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Posts posted by Aypop

  1. The [bardidley] references the moderator that banned you. 


    Ban for hadmanysons on c.nerd.nu for Compromised Account nerd.nu/appeal by Bardidley on 2014-11-15T16:50:16 (no more bans, no notes)




    It appears your account was banned when it was used to chatspam or otherwise disrupt the servers. If you don't remember spamming chat or otherwise being disruptive, your account is most likely compromised (as expressed in the banning reasoning). I highly recommend changing your Mojang password if that's the case. 


    In the meanwhile, please allow 48 hours for your banning moderator Bardidley to reply here to evaluate your appeal. Feel free to bump after 48 hours. 

  2. Hi, Dylan1544. Your banning moderator is not currently on staff, so I'll handle your appeal.


    Ban for mustache_man24 on c.nerd.nu for griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by xXNjordXx on 2013-03-07T13:51:40 (no more bans, no notes)


    I would say this ban is pretty old and you've paid for your time already. I'll unban you now.


    Please take a chance to read the rules at nerd.nu/rules before you play to reacquaint yourself. And don't forget to have fun!

  3. Ban for cineboxandrew by totemo for item and mob spam nerd.nu/appeal. 1 year and 6 months ago. (2 notes)




    Since totemo is not currently on staff, I'll be handling your appeal. Your ban is very old for the crime, so I'll unban you now.


    I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are responsible for your account activity. If you feel like your account has been compromised, I recommend changing your password. 


    And don't forget to have fun!

  4. For a couple modreqs over yesterday and today I've noticed that /tpid and /tpc bounce back with permission errors. For a water flow modreq I did with stellarviking, I used /tppos to get to the location to bypass this. However, on S currently /tppos bounces back a permission error as well. 


    I'd like to know if these are isolated incidents or if other mods have noticed something similar. 


    On S:

    Can't /tpc or /tpid Fixed upon relogging

    Can't /vanish or /unvanish Fixed upon relogging

    Can't /tp to player Fixed upon relogging

    Can't /tppos Fixed upon relogging


    On C:

    Can't /vanish or /unvanish


    On P:

    Can't /tpc or /tpid


    EDIT: After talking to pez252, it looks like different mods have different permissions. For example he can't /tppos on P when I can.


    The problems seem to be intermittent. Relogging (in or out of modmode) doesn't help much for me. 

  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/2scsti/if_i_change_my_name_will_my_regions_and/


    Last time this was addressed, people came under the conclusion that your account ID is independent of your actual name on the server. So all those things you list won't be affected majorly. 


    However, that's theoretical, and potential unforeseen bugs might happen. If you think something's gone wrong when you change your name, consult a mod/admin/tech so that we can archive it and possibly correct it.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Ban for caleblawlis on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by Colspyros on 2 years, 5 months ago (no more bans, no more notes)




    Hey caleblawlis. Coldspyros is not on our staff currently, so I'll be handling your appeal. This ban is really old, so I'll unban you now. Before you get back on the servers, please read the rules at nerd.nu/rules and remember that you are responsible for your account. Don't forget to have fun!

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