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Posts posted by Aypop

  1. Next rev on C I hope to make a more planned out Redstone Academy (/warp RedstoneAcademy, for the one currently being built on C) with some hired help. Faster-built floors, more interaction, etc. I think the admins and mods have been extremely supportive of the current endeavor and it'll most likely translate well into next rev. 


    Considering we're in Creative, showing off cool designs for redstone of all kinds of utility is something that'll unite a lot of people, redstone n00bs, enthusiasts, and opportunistic guys from P and S. 


    Currently there's the Academy itself and the Playground/Recess Area. I might be adding a "Best Of" Area with admins' support that showcases useful/interesting/generally awesome builds in the Playground. I might ask for said builds to be moved to a more pristine location via modreq. 



    lets not forget the long lost past-time of building golf courses on c.nerd.nu where the ball would be item drops... they slide on ice.

    Although it's obviously not possible now, I am very much in favor of builds like this. Mazes and parkours are great, but I feel these, redstone, and speed-builds are the main events that are gonna make C attractive. 


    On nickeox's point, why not have modreq'd regions where items can drop? Obviously these places would have to be regulated to make sure people aren't being negligent and lag-inducing. But it could be analogous to a hypothetical ender pearl golf course. 



    Edit: Oh also, (Then again, if possible) disabling ores, it's creative and theres no use for ores in the ground, and people like me would love to dig giant holes for big builds ore free so we don't get slowed by those pesky ore viens that slow you down.


    I am completely on board with this. Keep the dungeons though, those are fun. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. I agree primarily because from what I've heard, 6 month long revisions on C are a recipe for staleness in latter parts of the revision. 


    On one side I completely agree with the potential of seasonal revisions because it helps cities with creating thematic builds and lore. It would also be interesting to have anti-season builds (Christmas in July, for example). 


    On the other hand, if this becomes enacted, we need to stress to new players that building to theme is entirely optional so that they don't feel forced or alienated. 


    Possibly schedule:





















    • Upvote 2
  3. You're entitled to your opinion bmx. However, from what I've seen, we have a much more lively and intimate community than any server I've been on, which is what I think counts. I've only seen this kind of community on a TF2 server I'm a moderator on, and not in these kind of numbers. 


    Still, there are things to improve. Better rule literacy, experimenting with S to make it challenging yet popular, allowing moderators and admins to gather public opinion while giving them space to make their own decisions. There's plenty to mull over and optimize. Pointing at the problems and getting disheartened instead of proposing solutions doesn't seem like the best course of action.


    I hope that in the future you feel more included in the community's activities and decision-making. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Just wanted to say, I'm on mobile currently but will be adding to this discussion soon.
    Alright I'm here! I've posted an attempt to summarize the rules here, while separating utility commands (facts about /modreq, protection, Citadel, etc), lists of banned items, and banning policy from the central rules not to break. I think this kind of compartmentalizing makes presenting the rules of the server much clearer. However, I'm open to any critique to improve the layout or listing of the rules.


    As first thought,  I am thinking that we should make players instantly aware of any rule that will get you banned instantly, on the spot.  These should be rules that are detrimental to the server play.  Racial or homophobic chat, xraying, and griefing (unless it's allowed).  The rest of the rules should be able to be called upon through various rule books or by direction to nerd.nu/rules


    Like you said, we may or may not want to lay out different tiers of rules depending on severity (griefing vs moderator impersonation). However, I don't think presenting them in different places will be helpful; rather, present them in order of severity (or in how likely you will be banned on the spot, which I might add largely depends on the moderators and admins present).


    We might also want a second version of the rules that outlines specific examples, so as to prevent rule lawyering.

  5. I disagree barneygale. Xraying is a blatant disregard for the integrity of the game experience. As such it deserves such a strict enforcement to ensure new players don't cheat their way into luxury and regulars know that they are risking their time investment in the server if they do the same.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Rules


    Universal Gameplay

    • No hacking, griefing, or game/bug exploits.
    • No NSFW or otherwise offensive builds.
    • No lag machines or mechanisms (grinders, redstone, etc).

    Universal Community

    • Be respectful and civil towards your fellow players. 
    • No harassment or hate speech in any form (chat, skins, etc).
    • No moderator or admin impersonation.
    • No doxxing or alt doxxing.
    • No ban evasion using alt accounts.
    • No sharing of illegal content.
    • No excessive trolling or baiting comments/actions.
    • No spamming chat or commands.


    • No player killing or player trapping of any kind, barring PvP arenas.
    • Keep map open for exploration. Exceptions include villagers, grinder areas, and animal farms.



    • No using login as a function of PvP.
    • No using any teleportation (portals, etc) to escape PvP situations. 



    • Griefing is allowed.
    • Universal Community rules still apply. 


    Banning Policy


    • Violations of rules can lead to mutes, kicks, and/or bans on any and all nerd nu services including the minecraft servers, forums, and mumble server. A warning may or not be given. 
    • You can receive an official ban sentence term upon being banned by appealing at nerd.nu/appeal. Upon your ban sentence expiring, you can appeal once again to be allowed back on to nerd nu services.
    • You are responsible for your account. When an account has been associated rule-breaking, all owners of the account should bear the brunt of the consequences. 
    • Ban evasion using alts most often results in the alts being permanently banned. 



    Note that each server has their own list of banned items.

    Not included are useful commands that can enhance your experience on the servers such as /modreq and /lsd.

    For further elaborations on rules, consult nerd.nu/rules




    There I've done it. 

    • Upvote 6
  7. Well, active red stone and portal blocks can cause lag, and flowing water and lava can be used for grief.


    For these, I completely agree; these items when placed can cause legitimate harm to other people's experiences on the server.


    I'm not suggesting we revert that AT ALL.


    For some reason, when trying to get these items like flowing water and portal blocks out of your inventory with Q, you get a weird error message. I'm proposing getting rid of that protocol because it's extraneous; it servers literally no purpose. 



    C players tend to be suspicious about newer players because of 3 reasons.

    1. C is griefed a lot and on a server where you don't need tools and food to get griefing, people pick out creative servers. It's quicker to grief them.


    I agree with this. It's a fact of having a creative server. 



    2. Newer players to c have tended to be a lot younger in the past few revs, so some people assume they will not be mature in following or reading the rules.


    I also agree with this, but I think that bias shows up more in conversing with some players or telling them to modreq for something.



    3. No one ever reads the rules, sure they cover a ton, but when someone sees 75 pages in a book I doubt they will bother.

    I do agree that rule literacy should be a server priority, but primarily I'm concerned about malicious players that join the servers knowing full well that what they're doing (destroying other people's builds, spamming chat, spamming blocks) is, if not against server rules, then a grand nuisance to our playerbase. Instead of using anecdotes and personal experience (which I'm not discounting by the way), I'd like to be able to quantify such griefing players in a way that's understandable and helpful to the administration as well as the general playerbase (if the admins allow it). 

    • Upvote 1
  8. In this thread I want to address a few suggestions on items on C and griefing. I'd like to further discussion into the comments, possibly with more suggestions. I'd rather this thread be more about tools to measure and aid with identifying griefing rather than banning policy. 
    I do have some scruples/suggestions on banned items and permissions regarding those items. On C especially, there are some items and blocks that seem to be unable to be interacted with, placed, or even dropped (which makes no sense to disable on C, to be honest). I even notified the Cadmins that you could technically place your own flowing water and lava using /i 8 and /i 10 (that issue has since been fixed). 
    The following, when using the /i command, don't give anything in inventory, despite giving a confirming message. I'm not sure if this is intended or a deal with minecraft itself. I personally don't think they're necessary, but it's a nice list to have. 
    /i 34 (piston extension)
    /i 55 (redstone wire)
    /i 59 (wheat crops) (which is weird because you can get carrots and potato crops with /i 141 and /i142 respectively)
    /i 132 (tripwire)
    /i 149 (inactive comparator)
    /i 150 (active comparator)


    These are items are banned from placing, but cannot be dropped from inventory with Q for some reason. I'd like to be able to drop these items easily without having to drop them out of my inventory. I don't see much sense in not being able to drop these. 
    /i 90 (nether portal block)
    /i 119 (end portal block)
    /i 8 Flowing water
    /i 9 Still water
    /i 10 Flowing lava
    /i 11 Still lava


    These are items that are not allowed to be placed. I'd like to note that hopper minecarts and command block minecarts (/i 422) are currently allowed to be placed on rails while these aren't. I'd also like to note that Command Blocks are disabled on the server, and can only be enabled by changing the server config files. 
    Chest Minecart
    Furnace Minecart
    Command Block





    These are items that "spawn" entities upon usage that quickly dissipate, but are banned for some reason. Keep in mind that while these are banned, splash potions are allowed to be thrown (and are thrown) all the time. It's not logically consistent to ban these two items when they can be replaced with splash potions readily.
    Fire Charge



    When someone right clicks anywhere with a TNT minecart, they are immediately kicked to the lobby. I don't have any qualms about this for server security's sake, but I would like input from a mod/admin on if/how TNT minecarts can be used to circumvent worldguard among other things. TNT minecarts also cannot be dropped with Q, which like I said doesn't make much sense. 



    Additionally, brewing stands are not allowed to be interacted with, but can be placed. Hoppers cannot be placed on brewing stands either. Brewing potions on C seems a bit unnecessary, but creating a demonstration for use on P  or S, or just demonstrating how redstone works, should be allowed. 



    (Note on the last image: the hopper immediately disappeared after the screenshot was taken. I had to get the timing just right)


    Essentially what I want to do by addressing this is work towards a more logically consistent banning of items. 
    After playing on the Creative and PvE servers a lot, I'm glad that we have competent admins, moderators, and community members that quickly point out griefing, let the proper authorities know of the situation, have the offending party kicked or banned after collecting evidence, and rollback malicious edits. 
    I've noticed that on especially C, new players are often characterized as suspicious by other players. While it's nice for our player base to have solidarity against griefing and spam, we might be alienating potentially constructive players.
    I propose to evaluate this threat with a weekly metric to potentially use on all the servers: use the server logs to evaluate how many new players are banned within 4 hours (or some arbitrary length of time) of their joining the server. You could get this by checking the time the griefer joined and what time he was banned, and evaluating if it was within the arbitrary time window.


    This will indicate how many people specifically join the server to grief, and separates those cases of regulars being banned; I do contend, however, that there will be some people who misunderstand the server rules from the beginning and unfortunately are banned as a result, though this is a VERY rare case. This metric can be applied for each server, and it can be used to gauge the usefulness and effectiveness of ad campaigns on server listing sites as well. I'd very much like a tech admin to comment about the possibility and efficacy of such a method. 


    I'd also like input on whether such data should be available to the public or kept secret to the administration or even just the techs and heads.
    Like I said at the top, I'd very much like to see more constructive suggestions on these topics and related topics. Also, if I missed any information, please feel free to correct me. 

    • Upvote 8
  9. 8/16/2014, 10:20-10:25 PM EST


    I was working with some redstone (memory circuits, nothing intensive) when I noticed pulses sent from buttons were taking a longer time than expected. Shortly after, me and some other people timed out. This occurred 3 times and eventually stabilized. 


    EDIT: Another mild "tps dip" at around 10:30 PM. No one timed out.


    EDIT: Major time out at 10:48 PM

  10. Are you a [filthy_pleb]scrubscoper or an [xXx_mlg_xXx]$coper?

    Unfortunately I am a [filthy_pleb]scrubscoper, but I have realized the error of my ways. I humbly request to be under your tutelage.



    what is your stance on people with multiple personality disorder?

    The human brain is too complex; we've barely scratched the surface of neurotransmitter pathways. As such, the pathology of MPD is intriguing and seems overdramatized by media. The truth of MPD is much more morbid, and demonstrates that a cohesive identity shouldn't be taken for granted. 



    aypop pls.




    how much tosis could an aypop tosis if an aypop could aypop tosis?

    You need to define your units.


    Furthermore, did you apply to faZe?

    I was going to, but Eehee convinced me to join eZaf.



    Are you Aypop? If so, what's your proof? 



    Is it pronounced A-pop or ape-op. It makes a difference (to me).

    A-pop, like American pop.

    • Upvote 2
  11. I don't think /afk should be a command because it can be used by griefers to target players who are afk near unprotected builds.

    Or rather, if /afk becomes a command, we should be allowed to use /seen on P, because that was the reason /seen was removed from regular player permissions.

  12. I think there needs to be some concrete analysis of the rules and bans (probably headed by the admins) in order to quantify our banning policy in action. I've talked with draykhar regarding a possible measure of the threat of griefers for example on C. If we don't have facts and numbers (besides occasional peculiar anecdotes) to a

    describe the effects of our banning policy on the community, then we're shooting blind.

    I do think the rulebooks provided are large and boding, and would like those briefly summarized. The rules at nerd.nu/rules, however, are fine where they are in terms of length.

    It's important for players to have good relations with staff, so I suggest we provide a way for players to report bugs and exploits to mods and admins without fear of being banned or otherwise punished. And the staff should make addressing these kinds of bugs or plugins a priority. This is especially important on P and S, where mods and admins are responsible for the integrity of gameplay.

    There's also the obvious observation that since these are the Reddit servers, people will come on our servers for the sole purpose of griefing. If we could model griefing behavior through the aforementioned analysis, mods and admins can be better warned of potential griefing by future griefers.

    This is kinda a hodge podge of things, but these are in my opinion the most opportune areas of improvement when it comes to banning policy.

    • Upvote 2
  13. I'd also like to point out that technically, then logging into a freshly-unbanned account while another account is permabanned is undoubtedly ban evasion, even without malicious intent. It generally shouldn't be our business to designate a person's "main" account (although Dumbo's method of declaring the first account used to login to the servers as their main account might be practical). It's a sticky situation either way. 


    What I'd suggest is some method of contacting an account's owner via email/Mojang account and notifying them when a person who had used that account has their ban sentence past, indicating to them the steps needed to declare that they are the owner of the account and would like it unbanned. 



    Using alt accounts as a way to attempt to bypass the server system of rules and justice demonstrates that a person (not an account, the human being running the account) does not respect the rules of the server on a fundamental level. In order for that to change, very real and serious consequences need to be in place, or else they should be made to leave and never come back. Repeat alt abuses should result in a full permaban for all accounts and an IP ban. 


    I agree with Willravel on this point; alt accounts used to circumvent bans demonstrate disrespect for our server's rules and community. 


    As to the guideline Dumbo is proposing with regard to additional sentencing for ban evasion, I think it's a good guideline. It discourages people from evading bans with alts regardless of the nature/length of the ban. 

    • Upvote 4
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