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Posts posted by Cyotie911

  1. Links to previous mumble bans:






    In both of the above appeals the next ban from mumble was supposed to be permanent. 


    Other chat related bans:






    Quite positive that we have given ample chances for a change of behavior, However, it seems to me that this behavior isn't going to change.


    Please keep the above in mind when handling bad_apple's appeal.

  2. Player Mod Nominations

    This is a little tricky but i would like to try it out. The idea being that players start a thread on the subreddit nominating a player. The players then state their opinion and if the consensus is positive or neutral we look into this player and make an effort to get to know them. After a period of time, say a week, we vote on person. I realize this may/will turn into a popularity contest so we have to a strict guideline and criteria for how we tally the votes. An example would be we weigh S players votes more for if said nomination is primarily an S player. I feel this could help us find players that slip through the cracks, on top of that it should help the community feel like they control the server instead of the other way around.


    The problem I see with this is we can't effectively moderate the subreddit well enough to be able to use it effectively for that purpose.  We don't have a way to verify dupe/throw away accounts that people could create for voting purposes.  If we ever do something like this, it will have to take place on the forums so it can be effectively moderated.

  3. Cyoie. I have the GOLDEN Original Zelda. A shit more rare than gray.

    Might try to get your facts straight. The grey cartridge is way more rare than the gold. The reason for this is because originally when it was released, they were all gold. It wasnt until it was rereleased towards the end of its production that they released the gray carts in nintendo's "action series". This was more or less a "greatest hits" releases. Just google it. (or you can check out any of the links below.



  4. When clicking a link  to send me to more forums it doesn't send me to it. When clicking my messenger or notifications box they doesn't come up. When I click to comment on a status it doesn't let me.


    Any help?


    P.S If anyone doesn't understand what I'm saying and someone can put it better than me than please do.

    Have you tried using a different browser? I find that switching browsers from Chrome Firefox even Internet Explorer will help sometimes.

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