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Posts posted by Aypop

  1. Ban for williewest on c.nerd.nu for Griefing ~50, fangirl signs nerd.nu/appeal by weizbox on 2011-12-06T17:38:59 (no more bans, no notes)


    Since your banning moderator is no longer on staff, I'll be taking over your appeal. 


    The ban is much older than what would be a typical sentence for it, so I'll unban you now. From now on, you are responsible for knowing the rules at nerd.nu/rules and we expect you to abide by them. I suggest giving them a quick read before you log in. 


    If you don't remember doing what you were banned for, your account may be compromised. I suggest changing your password to ensure your account is secure. 


    Welcome back! Unbanned.

  2. Ban for minedmaster on c.nerd.nu for autoclicker after multiple warnings, avon fangirl nerd.nu/appeal by Coldspyros on 2012-01-15T21:15:19 (no more bans, no notes)


    Since your banning moderator is no longer on staff, I'll be taking over your appeal. 


    The ban is much older than what would be a typical sentence for it, so I'll unban you now. From now on, you are responsible for knowing the rules at nerd.nu/rules and we expect you to abide by them. I suggest giving them a quick read before you log in. 


    Welcome back! Unbanned.

  3. Hi irishmonkey12. You're banning moderator cmchappel is not currently on staff, so I'll be taking over your appeal. Very sorry for the wait. 


    Ban for irishmonkey12 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on S. nerd.nu/appeal by cmchappell on 2012-06-20T11:14:32 (no more bans, 2 notes)


    Since your ban is significantly old, I'll be happy to unban you now.


    I suggest you give the rules a quick read before you play. If you don't remember griefing, then I highly suggest changing your password as well, just as a security measure.


    In any case, welcome back!

  4. Not to nit-pick too much, but why not use "exploiting bugs" in lieu of "cheating"? Seems like more direct language. 


    Are we assuming alt doxxing is implied within doxxing or no?


    Any reason we've moved away from the phrase "excessive trolling" or do we think "disruptive arguments/discussions" covers that? I think the two have a little overlap but are different in severity. 


    Otherwise I like this setup; it's much more straightforward than previously. Great job Scher and Switch! I'll look over later and update this comment more if I have any other questions/suggestions. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. I agreed with the rule change as I didn't think it would harm anything and could work out better, but when thinking about it a little more, there's no reason for it. The rules are all perfectly clear. No matter how many times we change the rules there'll be some way around them. The one thing that needs to change is how these rules are enforced - this goes for all staff members.


    We shouldn't be looking to ban anyone, in my eyes the worst case scenario is banning someone. If speaking to them stops them from breaking the rules and does equal to or better than a ban then why not just speak to them? We enforce things so inconsistently from mods right up to head admins and the standard of the staff team really has gone downhill in comparison to a few years ago. We should not be promoting players and teaching them to follow a strict set of rules where "if someone says 'gay' that's a ban, no warning". We should be selecting people who are smart enough to look at the situation and then act appropriately. It doesn't take 2 minutes just to explain to someone why we don't allow homophobia here or why what they said was wrong. If everyone took a little more care and attention with what they were doing instead of letting the power go to their heads then this would be a far better place.


    On that note, I'd be very much in support of temp bans that automatically unban after a set point like a couple of hours. It seems like the escalation from warning to kick to ban is a bit too sudden, and having an option like a temp ban would be useful for situations like harassment and chatspamming and possibly even hate speech. This way there isn't need for an appeal and a punishment is hopefully rightfully doled out. 

    • Upvote 4
  6. I'd like to appeal this ban on my Android phone device. I was being childish and decided to impersonate an infamously banned player. I know that it was childish and would like to know what would be a proper ban sentence from the mumble.

    Considering that I'm a mod, I will retain a name like Aypop_MOBILE in the future.

    Also I might have misspelled the banned name (it would seem to be a miscarry of justice for me to use my mod powers on my laptop to check), so again I apologize if this ban appeal doesn't have the proper information.

  7. I think if anything the community interaction policy needs some acknowledgement and possibly some critique and revision. Most of the problems you guys have identified aren't in that rule, but within this "policy" of sorts that attempts to outline examples of hate speech.




    For example,


    This category includes both clear and masked language which:

    • Is an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions.
    • Is pornographic in nature.

    So calling someone a cunt or dick or some combination of curse words in that line of reasoning could be a bannable offense under this policy. I understand the intent of the rule, but it seems a bit overreaching for my taste. 


    The policy in question clarifies with 


    This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:

    • Insultingly refers to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players.

    There is no ambiguity. Talking about sexual orientation is A-okay, but using it as an insult or using slurs is clearly against the rules. 


    With all these rules discussions, it'd be nice to centralize these interpretations. Maybe get to some wiki-editing?

    • Upvote 3
  8. I guess I haven't read the rules in a while. I can swear I was checking if some deserted builds were unprotected, and sure enough they were. Most of these were simply polluting the landscape. There is so much land claimed that there is almost no space to build.


    Well we have a new map on C with plenty of space to build, so that shouldn't be a problem. 


    As I said before, I am deeply sorry. You may not believe me, but I in my heart know that I had no intentions of malicious Griefing.


    I'm willing to unban you if you read the rules, reply here with the specific rule you broke, and state you will not break this or any other rule again. I do not want to see you on this side of the ban appeals section again.


    If you have any questions about what is allowed or not allowed, I highly suggest you read the rules or ask a moderator. 

  9. Ban for attackofthebrick on c.nerd.nu for griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by Aypop on 2015-02-01T17:17:00.520 (no more bans, no notes)


    Previous appeal: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2316-attackofthebrick-crockoduck/?hl=attackofthebrick


    It's nice of you to admit to griefing, but sugarcoating it with checking if land is protected is inauthentic at best. Here are a couple of examples of your griefing.








    If you're wondering if a region is protected, you can easily do "/rg i" or "/region info" to find out the name and owners of the region you're standing in. Alternatively you can attempt to break ONE block and fix it if it's not protected or get an error message saying you don't have permission to build/break blocks in that region if it is protected. I do appreciate your apparently large sample size in this matter, but it's not necessary nor correct since you didn't bother to fix your edits. 


    Your previous ban was for griefing on S as well, which suggests to me either


    1. You're just a troll looking to be unbanned then banned shortly after or

    2. You genuinely haven't read and don't understand the rules, and lied in your previous appeal.


    So which one is it? This ban appeal won't go further unless you're honest with me about your intentions on our servers. While you're answering this, I suggest you give the rules a quick read, especially the universal rules. 

  10. So, I logged on creative today and someone said something to the effect of the following (paraphrasing):

    "xx is cheating on his husband"

    I replied to this with the following

    "I learned two things from that, xx is cheating and he is gay"

    I felt this was a fairly mundane observation, as "his husband" implies a man has a husband and is therefore gay/homosexual.

    To clarify for everyone, I am the xx in question. Another player was working on a thematic build on C, and I jokingly suggested that it needed more scandal. The player decided to involve me in a romantic scandal acted out by blocks with skulls on them, and I found it amusing. I gave it an okay in private. My IGN was not used in the portrayal, just my skull. 



    This will never have a hard 'yes/no' answer.


    And it shouldn't. We shouldn't insulate our rules and moderation policies from the nuances of reality. Zero-tolerance policies in several aspects of our lives (irl and in-game) have been shown not to be equitable, but in a lot of cases just an excuse for staff to claim their hands are clean. I really hope this community doesn't go in this direction in terms of enforcement. 



    Simple solution. Don't discuss sexuality, religion or politics in open chat. If you wish to discuss this, go into PM or into a clanchat.


    That IS a simple solution. But I've seen plenty of people discuss those topics responsibly without anything offensive.


    On the other hand, I've hosted the clanchats #religion and #politics on previous revisions with varying success, but no one wants to bring a prolonged discussion to those clanchats for whatever reason. I doubt any of them have surpassed 10 members, which is sad considering a lot of interesting discussions can be had if specialized clanchats are better utilized and advertised. 


    And what of the "Church of Potato" or "Church of Carrot" or "Church of Sign". Or several thematic builds I've seen on C and P that incorporate a church? Clearly religion is an interesting topic that can be parodied and at the same time be handled with care. Making any arbitrary reference to religion in game or in chat a bannable offense seems too draconian for my tastes. 

    • Upvote 8
  11. Ban for AtomicZX on c.nerd.nu for Killing a player with gravel nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2015-03-07T04:24:54.823 (no more bans, no notes)


    To clarify, you were banned for using a game element (suffocation and gravel falling) to kill another player in a non-pvp environment on the PvE server. This is clearly against the rules. If you were stuck in a mine you could always dig for dirt/gravel and pillar up, or you could have asked someone nearby politely to help you. 


    Please allow 48 hours for your banning moderator Trooprm32 to respond to your appeal. After that point feel free to bump this post. 

  12. Ban for Livold on c.nerd.nu for harassment nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2015-03-07T00:11:48.982 (1 more bans, 4 notes)


    Please allow 48 hours for a response from cyotie911, your banning moderator. Feel free to BUMP your post after that time. 

  13. Hi steve_hamilton, this ban is super ancient, so I'll be handling your appeal. 


    Ban for steve_hamilton on c.nerd.nu for Compromised account. by Console on 2013-06-20T06:45:40 (no more bans, no notes)


    Well it looks like you've already gotten a hold of your account. If you haven't already, I highly suggest changing your password. 


    Again, considering this ban is super ancient, I'll unban you now. If you decide to come back on our servers, I suggest giving the rules a quick read. 

  14. The [Malvagio87] tag refers to the moderator that banned you. 


    Ban for xXSwegMorgimanXx on c.nerd.nu for Crop griefing and homophobic language in chat nerd.nu/appeal by Malvagio87 on 2014-03-27T13:50:04 (no more bans, 1 notes)


    As your banning moderator is no longer on staff I'll be taking over this appeal. You have been banned for much longer than a typical sentence would be for homophobic language and crop griefing, so I'll unban you now.


    I highly suggest you reread the rules so that this does not happen in the future. Don't forget to have fun!

  15. Ban for king_car on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on survival. nerd.nu/appeal by Rcub3161 on 2014-05-26T14:14:04 (no more bans, no notes)


    Please allow 48 hours for your banning moderator Rcub3161 to reply here to evaluate your appeal. Feel free to bump after 48 hours. If you are dissatisfied with the treatment of your appeal you can consult a head admin and request they take charge of the appeal. 

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