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Posts posted by kittypuppet

  1. We are here to play a game just like you and everyone else on the server is. What is the point of playing the game when we are always being told to be professional when we try to do something silly such as this hottub. You guys sit here and accuse of us not allowing fun and not allowing players or staff to have a good time. It is even in your signature. Yet, when we do something fun or silly, such as this hot tub, we are criticized and told it is creepy or inappropriate and that we need to act professional. Wait, we don't allow fun, but if we do, its inappropriate and we need to be professional?


    When the last staff meeting was held I made a pretty big point out of this. This is a game! We, just like you, and everyone that players here, is to have fun! How are we supposed to have fun when we are constantly being told that we don't allow fun yet we need to act professional.


    Look, I'm all up for spawn secrets and such, but things regarding players personal relationships with other players shouldn't be one of them.

    I don't care if Redwall and Twilexis go off and build a house and post lovey dovey signs for each other in it - that's their house.

    I don't care if they find somewhere to build a statue of themselves holding hands. But spawn is someplace everybody goes.

    I wouldn't want something personal regarding mine and mag's relationship being a spawn secret. It's creepy.


    I don't care about the hot tub itself, I'm more concerned about the personal relationship part of it being there.

  2. There are always secrets at spawn, and this rev would not even be close to the first hot tub that was hidden at spawn. 



    I understand that there are spawn secrets, but how is something like this appropriate or even professional?



    Spawn was built on a private server and I can guarantee you that the map was not copied over because I had not generated the map by they time spawn was completed. Spawn was copied over once it was built and the map generated. 



    This implies that there's a possibility that Twilexis was allowed on, or allowed to view spawn, on a private server.

    A private server where players aren't allowed.


    Also the fact that there are players disturbed by this should be a hint that something needs to be done about it.

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  3. Can we stop just picking players that play a lot and and start getting moderators with different timezones? It's pretty ridiculous to see that we still don't have mods online around the clock.


    Yeah.. I've gone hours (and I mean, 4, 5 hours) online before without seeing any mods on any of the servers.

    And I'm getting irked at everyone supposedly being AFK and/or not around when there's an issue. Sure, I can put in a modreq, but with all the mods that we have, how is it that half the time there's still nobody around? I mean really - we have 51 mods (not including inactive), and 22 admins (including headadmins) and we still go hours without staff. I get that people have lives they need to attend to, but you'd think that with 73 staff members, SOMEBODY would be online on each of the servers.

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