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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. Is there a centralized to-do list for tech admins? I know we used to have one on the wiki, iirc, but haven't seen one around in the recent past. This is great for making sure someone has talked to a tech about a certain problem, and avoiding spamming techs about something already identified.
  2. I'm in favor of auto-locking, but I'll play devil's advocate for a bit and list the potential cons I can think of: 1. Would make it easier to spam lwc-locked chests, producing grief that needs an admin to remove lwc. If our lwc database gets pruned regularly, we can disregard this point. 2. Making quick shared or communal chests is a little more hassle: have to /cremove then /cpublic. This might confuse friends playing on pve for the first time (although the more prevalent cognate problem of ignorance of /cprivate is more pervasive and pressing).
  3. Does the PvE Server Admin team have a Grand Master Plan or a manifesto for future development of the PvE server in the medium-to-long term? Also, when will I get my retirement checks?
  4. This carto appears to be cut off at 2000 blocks from spawn; I believe it should be 3000. Thanks!
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