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Posts posted by GMMan

  1. IMO Rei's is quite useful for its waypoint feature alone, and displaying coords without the rest of the debug data is quite useful. I usually can't remember where I last dug, and even if I could find it, I'd have a hard time getting back out. Rei's can act as a breadcrumbs system without notifying anyone else you have been there, if you use it properly.


    Question regarding OptiFine: what about the fog near bedrock? I have it turned off because I'm mostly on C and digging out a large block of stone is a pain if you can't see where you're going and what's left. I also have fog turned off in general because it's fugly.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I was going to ask this in that thread asking what the AMAs are doing here, but it's in mod discussions, so I can't reply. The question is, what sort of people can make AMAs? Is it limited to staff, or can anyone make an AMA? If not limited to staff, are there certain criteria to meet before starting one? Obviously not every single player should have an AMA due to crowding.


    BTW, spinoff suggestion: In addition to AMA for players, how about AMA for topics as well? Like building, surviving, mob protection, etc. Those who do it the best should answer. Of course, I can see it degenerating from a Q&A format into regular forum conversation, in which case it would be moved out of the AMA forum.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I was sort of thinking something like that video last MineCon to show how the server has grown over the years. With regards to presentation, I think it'd be nice if old maps could be imported into a 3D editing program and rendered at high resolutions, with camera animations and stuff like that.

    • Upvote 3
  4. I'd suggest shorthands for typing on different channels: instead of having to type out the full channel name (no tab-complete, remember?), assign each channel to a number, in the order they were subscribed to, so only the number needs to be entered to switch channels. Of course, it's more work for the server to keep track of stuff.

  5. Note that what I'm outlining is based on certain assumptions. As I don't have access to any stats, what I suggest may be way out there and unnecessary.


    I think the ClanChat system could be more accessible on C if there were a few public channels set up. Currently one has to create a channel and invite everyone or otherwise join a channel after being invited to use the system. I think it would be less work for everyone if there were a few public channels where each member of a roleplaying session only need to type one command to be joined into a channel. It'll also cut down on the number of orphaned channels if the roleplaying isn't between a close group of friends. One can type "/clanchat join roleplaying1" and be put on a public clanchat channel, and use clanchat as normal. After leaving for more than, say, 10 minutes, the player would be automatically unsubscribed. This way general players can quickly issue clanchat usage instructions instead of saying "type /clanchat and quit bugging us", and it'll be easier for roleplayers because they won't need as much coordination.


    (Or tell people to PM each other if they're only two players...)

    • Upvote 2
  6. I think this idea is great, much like muting offensive players instead of banning them. I don't think we even need to ask if they'd be willing, they will determine that for themselves.

    I volunteer the UnderTown dig on C as the worksite. The tunnel is planned to be endless.

    I propose it should work thusly:

    -mod types /prison <playername> for griefers that commit no other offense

    -/prison command teleports the griefer to the worksite

    -instructions at site state that their ban length will be shortened by 1 day for every 10K stone and dirt blocks broken. They must still appeal to be /unprisoned

    -/prison uses the same system that prevents people from going beyond the map borders to limit them to the worksite

    -/prison causes any block placed to autokick the griefer and rollback the last edit, just like our TNT autokicking.

    Can a tech tell us if this is possible?

    In my opinion digs shouldn't be treated strictly as prisons. As buzzinbee mentioned above, players do like to dig themselves too. I dug out a large chunk of UnderTown, and I wasn't under any obligation to do so. Only give instructions as a private message or mail, and for everyone else it'll be like nothing ever happened. Of course, sites may get a bit of notoriety if people start noticing...

  7. Well as fun as that idea sounds, i dont think that it would work.

    Why ? simply because of thesereasons:




    • They need to log in to carry out their sentences
    • Most griefers got Alt Accounts
    • The Community probaply wouldnt trust them enough to let them "help"


    Dont get me wrong i like the idea of having them contribute to the server, but we cant force them to do so.

    Ah, I forgot about alt accounts. I would treat it like a regular ban, except they are still allowed to interact with the server on a limited basis.


    Why do we need this? What is so wrong with our current system that it needs changing?

    It's not that there's anything wrong with the current system. It's just an alternative that could potentially be useful. Give the illusion of choice, you know.

  8. I suggest using making griefers serve community service on C. As you may know, there are usually a couple of massive dig projects going on at any given time, and since griefers like to destroy stuff, we might as well put their destructive powers to some good use. What I suggest is to create a special user group for them, and limit their build powers to certain regions that need clearing. If possible, prevent them from placing blocks as well, and only allow them to destroy blocks. That way they can't reverse grief and all that they do can only be considered constructive. When a player is discovered griefing, put them in the jail at spawn, and give them the option of either being banned or doing community service. If they choose community service, add them to the griefers group and warp them to the area that needs clearing. They will still have the option of appealing the ban. The end result is either they get bored and quit the server, or they become helpful.


    I understand the way griefers usually operate is to make a mess of others work to make themselves feel good, and while this idea doesn't accommodate for the lava pouring type, at least it'll work for those who merely need to vent some anger.

    • Upvote 2
  9. nerd.nu/beepboop/ apparently does not exist any more. It was working last night, though. Also, the forum's performance is generally poor. The amount of time it takes to load a page ranges from instant to never (502 Bad Gateway).


    (Also, in admanta's words, the game.)


    Update: Images seem to be back, though the site's still running slow.

    Update 2: Things seem normal now.

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