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Posts posted by GMMan

  1. I'm making this thread so we can make progress on figuring out Rev 25's storyline.


    Here are the facts:


    1. At spawn, there is a crime scene with Dumbo52's head on the ground. In this room is a button, which opens a hatch under the block of lava. The room it leads to is made of bedrock and obsidian, with various signs around saying "the end", "the end is near", "the end is soon", "we are watching", "i'm watching", and "the final page". Also present in the room is an odd creature, composed of a coal block, two trapdoors on the sides, a lever on the bottom, and a comparator with its switch up and facing the back on top of the block.

    2. In the rule book (/rulebook), on page 76 ("the final page"), is a two part code, the top being ASCII characters described in hexadecimal digits and the bottom a set of codes marked with "P", "L", and "W".

    lOUz7t3.pngThe bottom codes were interpreted as page, line, and word from the book. The top code is revealed to be "October 1st c: -39(0) c: -121(9)", and the bottom "you cannot stop the End".

    3. Interpreting the top code from the last page of the rule book, it indicates X chunk -39, block 0, and Z chunk -121, block 9. This translates to the location x: -624, z: -1926. It was reported that this was the bottom point of a stony valley, and nothing unusual was found at this point. Using a wooden sword on this area shows that it is region protected, and the region is named "theendisnear". Output from WorldGuard when running command "/rg info theendisnear":

    KayyriE.pngNotice the region has a parent region named "hq_transport_point". Running the command "/rg info hq_transport_point" displays the following output:


    4. On October 1, 2013, the following scene can be found at the region "theendisnear":

    8Ri8zcK.pngPresumably, a meteor with a composition of Netherrack, red stained clay, and obsidian crashed to the ground from the southwest direction. Further up the mountain and towards the east, a hallway can be found blown out from the side of the mountain. Signs on the right say

    Welcome to the Creative Rev 25 Storyline! Can you save the revision before the end of the world? Can you work out what secret plot is unfolding? Only you can save the world. Follow the mystery ... Can you find the clue to where they go next?

    The hallway is made of obsidian, stained clay (purple and blue), random wool blocks (that are similar in color as the clay), and quartz. There is fire everywhere, and a lot of lava. At the left of the entrance is a security checkpoint, with two alternating on and off redstone torches inside, labelled as "emergency broadcast system". Immediately to the right of the checkpoint is two signs that say "Testing Facility Alpha", and "Please present ID Cards." Straight ahead is a door that says "to Research Lab 057". Turn to the left and there is a hallway that leads to three rooms, each preceded by glass mechanical doors. The left room shows some sort of machinery made of iron blocks, diamonds, and some type of slab. Multiple comparators can be seen on top of the machine. A terminal on the left side of the room says "[LOCKED] TARGET HAS REACHED 0", and another terminal on the right says "BEAM FAILURE [=WARNING=]". Beside that terminal on the right is a wall lined with redstone torches. The door for the center room is locked, saying "EMERGENCY DOOR Sector 3 Sealed". The wing leads to a bunch of offices. Office 01 belongs to Dr. Michael Mobin. Signs inside say

    We're getting out of here.

    I have no idea where the boss is going.

    But everything went well! Maybe now I can see my family again.

    Office 02 is locked, and belongs to Prof. Brendon Bentley. Office 03 is also locked, belonging to Dr. James Rollins. Office 04 is open, belonging to Dr. Ferry Corsten. Inside are these signs:

    Everything went to plan but we have no use for this place

    They organised a pickup at the Parent Regional area. And we're to report To report that this test went well. We're destroying the place now. We should be at HQ by the 9th of October

    Further down the hall is another sealed glass door, stating "EMERGENCY DOOR Sector 8 Sealed".

    5. Visiting the location indicated by region "hq_transport_point" ("Parent Regional area"), one finds a helicopter pad and a dock. There is a boat at the dock, and in a corner is a block that says "Life Ring". Checking the regions in this area indicates another region with the same area named "creative_story_01".

    6. On October 9, 2013, a helicopter can be found at the transport point. The boat has departed. Inside the helicopter is a sign that says

    The boss went back to HQ. But apparently they want me somewhere else. The helicopter will take off soon.

    Inside the helicopter cockpit are two signs: "NEW DESTINATION PROGRAMMED" and "GPS COORDS. DESTINATION RNTFI jbFnra4". An album of the location can be found at http://imgur.com/a/3cfBQ

  2. To clarify as to scope of data sent, the server sends the chunks in an x radius around the player. For PvE, this radius is 7 (thanks to slide23 for that info). To send all chunk data on PvE, you'd be sending (4000/16)2 chunks; 62,500 chunks at the same rate that you send the regular 225 -- (2x+1)2 where x = 7 -- chunks to each normal player. That's 277 times more data to that player than all others, effectively tripling the average PvE peak-time population (277 / 80).

    Sending all chunks at the same time seems overkill. I was thinking either the ones that are updated after an initial load or maybe if the mapping client as a player can fly to locations a carto user wants to see and load those chunks only.

  3. ModMode is dependent on the VanishNoPacket and TagAPI plugins. To you will also need the following permissions:

    - modmode.showvanished

    - modmode.unvanish

    - modmode.vanish

    - vanish.see

    - vanish.vanish

    Ah. I thought it was VanishNoPacket handling /vanish, not ModMode. No wonder I couldn't get it working.



    mod: 1x 280, 1x 345, 3x 16, 1x 269, 1x 268, 1x 8, 1x 10, 1x 51

    wool: 64x 35:0, 64x 35:1, 64x 35:2, 64x 35:3, 64x 35:4, 64x 35:5, 64x 35:6, 64x 35:7, 64x 35:8, 64x 35:9, 64x 35:10, 64x 35:11, 64x 35:12, 64x 35:13, 64x 35:14, 64x 35:15

    clay: 64x 172, 64x 159:0, 64x 159:1, 64x 159:2, 64x 159:3, 64x 159:4, 64x 159:5, 64x 159:6, 64x 159:7, 64x 159:8, 64x 159:9, 64x 159:10, 64x 159:11, 64x 159:12, 64x 159:13, 64x 159:14, 64x 159:15


    Some of the CommandHelper commands need to be located at the top level of the CommandHelper directory hierarchy in order to access data files.  These commands tend to be the most divergent between the servers.  There are at least three different versions of these top level scripts and it's probably been that way for years.  I have not yet had the time to combine them into a single version that can be checked in.  Although it's on my todo list.

    The wool/clay kits are bugged for me, only giving the main block types and not the variations. Maybe there was some new code not checked in?


    Edit: I also seem to be under the impression that there is a sign content notification system whenever a sign is created or destroyed. Is that correct, and if so how do I enable it?

  4. I spent the entire day today, finally making a good build of NerdBukkit and all plugins (exact versions) as running on the C server. It's been configured similarly to what you'd expect on the real C server. I would have liked an identical configuration, but of course they aren't available, so I approximated. Please point out which of my configurations are incorrect if you know something I don't.
    Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29365870/nerdbukkit-1.6.2_build_080313.zip
    How to use
    Unzip the file linked. Then unzip the rev you want to play as a folder named "world". The folder must be named "world" if you want the default configs to work right. Then open up a command prompt in the folder with the CraftBukkit JAR and type

    java -jar craftbukkit-1.6.2-R1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    to launch. Then join the server in your client (localhost).
    Making yourself a moderator
    In the server console, type the following:

    w world
    u <username_here>
    u setgroup moderators

    Then relog.
    Make the world read-only
    Type into the console the following:

    lolno blocks

    This will disable block creation/destruction, so you don't accidentally break stuff. It will be in effect until you run the command again. But you've got LogBlock, so what are you worried about?

    What doesn't work

    • Default CraftBukkit commands have been disabled. That means no /version, /pl, /ban/kick/unban, etc. I was too lazy to disable individual commands, and the main permission node for CraftBukkit commands don't seem to work as expected.
    • No banning features, since MCBouncer requires an API key (so is disabled), and the default CraftBukkit commands don't work. FishChecker does work, though.
    • LogBlock works, but you have to set up your own SQL server first. Check configs for username, password, and database name.
    • Clay and wool kits are present, but malfunctioning, along with various CommandHelper commands being missing, since they aren't in the NerdCH repository.
    • You can't log in properly as an admin. That is a feature. Which also means you will need to set options for NerdSpawn manually. The current one is set for rev. 24.

    So yeah, you could say it's a bit overkill, but I enjoy having the same environment to work locally as on the server.
    Version History
    October 3, 2013: Various fixes

    • Vanish works
    • Stick is bound
    • Rulebook placeholder text added and exported
    • LogBlock custom events enabled
    • Fixed some WorldGuard blacklist ignore-group problems
    • Clanchat and EasySigns added

    October 2, 2013: Initial release

    • Upvote 4
  5. Don't forget, all builds are also archived for posterity, as each rev is uploaded to mcp-dl.com for retrieval by players later. If you destroy someone's build, they won't be able to find it in the archives either. I sort of want to look back on my builds at a later date, even if I tend not to build as much anymore (waiting for new rev, that is).

    • Upvote 5
  6. we could offer xp levels as an incentive to voting.

    I dunno. At least on P XP levels are almost free. Maybe give people a cookie?


    I suppose I personally could make it a habit to vote before I join, but that gets tiring. I'm not sure if the voting should have a consistent volume each day. Can someone remind me what we hope to accomplish with Votifier?

  7. I thought it would be funny to make a program to pipe in-game-chat output through text to speech. If you've heard of Moonbase Alpha, you'll know how funny/annoying the chat in that game is. So here's one that uses Microsoft Speech API to speak the in-game chat. The server you're playing on must use '<' and '>' to delimit player names (e.g. in vanilla Minecraft and MCPublic).


    Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29365870/MinecraftChatSpeaker.zip

    Source: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29365870/MinecraftChatSpeaker_src.zip

    Requires Windows and .NET Framework 3.5.


    Usage: Click "Select..." and browse to your .minecraft folder. Then choose output-client.log. Click OK, then click Start. Play on nerd.nu. Each player will be assigned a random voice, if you have multiple installed. And only English voices are used. And you can't use "VW Paul", since the computer I wrote this on doesn't have a valid license for it (not my computer) and I excluded it from the list.


    Text box on the bottom is for testing purposes. Type a message that is in the same format as would be in game (i.e. "<playername> I'm saying crap.").

    Source code is messy and otherwise sucks. I'll work on it. What do you expect, it was whipped up in a couple of hours. Alpha version, don't expect customization.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Someone showed me yesterday that you can use /give on other users. The command could be useful for giving kits to people if they're in a construction crew, but could also be abused by filling someone's inventory with useless blocks. Considering we have /i, if the risk becomes too large, could /give be disabled?

  9. Someone mentioned ingame Rei's cave radar. http://cnation.net/cn/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5718 is a brief description of how it's enabled, and there's a picture at the bottom. Caving/splelunking. isn't a big thing on C, but this would be entirely client-side load, and would help us enjoy the caves that there are.

    That was me. I would primarily use cave radar to check on dig progress, and maybe for exploring if I managed to find a cave that's open from the ground. Aside from that, there's also player radar. It's already enabled on P, so I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be enabled on C. It would make it easier, at least for me, to see if anyone's teleporting in, since I keep my tpmode on allow.

  10. Nothing major here. I was logging in to Mumble from a new computer yesterday, and noticed the server's using self-signed (aka default generated) certificates. Considering nerd.nu does have a SSL certificate, why not use that for Murmur? I'm a networking noob, but assuming there are no problems with the allowed domains on the certificate, it should work on Mumble and there would be less doubts about the identity of the server (not as if there was any in the first place, but whatever).

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