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Posts posted by Cyotie911

  1. This account has been determined to be an alternate account and was used to evade a ban of the account jtc04.  You also have several other bans on your account for griefing other servers so it is also unlikely you are telling the truth in your appeal.  However since, according to our rules, if you use an account to evade a ban on another account, that account will become permanently banned.


    So, that being said. This account will remained banned.


    Ban for zombie_mode on c.nerd.nu for moderate griefing on C with hacks nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2012-01-28 17:37:23 UTC+0000

  2. I will attend to this as soon as I get to my laptop. Your conduct on our servers was totally unacceptable. I will post your chat logs along with your block edits later today. Until then be patient. I've been busy with real life things. All of our staff here are volunteers and we do not grt payed for our services.

  3. Moving on!

    For All You Guys

    1. We rarely see some of you on the servers anymore, and it's mainly due to the responsibilities of being Admins as well as personal reasons, I presume. What can we do as a community to give admins more time to actually play and enjoy the servers?


    Well, I've been dealing with some personal issues as of late, so that explains my absence.  However, I can't speak for the rest of the admins but I actually enjoy helping people around the server and maintaining order / stopping griefing, as much as building.  I still do play, What some people don't realize is that a lot of staff members have alternate accounts that we use to play with.  This gives us the opportunity to play without having to feel guilty about ignoring the people that normally private message with requests for water or griefing or other things.

    2. Biggest accomplishment in life?


    I am 33 years old and I'm retired...  Rather than write a book here, if your interested in hearing more, message me.

    3. Aspirations? Dream job? Career goals?


    See question #3 :P

    4. Where did you get your usernames?


    I have had the nickname cyotie (pronounced coyote) since I was a kid.  In '98 I went out shortly after moving to San Diego and got shitfaced and met some new friends.  I had a chick ask me for my number and when I wrote down my name I misspelled my nickname Cyotie and it stuck.

    5. The nerd community appears to expanding little by little, what are your opinions on this?


    Players come and go.  I've been around since February of 2011 and I've seen things change over time.  The community has changed and developments in the game have changed.  With the introduction of minecraft on Xbox and with the addition of flying the entire outlook of the game changed.  With our goal of keeping the game as vanilla as possible it brings advantages and disadvantages to the community.  What it does bring is stability.  Our community is the longest running and probably one of the most stable and regulated communities out there.  I have tried playing on other servers but the lack of professionalism and the inappropriate things that occurred on a public server never made me want to continue playing there like playing here.

    6. What made you want to stay at nerd?


    See question 5

    7. Ask me anything.


    What about this community do you like and dislike?

    For Barlimore:

    1. NOOOOO DON'T LEAVE US! Nah, becoming Head Admin is fantastic, we know the community will benefit greatly from your efforts. Anything big you have planned for the servers?

    2. How long have you used ":-)"?

    For buzzinbee:

    1. So, now that the Era of Fire and Suffering is underway, how do you feel you will adapt to the position? Are you excited about what is to come?

    2. CTA, those of us involved who aren't mods feel a bit out of the loop and would appreciate a few bits and details in order to prepare, that way we can get started the minute the new rev comes about.

    For Cyotie:

    1. As someone who is looking into joining the Navy quite soon, are there any pointers you can give me?


    As for this question.  Message me here on the forums if you are serious and I'll give you quite a few pointers, but there are going to be things that I'm going to need to ask first.

    2. You banned me in rev 16 for pimping out a zombie statue that was griffed, WTH?

    Modification of another players build is a form of griefing and subsequently you were banned because of it.  :P

    For Dumbo:

    1. Where'd you go? (You don't have to answer)

    2. Your builds appear to have a bit of architectural merit, does that stem from a personal interest?

  4. Thank you for taking the time to reappeal xghostgear. I will lift your ban as soon as I get to my computer (I am currently on my ohone) If any other staff member sees this feel free to unban for me.

    On a further note, xghostgear, I do appreciate your appology and understand that people try to use games to vent frustrations on occasion. Please understand that there will always be consequences for actions that involve other people so please, in the future, try not to put yourself in that position again.

    That being said, when you become unbanned, go have some fun with bkocks!

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