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Posts posted by Cyotie911

  1. This I will have to remember if I ever cut and paste anything. You damn kids with your fancy Ctrl C and Ctrl V! Back when I was your age we were still making stuff up as we went along... up hill, both ways! And we were thankful that we got that! Now where did I put my pants.


    THE crotchety old man!

  2. I have run into a similar problem. I have logged into S and been in a screwed up form of modmode. When I log in it says "You are vanished" followed immediately by "You have reappeared". It wont allow me to vanish or run any commands saying "You do not have permission..." When I type /Modmode it tps me back to where I was prior to entering modmode and copies whatever inventory I had while in modmode into my nonmodmode character. While this isn't a big deal for me since I dont use my staff account to play on, I figure I would see if this is happening to anyone else.

  3. Okay, Evidently it won't let me post more than one pic at a time, So, I'll post one pic every few days.  If anyone is interested in the rest of my collection just ask me and I'll get pics posted as I can find the time :) 
    First pic.  Here's one that's classified as one of the "Rarer" nintendo games



  4. So, I was talking in chat the other day about my vintage game collection and it spawned an idea to see how many old fuckers, like myself, have a older game collection. Take some time and dig up some of your old games/systems and post them here. Or just comment reminisce about the old games you used to love to play. Ill post some pics of my collection in the next few days when It's not almost 2am.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Heh, I logged onto PvE for the first time in a few revs the other day and I was actually thinking for some reason that PvE was in hard mode already. Not because of the strength of the enemies, but just due to the fact of having played on Survival more frequently. Having already had that in my head I found the worst flaw with making Survival "hard" mode and its not the enemies. If you die, a fee hundred blocks fron your house on PvE because of a monster, big deal, you're going to respawn back at your house because, unlike survival, you have "bed" set spawn points. The issue is HUNGER! By enabling "hard" on PvE you will actually make PvE harder than survival! Why you may ask? You might think, "yeah, but bread is so easy to make." which is true. Until you realize that, while trying to traverse the map, every farm you are going to run across is now protected and you end up dying of hunger while trying to find something to eat.

    tldr, Hard is fine if you are already established but will make the game 10X more difficult for the new people who would like to explore the map becore deciding where to live.

    • Upvote 1
  6. The only concern I encountered last night was that it is quite possible to spawncamp someone and prevent them from changing modes if you can kill them fast enough. All that the attacker would have to do is kill them once, use /spawn and hack away. I don't want the PvP removed from C but it would be a good idea to make spawn a non-pvp zone to prevent this.


    Ideally gsand's idea would be best suited to preventing this altogether.

    I actually fixed this possible problem. I made the spawn region so that everyone in the spawn region is now forced into creative mode.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Cyotie, can we make a few hallowe'en movies on the servers at a particular destination on C for youtube?

    I dont see why not. Ill touch base with the other server admins about it but as long as you keep the content professional (I.e. no cussing or anything else that would project a bad image.) I dont know why it wouldn't be okay.

  8. Okay, I seem to have either misread something, or this thread has derailed.  Are we talking about the "brainstorming" thread... Or the "Voting" thread.  Buzzinbee originally was talking about the brainstorming thread but somehow it has swayed towards the Voting thread, which if I remember correctly was supposed to be a "yes"- with a possible reason attached to it, or "no"- with nothing after it.

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