I think people saw one person do it and also started doing it. That's why I did it at least lol
    • Upvote 1
  2. Hey there jllmprrt,

    I have gone ahead and removed the note about combat logging. As for the note about the homophobic sign I have informed Troop about it and if he wishes to remove it then he will do so.

    Note that was removed:

    Note #33880 for jllmprrt on c.nerd.nu: Warned for logging to avoid combat by Tharine on 2013-08-30T23:50:34

    Thanks, I forgot to put that in the title of the post

  3. Rev 14 wasn't like this. For some reason the server is having extreme issues balancing any kind of load or stress. It eventually results in either a complete server crash, or a kick of a random 50% of the players.

    I used to work for an ISP and if a core router experienced a load balancing issue it would display the EXACT SAME KIND of behaviour.

    Yeah I'm also confused at the massive kick of players every so often. Usually the server gets ddos attacks at the beginning of the rev, but after that usually we're good for the rest. Can an admin weigh in on this?

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  4. While this is true, the gamecube adapter doesn't support brawl titles, so players wouldn't be able to use the gamecube controller. I also think this is the case for the game pad and pro controller, but I haven't tested them yet

    Oh ok. Also is there an online function to pm? The only one I found says discontinued

  5. It's been described by some staff as being against the rules when the context its used in is negative...just hard to say what's negative and what's not since people have different opinions, I guess. The comment looks simple enough, you were stating something that was pretty much already said, but then there's the possibility of people seeing it as negative just because the word gets so much flak.

    Thoughts on this subject plz.

    Yeah this is about it. I feel like when people say things like "that's gay" or "ur gay" then it would be used as a slur in that context, however if you are referring to a relationship between two men and two women or whatever, then it is obviously not a slur. That being said, we could all lighten up a little about the whole gay thing, as general chat is... interesting enough already

    • Upvote 2
  6. I think we're more likely to see inert TNT before functional TNT on P. https://nerd-pve.uservoice.com/forums/275987-general/suggestions/6813273-implement-aesthetic-only-tnt-no-block-damage-no

    Buzzie says that tnt is still on the table even though they have had some issues. There was another post on that uservoice page about functional tnt, but it appears to be gone now - I'm not certain if the padmins responded to it or not.

    That was also my post lol. I may be crossing some lines but I really feel like this method would prevent griefing and give aid to those hard working land clear people. I'm no world guard expert so maybe this isn't do-able
  7. I think if such a thing where to be implemented, it would have to be in an enclosed area to prevent TNT cannoning into different regions or collateral damage (as in damage to player not environment) 

    If the tnt was cannoned, ideally it wouldn't blow up wherever it was going to.

  8. I had an idea that we could just allow TNT to blow up in a region. Like you would make a region and then allow TNT to be blown up in that area. This would be a nice system because it would prevent abuse of TNT, as mods would be able to discern whether or not it's a safe location for the TNT to go off.


    Leave comments/suggestions below

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  9. I think the villagers don't pick up crops if every crop in the area is fully grown. You may have to get them going by breaking and replacing some of the crops. Also since the villager breeder is in the end, it isn't always loaded and that may cause some problems.

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