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Posts posted by twilexis

  1. inb4 toxicv dickhead



    Can't speak for the others but from what I've observed it's more Uncehaven was taken as a trolling attempt to land grab at spawn and shit build. It's not like that any more, but the may may continues. You're fine to get along with, can't speak for some of the others you choose to build with though /shrug

  2. Aww sheet, it's you.


    • Seneca is kil. Most refugees have joined Whiteoak, or have dispersed into the aether.
    • Rose and Solace shall continue to grow until there's only the two factions remaining. I foresee zomise and zburdsal having a whirlwind romance Capulet/Montague style. Hopefully without the death and melodrama.
    • Sapphric continues to shed his offspring via his death ritual of the hunt and the eventual evisceration of his corpse to remove the viable eggs.
    • Silver is silly and finally has snapchat
    • Rokku has taken the role of Leading Rev Arborist and has turned Whiteoak into an arboretum
    • Rokku has also taken to singing in mumble and expecting me to make a music video to go along with it. I'm keeping my annoying intro/outro out of spite.
    • Mattman pops in and says 'ayyyyy', derps around and then leaves for another month

    Other than that, same old same old. Mines to mine, crafts to craft.

  3. To add on a point, I would be 100% down for anything that can randomly drop the finite resources on the map, ie horse armor, sponges and mob skulls. Make the drop rates low enough to keep them rare, but enough that the server isn't limited to a finite amount that can be destroyed/hoarded.


    If anything it could set a precedent for how P is going to handle the elytra when 1.9 drops

  4. Yesssss... Something I'm good at, giving my opinion  :wink:



    Iron grinders:
    Loved the implementation of my this idea. The cost is fine (have to consider balancing megatowns vs solo builders, after all) but I agree with the suggestion of timing rollouts of upgrades to limit the excess of iron. Usually takes me nearly all rev to get a double-chest of iron blocks, not three weeks.

    Was slightly confusing until I saw a visual of spacing, other than that it's fine. Maybe have a demo setup somewhere for people to get? idunno

    • Maybe change the cost from normal dopples to the padmin dopples? That increases cost (the head plus the custom item dropped) without affecting the first tier grinders. Plus fuck yes padmin dopples.
    • Maybe consider changing the door cost to a multiple of 3 so no crafting excess/wasted doors? </frivilous suggestion>

    The nether:

    Loved the nether. Didn't love the empty loot chests (/me looks at Switch). Especially loved that you could loot skeleton skulls. Love the plethora of blaze spawners. Love the ease of getting wither skulls. The nether this rev was next to perfect (fuck yes glowstone forest!)


    Custom flora:
    I think Rokku would lead a rebellion out of the heart of Whiteoak if you don't bring these back. 

    • Could we do player-submitted designs or are they a part of the program used to make the map?
    • Could we have custom recipes to replace ones cut down? That would save a lot of time with rollbacks, plus give players the option to grow them elsewhere.


    I'm very disappointed that the padmins caved to the vocal minority when it came to the initial portal plans. Change is good. This is coming from someone who hates change unless she's aware it's happening before it happens. The amount is fine.


    Ore distributions:

    Only minor complaint is gold distribution, but that's because I'm too lazy to mine where gold is more common.


    Pls keep.


    Map is fine, but it would be nicer to have more bigger/custom islands dispersed in the ocean. Or even putting things on the ocean floor so it's not so monotonous. 



    Silver is always a silly padmin. That's why she was chosen as padmin. Duh.

    Flowercopter is good. Spawn is easier than last rev's to navigate. Only change I'd make is to change the text colour from pastels to more bold colours. It messes up with some texture packs.

    Food is fine, but please bring back the command block instagrow for melons, pls. Or even potatoes? Something to change it up slightly but keep it the same. :p

    Spawn challenges are great, Zomise is an evil wench, pls 2 no more parkour over void kthx.

    • Is there a way to disable death messages while in the spawn region/sekrits?
    • Is there any chance of player-submitted challenges? Just give a size and paste it in. Admins create the entrances by integrating submitter descriptions into the spawn design.

    Custom mobs:
    Fuck you, Meowingtons >_>

    Also known as, love them and the challenge, hate being smacked into fucking lava in the fucking nether.


    /help is fine, but maybe adding the /rulebook command back as an option for those who want it /shrug


    Other suggestions/comments:

    Crafting horse armour. The old S recipe would work.

    Maybe consider bringing in Enchantism for the lower-tier enchants (tier 1-2, no fortune/silk touch etc, will not accept diamond tools) 

    A way to grind sponges.

    Placing TNT as a decorative block (this will make PaVE so much fun if we can integrate TNT into builds and rig to blow up when it's enabled >:D)




    sure you can make a grinder out of cobble (technically you could use cobble half slabs for a grinder and half your cost), but no one would do that as it's ugly



    Speak for yourself  >_>

    • Upvote 1
  5. It can be done with macro keybind mod, if someone with wizard skills can put it together.


    First one is to do onJoinGame, check for the list of people [playername] and if they're online run /ignore [playername]


    Second is onChat


    [playername] joined the game
    run /ignore [playername]
    If someone could put it together I (and I assume mumber) would greatly appreciate it. 
    Keep in mind that staff override /ignore in PM (IIRC), and obvious 'be wary of using this if you're staff' is obvious.
    • Upvote 1
  6. My concern is that this thread may not be the general feeling of the population of people any rule changes will actually affect.


    While feedback is always good, more than half of the people who have commented here either aren't active anywhere other than the forums/reddit, or don't play on a server where this will actually affect them.


    I'm all for change, but only if that change is a true reflection of the feelings of genuine players, not the loud minority that have logged barely 30 minutes collectively.

    • Upvote 1
  7. My thoughts: xray bans should stay how it is. x-raying is black and white; there is no 'accidental xray', you know if you're cheating. Rolling everything back is a consequence for the player personally because it (should) discourage long-term players from doing it because of how it will affect the people they play with. Sucks when it happens but it's a major consequence of cheating.


    My only concern with tempbans; if someone logs in and griefs and is given a tempban of, say, one day, but they don't log in for a week anyway, how will they know they were banned? I know next to nothing how the system works so it could already address this, but that's the only negative I can think of.

  8. In rev 12 half of Rose City was nuked from orbit because one of the most active mayors was banned for xray. This isn't that much of an uncommon occurrence. We just rebuilt. While it was frustrating as hell to see half-completed builds/town facilities go missing, I agree with troop. If he didn't cheat it wouldn't have happened.


    Fact is that if you're active enough to be part of a cardinal portal town then you're also active enough to know the punishment for xraying. The consequences are always highlighted at spawn, there's no excuse for missing it. No sympathy from me.

  9. Some things I'd like to see discussed:

    • Claim borders and a required buffer between claims/buildings next to claims
    • Claim borders not covering under water (ie, guardian temples)
    • Exploitation of moblimiter with villager breeders (although this is more of a tech thing, I'd still like to see it discussed)
    • Megabuilds and lag (both server and client-side)
    • Adding/modifying rules about idling at no-kill grinders, and consistent enforcement of the rule/s
    • Special Spawners required to be up within 2 weeks of finding it (slime, creeper etc)
    • Claim requirements for the end/nether
    • Consideration of replacing 'vanilla' iron grinders with iron golem spawners (reduces entity lag by reducing sheer numbers of villagers)
    • Adding a trade/auction plugin for people to sell items while offline (helps with people looking for items in different timezones)
    • Player-ran events added to the server announcements (preferably just advertising a command that lists the events. Events added to list at mod/admin discretion
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