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Hi all - To add on to what Barlimore and Cmdrtedok have already said so nicely... Ban appeals should be public. That reflects the server's stated policy of transparency and fairness. And, as both Barli and Cmdr pointed out, appeals shouldn't be a spectacle. If the appeal process is followed as-is, there should be nothing embarrassing about it. If there is really a "concern" that the content of historical ban appeals are embarrassing or in some way harmful if able to be viewed by the public, then the answer isn't to shove the posts under the rug like they never happened. What should be done is to either change how ban appeals are conducted (while leaving them public) and/or conselling staff members that are not handling ban appeals up to snuff. Lastly, to address those that may be viewing historical ban appeals for entertainment... If that's how somebody wants to spend their time, let them and forget about it. However, if they make a poor choice to harass the previously banned player, that's a violation of rule #1 and the harasser should quickly find themselves on that ban forum which they were so eager to read...
OleToothless account note appeal [Herr_Fawkes]
OleToothless replied to OleToothless's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
48 Hour bump. Thanks, OleToothless -
I received a warning from Herr_Fawkes and a note was placed on my account for not replanting what appears to be row of potatoes at the Rose villager center. I spoke with Silversunset via mumble to determine the cause, as I was stunned by the warning flashing on my screen. Silver informed me that a modreq was placed which lead to the edits being rolled back, a note being placed on my account, and a warning set. I am appealing the note and would like it removed. I'm a veteran player who is well known on the server. I know and respect the server rules. It should be obvious that I accidentally skipped that potato bed when I was using the farms, as I'm sure if the logs are checked I replanted all the other ones. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the potatoes not being replanted, and will extend my apologies to the Rose mayors via PM. This gardening oversight was certainly not intentional and as such, considering the scale of the incident, do not believe an MC Bouncer note is warranted, and would like it removed from my account. Thanks, OleToothless
This is an interesting throught, Random. I know I wrote the massive post up above but the more I think about this issue, the more conflicted I am. I think my biggest beef with the current setup was the fact that there are a limited number that you can claim, rather than doing any work. That's just plain lame. A rev without any iron grinders could be interesting. Do you want to know what people did before iron grinders, villagers, and OP enchantments? They went out and traded for stuff, or asked for help. You know, actually collaborating with people and not pretending it's singleplayer?
Hi all - good discussion here, and a great topic to look at in greater depth. My thoughts, if I may share, but first some definitions: 1. Iron Golem Spawner = IGS. This is just the spawner block. 2. Iron Golem Grinder = IGG. This is an apparatus that manipulates either a game mechanic or a server plugin to generate iron independent of direct player interaction. Ok that said... Obviously we all know that IGGs can be built in vanilla Minecraft by manipulating how villagers and villages work. This has been a part of the game for long enough that it is an accepted and indeed expected feature. We as a community have decided, some tacitly and some intentionally, that IGGs are something that will exist on this server, whether any given player likes it or not. That should not be something that is discussed. Arguments based on the premise that iron can be acquired just as well by mining are not relevant; mining does not replace what IGGs do, nor do IGGs replace mining. While one may argue that mining is a significant portion of the game and more so than IGGs, neither option should be removed from play. So let's not inflame this discussion with comparisons of mining efficiency, effort vs reward, and e-peen competitions. Then the technical factor comes in and wrecks what would be a naturally self-limiting issue, determined simply by in-game mechanics. Enter the IGS. On the surface, an IGS is a great solution to the technical realities our server faces. The thousands of entities necessary for typical server-wide IGGs in previous revisions were eliminated, the carto map was uncluttered of the myriad cobblestone towers and water pools that floated above beautiful builds below, and an astounding amount of unique and efficient contraptions for manipulating IGSs to create IGGs appeared in both towns and individual builds. There are distinct server benefits from IGSs regardless of your opinion on iron generation. But the question became, what should the requirements for obtaining an IGS be, and how can it be balanced to approximate vanilla conditions? The first attempt at IGS implementation was based on resource gathering, including blocks and mobs. An attempt to replicate the dimensional properties of vanilla IGGs was present as well, as the IGS blocks had to be placed certain distances apart, roughly equivalent to the shapes created by vanilla breeding pods. Lastly, a tier system was incorporated to both provide more playable "content" by granting increasingly powerful IGSs in exchange for extra resources, and to give a sense of gameplay balance as IGGs built by individual and smaller towns were never as productive as the monstrous contraptions built by larger towns and cities. However, players had a few issues with the first generation of IGSs. Some of the resources required were exceedingly rare (emerald ore blocks) and the entire system received mixed reviews from the player base. The second IGS implementation removed the spatial requirement and changed the rate at which IGSs produced golems. Combined with a less robust rail infrastructure than previous revisions due to the advent of the elytra, and the exceeding prevalence of IGGs with the new IGSs, iron was extremely plentiful with the revised second IGS system. So much so that players stopped considering it a scarce resource and started treating it like wood in that it was easily replaceable, renewable, and disposable. Accordingly, another change would be required to reinforce the balance of iron generation that exists in vanilla Minecraft. The third IGS incarnation that we have this revision is an attempt to limit both iron production and IGG creation with the intent of returning scarcity to iron as a resource. To simulate the appreciable effort, planning, and materials required to build a vanilla IGG, it was determined to limit the total number of IGSs available on the map, and to place them distant to each other. Lastly, the acquisition of an IGS relied solely on claiming the block and negotiating territories. I think we can all agree that what I've typed above is in general, fact. Sorry about the wall of text, I just felt that a good handful of the comments in this thread were made out of context. Now, my thoughts on this IGSs: 1. The admins have done a great job attempting to create and manage an unwanted necessity of survival multiplayer Minecraft, including taking under consideration the opinions and experiences of so many differing players and play styles. Sorry, I have to brown nose a bit. 2. The objectives of server administrations should be player satisfaction, player retention/attraction, and fostering the community - not abject alignment with an ideal game state (ie, vanilla). That said, I believe the abilities to create and utilize an IGG are an integral part of this server. ANY decision that the admins make regarding iron generation is going to be met with opposition from some population of the server; not everybody is going to like the changes. This should be obvious, but I think it's always worth stating. Secondly, there's a lot of talk about sticking to, or not sticking to, vanilla Minecraft. While I understand the sentiment of being a vanilla server, the fact is that Nerd.nu is NOT a vanilla server. Putting on the blinders and chanting "vanilla or bust!" is not reasonable nor effective method of determining server policy. Instead, the focus should be goals mentioned above. 3. Current IGS availability does not reward player or community efforts - finding one of the IGS blocks has nothing to do with the resources a player or town gathers, the facilities they build, or the overall level of effort put into gameplay. This has undoubtedly and understandably frustrated many players. And while an argument can be made that big towns had the advantage in that they had more people on the map that could find one of the IGS and claim it, running across the map on day one hardly counts as effort warranting a "free" IGS in my book. This method of IGS creation was ill-considered and poorly executed. 4. Current IGS availability and iron generation have not created new positive gameplay experiences on the server, and have actually been a net negative to creativity and community interaction. There are presumably four IGGs on the map; personally I've only seen one. We lost all of the great IGG designs and unique functions that developed over the previous two revisions. And while I cannot substantiate this claim with any data other than my own experience, it feels like the iron shortage has curtailed the building of rail infrastructure, reducing the interaction between towns and players. 5. Limiting IGS distribution to prizes from events and competitions is unfair to certain groups of players, and discourages projects. Certainly there will be players that can't attend all or even some of the events and competitions that have been alluded to as the source of future IGSs. Either due to time zones, work, personal engagements, or technical difficulties, there are going to be folks that just can't make it online for a shot at getting an IGS. Sure, that might be alright if the player is part of a larger town or building group, but what about the folks that are out building by themselves that may want an IGS? As far as competitions go, are only players that are good at PvP, Spleef, treasure hunts, and decorating going to be eligible for IGS? I think this plan for distributing new IGSs is distinctly beneficial for frequent and influential players but can easily marginalize new, inexperienced, and busy player. 6. There is an IGS system in place, it can be changed, and we should not be afraid to change it. Sure it might frustrate players that have planned and built with assumptions made because of the IGS system we have right now, but change is an option. Of course, I don't think it should be something that is done lightly or hastily. 7. A change needs to be implemented that allows either resource exchange for an IGS, or allows IGS to be crafted by players, at any reasonable time. So, that's my conclusion. Sorry for word vomit, it just happened. Again, I'd like to say that our admin team does a great job coming up with novel solutions to the challenges our server faces and I'm exceedingly grateful for what they do. This particular change though, feels very backwards to me, and goes against our stated goals. TL;DR: Current spawner availability is luck based, doesn't reward players/towns for hard work, limits certain types of builds and systems due to artificial iron scarcity, has the potential to marginalize groups of players, discourages community involvement, and lastly - can be and should be changed. Love y'all, have a nice day! ~Tooflass
Hey all, Thanks for updating the rules page, Silver! Just a thought... Maybe organize the rules list so that the "most important" rules are at the top, and then have sub-headings for some of the more specific rules? e.g., Be Respectful and Civil Toward Your Fellow Players Be Respectful to the Server Do Not X-Ray/Cheat No Greifing No Trolling Then have headers like: Chat Rules: Building Rules: Redstone Rules: Harassment Policy: etc Seeing a list that long may make some potential players (or even veterans) hesitant to read through it.
Please remove them from the game. Stupid AF in my opinion. Only thing they are good for is farming bones.
Copied from my subreddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/4js8u1/pve_elytra_elevators_slime_blocks_and_ncp/ Hey All, I suppose I should begin this post by saying that I'm not trying to rock the boat or have a server-wide solution implemented for my personal satisfaction. The issues I raise here are pertinent to all players on PvE and PvP, more so now that both servers are running 1.9 and are entering/have entered new revisions. Additionally, the issues and considerations raised in this post are not "work arounds", quality of life fixes, or content that would make a traditionally complex Minecraft creation become mundane and inconsequential. That said... With the advent of 1.9 comes the Elytra, possibly the coolest new thing in Minecraft since Alpha. Players are going to want to fly, and players are going to want to build Elytra towers all over the map (see Archelon's post for references) and create a level of Elytra-based infrastructure similar in size and scope to what has previously been done with rails via CARTS/CARBON. These large infrastructure projects bring the community together in both their construction and use as players collaborate to gather materials, plan, and then travel to and from the various towns and builds together. Traveling the map and the way it has always been done in a community fashion on the Nerd.nu servers is part of what makes this a great place to play Minecraft. However, with this new mode of transportation comes a new problem: climbing Elytra towers. Climbing a ladder from from average ground height of y=70 up to the top of an Elytra tower at y=256 takes approximately 1:40. Water "elevators" are a bit slower. While this doesn't seem like a big deal, and perhaps it is a fair trade-off for the utility of flight. But this is Minecraft, and part of Minecraft is building elaborate structures that mimic both real life and fantasy. Players are going to build minecart systems to more quickly scale their Elytra towers. Then, players are going to want to slim down the transportation package;players are going to want to build elevators. Elevators work in Vanilla Minecraft. There are multiple types including simple push-out-push-up piston elevators, slime-car elevators, and slime block elevators: all of which work in Vanilla 1.9. NONE of these creations work on Nerd.nu's PvE or PvP servers. There are also several novelty creations such as player and minecart launchers that don't work on Nerd.nu servers. Why don't they work, you ask? The answer to that question is something I've tried to figure out for a while now, as I've built elevators on three revs (and of course none of them work). It was only recently that I figured it out. It's not latency or lag. That was my first area of inquest, as I figured the functionality of my elevators was hampered by the client-server-client latency that is required when using redstone contraptions that move the player. However, after watching multiple videos and live streams of players on other Minecraft servers build and use elevators and other redstone devices that don't work on our Nerd.nu servers, I ruled that out. I also conducted several tests utilizing my Minecraft Realm, which I actually connect to with DOUBLE the ping that I have when connecting to Nerd.nu: the elevators work on Realms. So on to the next thing... It is NOT a problem with tick rate. After testing with Silversunset yesterday, I can confirm that it is not tick rate, nor tick-rate expansion that prohibits the functionality of redstone elevators. During the testing the server tick rate at my test rate was consistently between 19 and 20 ticks per second (20 is standard in single player Vanilla). This is not enough to hinder redstone devices. Luckily, Silversunset clued me in to something else... Every time I tried to use my slime block test launcher, she (and the other mods/admins) were getting notices that a server plugging called No Cheat Plus+ (NCP) had identified me as potentially having hacks. This is due to the speed at which the player's character moves, particularly when not connected to a block (ie, flying). This pluggin, NCP, was arresting my character's movement and sending my character model back down to the ground rather than being launched by my slime block launcher. I contacted Totemo and informed him of the issue. Totemo had me continue to try test launches with my player launcher while he ran a few tests and changed parameters within NCP to allow this type of device to function. No success. I plied Totemo for suggestions and solutions, and this post is the result. Here are some quick facts: TL;DR: Facts and Issues A pluggin called NCP that stops cheaters from using flyhacks among other things breaks redstone elevators, player launchers, and several other devices. These devices are ALL fully functional and buildable in Vanilla 1.9. Latency, lag, tick rate, and tick rate expansion are not the cause of these devices breaking. Modification of existing config settings in NCP does not resolve the issue.** This issue is known to bukkit and NCP developers and has been an issue for a long time. It is directly related to the way that NCP records and monitors pistons. See this post for relevant information, including a summary from the devs that this functionality doesn't have an "easy fix" and is something that will be considered in the future (not now): http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/nocheatplus/tickets/364-block-changes-survivalfly-passable-pistons-also-slime/ Here are my two suggestions: 1. Players in our player base that are skilled with coding/programming take a look at NCP's guts and see if there is anything they can do to modify the program until the NCP devs get an official fix. Our tech admins, as awesome as they are, are completely swamped with the new revisions going into place as well as managing the servers as they normally do. They don't have the time to do this, if it even can be done. So I ask that any players that may have the time and skills to take on this task do so. Personally, I don't think this is feasible given the problems laid out by the bukkit team in the post I linked above. So... 2. Include a new Admin-placed block, similar to the Iron Golem Spawners of rev 17. Yeah, I know. Nobody wants to add new blocks. But hear me out! I think we can all agree that NCP is necessary to prevent cheaters, hackers, and griefers from harassing our server. NCP is REALLY good at that. I wouldn't want to disable the part of NCP that is causing the issue (survivalfly). NCP IS prohibiting a legitimate part of VANILLA Minecraft. The redstone elevators and devices that are the topic of this post aren't some kind of exploit. They are NORMAL Minecraft creations and I, for one, don't like the fact that a server mod hinders my creativity and enjoyment. New blocks have been added in the past without issue. They have been added for cosmetic reasons (see podzol, mycelium, double stone slab block, etc), functional reasons (iron golem spawners to decrease villager population issues), and just for fun (doppleganger mod). I see no rational reasoning that this consideration shouldn't be taken seriously. How would it work? I personally envision something similar to the current Iron Golem Spawners. Players collect resources and build a framework. A mod request is elevated to an Admin who places the unique block in the player-indicated position after check for (and then deleting) the required "donation". What would that look like? My elevators designs typically cost 2x sticky piston, 6x redstone, 1 repeater, 2 redstone torches, 8 immovable blocks, and one slime block per 5 levels of elevation gain. This would be prohibitively expensive and still make these elevators a "project". An additional benefit would be that the actual pistons and redstone required for either a functional elevator or a minecart system up to sky limit would be in place, reducing server load. I'll stop this wall of text with this. Obviously this is something I've been thinking about and researching for a while now; I hope that all of you will read, discuss, and consider my suggestion. Thanks for sticking in there and reading, OleToothless. TL;DR (for real): We need elevators for Elytra towers. A pluggin called NCP breaks elevators. NCP stops cheaters, so we want NCP. NCP might be fixable to allow elevators, but probably not. As an alternative, what if we had an "elevator block" that we could buy from admins like Iron Golem Spawners?
Iron grinders: Absolutely love how they are working out. I don't know about whether or not the changes are effecting lag, but new system is much easier to deal with as a player. I'll humbly admit that I'm not well-versed in the more complex capabilities of Minecraft, so it's pretty cool that I'm able to build one without understanding exactly what a village is or developing an item transport system, etc. I do think however, that the spawn rate of the golems could be turned down a bit... I believe they are at 1 every 6 minutes now - perhaps this could go to 7 or 8 minutes? The nether: I've really enjoyed the Nether this rev. It's nearly perfect. The biomes are WAY better than pinkish mass of the vanilla Nether. It would be cool to see more variety than the three that currently exist but not necessary by any means. The only thing that is slightly obnoxious is the mob spawning situation, making the location of wither skeletons less predictable. Quartz ore plumping was also VERY appreciated. Custom flora: It was a good idea. However, it was poorly executed. A few things: 1. Leaves didn't decay. Yeah I get it, bugs are bugs. To me it felt like it took too long to address/correct the issue but I also understand the admins are volunteers and do other things besides Minecraft. I wish the corrective process had been more transparent to the community at large - it was even more frustrating to keep hearing "we're looking into it" while I'm spending two hours making derp towers to get up in the sky to break residual leaf blocks, using up all my iron... Which leads to number 2. 2. The trees, while some of them do look nice, are NOT fun. The birch trees especially were absolutely terrible due to their height (which was a real problem with lack of leaf decay) and proximity. It was nearly impossible to walk more than 10 blocks in the birch forests without having to break a leaf block, at least before people started thinning the forests out. 3. World painter is not so good with elevation, especially the bigger trees. The dark oak glowstone trees that everybody is crazy about are the worst offenders (although the big oaks are bad too). They'll spawn with like 7-8 blocks of the base of the trunk off the ground, sometimes by as much as 3 blocks. Is there a way that trees can be sunk into elevation changes next rev? It's annoying to look at and annoying to chop. Portals: Perfect. This was a good compromise to all of the other suggestions put forward. Ore distributions: I would like more gold ore available, as it's the only major resource in the game that can't be obtained in an alternate method (reasonably, pigmen grinders still suck). Then again I never mine. MapWorld: Have not used it yet, but I plan to shortly... My space center will need cool signs. Terrain: Better than last rev, but still some things that could be tweaked a bit. There were a lot of forest biomes, which would have probably been better if the trees had worked out better. But, that meant less room for other stuff - only one mesa, one Savannah, and two deserts, all in close proximity. Would have been nice to have them spread out a bit more and/or more of them. The extreme biomes (mushroom island, ice spikes, ice plains) are pretty cool too, and I would have liked to have usable expanses of that terrain. The mountains are a great addition, very cool! Spawn: Spawn is great! While everybody likes a cool looking spawn, the point of playing Minecraft on a multiplayer server is to build stuff together - which doesn't happen with a pre-constructed spawn. Spawn should be a functional hub, not a massive centerpiece that steals glory away from all of the player-built builds. This spawn is really, really great in that regard. SUPER functional, not huge, not ostentatious, not ugly. Really good job and props to Silversunset for making it. The embassies are a cool idea, but everybody seems to have forgotten about them. I wonder if there would be someway to allow modification of the exterior of the buildings next rev? Custom mobs: Oh boy was Meowington a surprise the first time I was attacked by one... Great addition. Like others have said, I too would like to see more types of custom mobs, and better/unique drops. Hopefully 1.9 will give the admin team a lot more options to do stuff like this. /help: /help needs some work. I really like the idea because honestly who carries around a ruleboook, or even keeps it past day 1? I also think that it would be extremely helpful to include info about all the plugins and commands that are usable on the server, not just basic rules and stuff.
Ole Toofless wood liik to play, Ole Toofless love to play games. Ole Toofless thinks he will win with only snotguns and Socarch will cri bebe tears. Sign me up!
I think it's difficult to make sure that new players are aware of the rules and the consequences of breaking the rules when they start playing. I know that a lot of y'all on here are going to argue against what I'm about to say and that people should be more respectful/thoughtful/patient when they start playing a game, but hear me out. New players don't give a damn about the rules when the start in for the first time. And they shouldn't - from both their perspective and ours. New players should advance immediately to the game itself and begin to enjoy playing on the Nerd servers so that they have a desire to continue playing and a desire to stay in the community. This is a game that we play and when we start treating it like a job or put so many restrictions on it that it isn't fun, we are all playing it the wrong way. We've all seen the decrease in player base lately. I think that a decent part of this is because people are banned/punished for various infractions, they get upset, and say to hell with it, I'll play COD or find another server. This shouldn't be happening. I understand that we want to keep the servers respectful, considerate and constructive (both with blocks and the community), but forcing people out isn't the way to do that. What I'm arguing I guess is that we should be more inclusive rather than exclusive. A solution to both of these problems (new players not learning the rules right away and regulars/vets being banned and not coming back even to appeal) would require a couple of changes, but nothing so drastic. We have a good system. I personally have been banned and appealed, and now look, I'm playing again, and even trying to contribute to the community. It does work. I just think it could work better. So here's my four suggestions: 1. Rewrite the rulebook as others have said previously. Make it short and sweet, with a link to the rules on the wiki. I think it would be cool if we had a plugin that would pop up a message or something for the player when it leaves their inventory that notifies them they are held to the full list of rules on the wiki, just for a final dose of good measure. 2. Develop clever ways to teach the rules rather than enforce them. Positive reinforcement is generally better than negative in my opinion. For example, in the spawn room, make it impossible to exit unless you do a certain thing. And have the instructions for how to get out on the same sign that tells you a few basic rules. Maybe even have a little maze. That way, teaching the rules is constructive, positive, and maybe even a little fun. 3. Solidify a warning/ban system. I know that we have a policy regarding warning and bans already, but it isn't clearly followed. I know of/have heard about cases where a ban was given out very prematurely or without warning (on offenses that should have had prior warning) and then there's the cases where a player has been warned and warned, banned and banned, and they keep coming back and breaking rules again. It should be pretty simple: you get a warning for basically anything that's not cheating. Then, if you do it again, you get banned for x time. (obviously cheating/modding is auto ban). Right now, bans can feel like mob rule and that players are subject to the will of the mods/admins, rather than the rules. It can honestly feel very condescending. But if the system is known and actually followed, I think that would seriously reduce some of the drama we get. 4. Clearly present the purpose of the rules and consequences. This is going to sound like semantics to most of you, and some of you will probably disagree with me. But I think that one of the worst things that are done with rules on any server is when violation of the rules is expressed in the terms of doing something "wrong" versus doing what's "right". It dictates a morality. Instead, it should be communicated that "a rule was broken" and a "rule was enforced". I don't think any mods represent the rules poorly, but I think it can be done more positively. I think that making it clear that the offender isn't necessarily doing something wrong, but HAS violated the conditions of playing on the server would decrease the drama around here and allow mods to put the impetus of any punishment on the rules, rather than on themselves for enforcing the rules. Make sense? Again, I don't think any mods are going up to people they banned or warned and saying "hey, that was wrong to break all those carrots. because you are an evil carrot breaker and kin to Hitler, you are banned," or anything similar but I think the mods could take a much more positive approach and say something like "Those were somebody else's iron block that you just picked up. That's not in line with the rules of the server, which need to be followed in order to play on this server."... I don't know if I'm making sense at this point. I guess my conclusion would be that the whole system could be much less confrontational and much more procedural without subjecting the server to the objective and impersonal moderation methods that other servers have. Just my thoughts.
Howdy all, As many of you have seen, I'm putting together a list of the coolest and best builds this rev, which I will take screenshots of and make into a photo album. I've also decided to take general pictures of each city and the major utilities on the map. I would appreciate it if y'all could help me out! Below is the Reddit link to the post. I need build names, builder names, and approximate coordinates. Of course, all builders and designers will be appropriately cited unless it is impossible to do so (looking at you, pink flamingo builder). PLEASE POST TO THE REDDIT PAGE unless of course you don't have a Reddit account or don't wish to be associated with your account. I'd like to start taking pictures this weekend, as I have a LOT to cover! Also, how do y'all feel about texture packs? I was going to just take the pictures with my John Smith Legacy pack, but was thinking I should probably try to take some in vanilla textures as well. Thoughts? http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/2dd2d4/pve_if_i_were_a_tourist_where_should_i_go/
Well, I've been here for long enough, might as well post... Me with one my students in Burundi. Cloudy day. Again in Burundi, some idiot gave me a snake while I was drunk. First meal out of the Jungle. 13 months in rural Burundi... that is the look of a happy man right there.
OleToothless Mumble Ban [Socarch26]
OleToothless replied to OleToothless's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
I have read the rules and will refrain from use words that may be found offensive in mumble. -
OleToothless Mumble Ban [Socarch26]
OleToothless replied to OleToothless's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
I haven't received a reply. Bump for visibility.