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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. Can you help me to understand what staff in exhibit A treated you in a discriminatory of unfair way, and what they did specifically? Are there deleted comments that we cannot see? Or is this one less about staff and more about other players? If so, can you help me to understand which of your comments were picked apart, and by whom? Currently this exhibit is a little opaque to me, and I am supposing it is because I am not looking in the right spot, or for the right things.


    I can appreciate the irony of the situation here, that it may seem that I am picking apart your comments. I intend no disrespect in this, I am trying to understand the problem, to help build/clarify your case for you and identify a solution.



    Was the discussion about one of your ban appeals, or someone else's? Was it something that may have related to another players privacy? What was your intention in this discussion? Is it possible the head admin had a legitimate reason for saying "I will not discuss this matter any further with you"? There is a lot of missing information here, meaning to me that we cannot adequately gauge whether this is an example of systemic prejudice and discrimination against you or others without more context - in my opinion.


    Similarly for the other head admin, I can appreciate that you may have perceived their response to have been snappy and unrelated, but without context it is difficult to tell whether this is a legitimate example of discrimination against a number of players, or if it is something else.


    If any other players who feel they are slighted in a systematic way, discriminated against as part of a "toxic" label would like to offer any examples or evidence of that discrimination, to put some weight behind the allegations made here, I am sure that it would contribute to a resolution of the problem. I think right now the opposition to all of this takes the form of "there is no toxic debacle other than the contrived drama that you are creating. You act like a dick, you're going to be handled per the rules, and probably treated with less cordiality than you otherwise would as a consequence". therefore, the burden of proof, as it were, is on the claimants in this case.


    edit: if there really are 30 to 40 people who feel they have been oppressed or discriminated against by staff, being viewed as toxic, then surely some of them are reading this thread and can present some specific examples of this systemic widespread problem.

    I'd honestly just prefer to PM you with the logs of the two events in question over Skype or something, and allow you to draw your own conclusion from that. 



    So Eehee wants to be rude, abrasive and a dick to people but also be treated with respect and listened to.




    This is not how the world operates anywhere and shouldn't operate like that here.


    This is beyond pathetic if that this is what the crux of the issue is.


    Edit: This goes for anyone too. You can't sometimes be a troll. Welcome to real life. If you are a troll, you are rude, you are hostile, you are a dick to people you don't like well buddy your credibility goes away. No one anywhere has the right to be a problem sometimes, be rude or difficult then turn around and be treated the same as people who are nice, make friends and play along. If you guys are suggesting we should start listening to the problem players with chips on their shoulders then that is an actual stupid thing to say and insist.

    See, this is the exact thing that I'm finding irritating. Just like tobylane, you're picking out the worst of what I said. Nevermind the fact that I genuinely want to help nerd and have expressed that I know I'm a dick, just point out that I "want to be a dick" in order to get your point across. 

    Where did you draw the conclusion that I "want" to be a dick? Did you even read my post at all? 

    Despite everything I just said you pull a perfect example of the goddamn tired bullshit that I'm talking about. 

    You say that if I'm a dick to people I don't like, my credibility goes away; tell me, have I been a dick in this thread? 

    My plea to you is to treat me like a dick when I'm a dick and treat me like a non-dick when I'm not a dick. The same applies to other toxic people. 

    If you can't do that, there's another solution to this entire thing gone. However, remember; this is is a Minecraft forum, are you really going to hold enough spite to completely and utterly ignore people over something like that? I'd assume you're more reasonable than that, come on now. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. Eehee, do i understand correctly that you are unhappy because you perceive there to be a pattern of unfair treatment toward yourself and several other people by some members of the staff at nerd?

    That's the basic idea, yes. 



    Or is it something other than just unfair treatment, something more specific or of a different nature? What behaviors specifically can we point to that are causing the problems? Can we refer to some concrete examples of actions that have caused this grievance? I'm not looking for an exhaustive list necessarily.

    My issue is that I still get a lot of disdain for things long in the past when it's pretty damn clear that I've made steps to better myself. 

    Before my words get misinterpreted, let me throw it out there that I'm well aware that I'm a huge dick on a fairly regular basis. Why, even today I ended up telling someone to do something rather rude on Survival within about 5 minutes of logging on. 

    However, my actions on the forums are far less dickish than I find the public image of me to be represented as. 

    From what I find, a lot of people are under the impression that I'm a troll and as a result it seems to be impossible for me to actually, y'know, make up for anything dickish I do. When I act like a shit, shouldn't there be some way for me to be taken seriously when I'm being serious? I could be in the middle of a legitimate discussion only to have every fucking word I say picked at because of someone's personal dislike for me.

    Exhibit A; https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3053-goodbye-posters-should-be-banned-when-they-insult-the-community/page-2

    The same issue happens an awful lot with other 'toxic' people, barneygale after his return being a prime example. 

    It's not so much being 'ignored' in the literal sense that I'm talking about, it's having every single goddamn thing you say be taken as an attack or something that needs to be countered. 

    Exhibit B; A few weeks ago I sent a suggestion to two Head Admins regarding ban appeals, one of them was even saying "i will not discuss this matter any further with you" very early into the honestly polite discussion rather than being able to hold the talk about it. The other Head just completely disregarded absolutely everything I said with some snappy response unrelated to what I said, for reasons that are still unknown to me. 

    The fact that I'm considered a troll/troublemaker/'toxic' means that no matter what I try to do, the negatives of what I say are blown far out of proportion and the positives seem to be downright ignored half the time, and over time the entire issue devolves into a huge snowball effect that I evidently have zero control over. I'll redirect your attention to both exhibits above, and I'll rest my case. 

    Now, given all this, what actions can we take to go about fixing this? 

    I'd encourage a good amount of you to reread everything that I just said from the most un-biased perspective you can manage. 

    • Upvote 4
  3. @tobylane


    I just feel it's on-topic enough to keep the discussion related to what I intended to have discussed. The whole permbanning thing from before was completely unrelated, thus why I asked for the discussion to remain on-topic. 

    This topic is something that ties into much of nerd.nu's community, and I doubt it's something that can be solved effectively without allowing the conversation to drift a little, as long as it has a hope of accomplishing something relevant. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. Why on earth would they need to "trust" me? They've got eyes on everything I do in-game. Trust doesn't come into it.

    More courtesy than anything else; obviously people tend to like you a little more if you trust them to any degree. If you don't trust them, chances are you'll be questioning their every move, and they'll get sick of that over time. 

    • Upvote 3
  5. I'm sorry, but I can't believe that. I've seen the same promises get casually broken that many times in that many different places that I no longer have that level of trust in forum-level administration or moderation.

    If we aren't able to trust the staff when they offer us all of the reasonable options, then that's a problem on our side. 

    Perhaps we should trust the staff a little more than we currently do, and perhaps they should trust us a little more than they currently appear to. 

    • Upvote 3
  6. Frankly there are two types of users. One is an adult who participates, is nice, makes friends and hopefully donates if they are fortunate enough to be able too. I am one of these. The other are children who are hostile, entitled, mean, negative and petulant. We could do with less of them. They are the most frequent commentators on the forums yet shockingly not even close to the most frequent players.

    And yet here you are, slugging punches at anyone who you don't believe is a "nice" individual. 

    The admins make a uservoice for helpful suggestions, and then you somehow manage to tie it into us all being assholes and whatnot.. how did you shift your topic from the uservoice to a bunch of us being assholes? How is what you're saying even relevant to the topic? 

    Stop trying to tie every single thing under the sun to be our fault. The drama here was caused by you and no-one else. 

    • Upvote 5
  7. I wasn't saying the server as a whole is critically wounded, sorry for the bad wording.
    The server is actually doing rather well, player-wise, and it seems that we could even be growing once again.
    However, the state of affairs between the 'toxic' group and their opponents is pretty shitty, no-one ought to deny that.
    That's a pretty large issue, not something that just needs a 'little bit of tweaking'.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Sorry, can't quote:


    Tobylane, were these "toxic" people to be all banned from the community, do you expect that there would be no more toxic players joining nerd? 


    In all walks of life, you will find people you dislike or disagree with; simply trying to get rid of them is a temporary solution to something that's more a simple fact of life than a problem. 

    • Upvote 4
  9. Is it critically wounded by the toxic players, or by the reaction to them? Either way it sounds like dealing with toxic players better is the fix. Taking toxic players out of the equation solves it even if we don't agree on which is wounding.


    I really have no idea how this is supposed to be considered helpful. 

    It's critically wounded by several different factors that date back to about 2 years ago. The whole 'toxic' string of bullshit is more recent, dating back about 1 - 0.5 years ago. 

    Taking either party out of the equation is effectively a "fix", because it stops the arguing. Why would you ever suggest removing the toxic players? How the fuck is that supposed to help? You know that isn't going to happen, why bring it up? 

    I genuinely don't know if you're trying to flame, but if you are, you're a legend at it. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. >SwitchViewz <text>

    I actually had a conversation with jchance about a week and a half ago, my reasoning for not changing it before then was the fact that I couldn't take people seriously when they said they were offended by it. Sure, it can be offensive in specific contexts, but I really doubt anyone here was actually disturbed by it. A lot of you got up in arms about it, crying all manner of things, but at the end of the day I can't take people seriously when they get offended at miniscule things like that on an obscure forum for a Minecraft server that's now half a decade old.
    However, the side effect was that people apparently weren't able to take me or what I said seriously because of it, from what I interpreted from the conversation I had with jchance.
    I decided to trust jchance's opinion and I changed it. 
    I'm not really going to look for a fight about the words "allahu akbar you fucking twat", and if I were to be looking for that fight, I'd be causing yet more problems in our already critically wounded community.

    • Upvote 4
  11. I'd like to request that this thread remains un-edited, actually. I don't plan to request for a close anytime soon, and the only reason I can see for there to be comments being hidden or deleted is if they break rules. 

    Dividing these threads because people deem them "off-topic" either kills the conversation or complicates it. Quite frankly, these discussions aren't going to go anywhere if we keep cutting them short; we may as well run around in circles chasing our tail rather than have the same discussion 20 times over before we come to a conclusion. 

    I rest my case in the two threads before this one, both of which were closed. 

    • Upvote 2
  12. I did not write the following work of art. All credits go to some bloke named Nullsquare. 

    So-called 'toxic influence' here. You might remember me from incidents such as "He's from #avo get him out of here", "Nullsquare Christ: Cyberbully Superstar", "Headham Feud: Lude Edition", "Headham Feud 2: Electric Boogaloo", and "The Cat in the (MCBouncer) Hack". My forum account got locked and quite frankly, I don't care enough to actually work out how to unlock it. I don't play Mineraft anymore, nor do I talk to anybody on these servers excluding those who transitioned into real-life friends.

    I was sent this thread by three people on three separate occasions. One asked me to weigh in on it, one laughed while I explained in great detail exactly what process I wished I could take to cut the wires supplying electricity and telephone to tobylane's house, and the final one just kinda circlejerked about 'autism' or something for a little while.

    Firstly, I'd like to address DarkElmo. I know who you are and the alias by which you used to go by. Let it be publicly known that it was me who verbally attacked you several times in Mumble. The justification was your blatant, disgusting, and patently immature sexism that ran rampant through the majority of things you said. While you may have taken offence (and honestly, I hope you did), I was privately thanked by several other occupants of the channels. Two of them were, at the time, volunteer staff of the community. While I didn't make comments pertaining to age (too low-hanging of a fruit for me), I'm sure it came up in other conversations where you demonstrated yourself incapable of handling a mature conversation. If you want pointers on that, contact cmdrtebok. He seems to be the single level-headed individual within the entirety of the nerd.nu community, staff and players alike.

    Your poppycock about the "old times" of nerd.nu is not only completely incorrect and tainted with false nostalgia, but amusingly ironic. If nerd.nu of old was like that, you'd have found yourself banned a long time ago for your immature, unprovoked, baseless personal attacks.


    I feel I should weigh in on this subject for two reasons:

    a) I've been on both sides of the metaphorical fence; and
    b) I no longer hold the nerd.nu community, or any of its members, as near and dear to me. Consequently, I can be objectively critical.

    A thing that is toxic, by definition, is a thing that - when ingested - causes illness or death. It's also synonymous with poisonous; something extremely unpleasant or malicious. I'm going to run with that definition, based on the assumption that the staff and players actively assume that these "collusions" are created characterised by malice, and intending to do harm to the community.

    NEWSFLASH: Amateur Armchair Psychologist Discovers You're Pretty Wrong

    I started playing on the servers in 2010, five years ago. My tenure on the servers is older than that of any currently serving administrator excluding probably Deaygo. I actually see it the other way around. What has manifested over the last few years is an 'us-versus-them' mentality within the staff. This started with a small subset of the staff with the major JohnAdams1735 incident of 2013, but has metastasised across the majority of the staff base. Any who have managed to remain untainted by this view have been blocked from any form of staff-promotion (e.g., TornadoHorse for survival admin, an objectively better choice than some) and had any suggestions that they produce or champion absorbed into metaphorical memory holes.

    I'd like to reiterate that for the most part, it's an 'us-versus-them' mentality between the staff and a portion of players, the majority of which are survival-major players. There's a small subset of this group that plays creative as well. I submit that the regular players that abide by the mentality are mostly just parroting what they've heard from those in positions of authority, whether for some strange hope of becoming a moderator, not having an authority figure in their life until now, or for fear of getting banned by association. Considering 80% of all conversation by these players is harmless banter in Mumble and game, I'm not really sure why there's any fear.

    These people want two things that a lot of staff members appear to find uncomfortable. They want a say - they want some weight to their suggestions, and they want some change. The playerbase is an order of magnitude larger than the staff base. Not only are some of them guaranteed (by sheer statistics) to be better at public relations, programming, and event organising, but some are also guaranteed to have better ideas. Dismissing ideas left and right because of the trail it came from is a terrible, terrible approach to moderation. Your method of silently dismissing ideas if they don't fit your perfect plan was something I attacked a long time ago when ludeman84 was a head admin. If you explain, in detail, your reasons why not, a compromise could be made and it may end up even better than the original idea.


    P.S. Magnyus, if your signature is an 'inside joke', keep it as an inside joke. Putting it on a public forum turns it, in this case, from an inside joke to making you look like a 3edgy5me moronic manchild. Same goes for Eehee (who probably posted this for me) and your location listing.

    P.P.S. tobylane, you've made, at the time of writing, 262 posts on the nerd.nu forums. You've talked a lot but in the contents of these posts you have managed to actually say nothing. I'm sure you know the old adage "a wise man speaks because he has something to say, an idiot speaks because he has to say something."

    • Upvote 5
  13. (Sorry, can't quote from the device I'm using)

    >If you follow the rules you won't be seen in the ban appeals section. It's quite simple.

    I kinda have to disagree with you here; there's absolutely no way that staff justly ban people 100% of the time. People have been banned for doing nothing in particular, for example; Segadude20000 was once banned simply for being present in a particular incident where a few people were breaking a rule that only came into existence after said incident. Sega was actually AFK when he got banned, might I add. There were about 6 people in the area and the only people banned were myself and Sega, (the ban on me was justified) however two other people were doing the thing I was banned for.

  14. The topic of temp bans has been brought up before, but there's never been a definitive course of action about them.
    I for one think that temp bans need to start being used; banning a brand new player for minor crop grief really isn't going to make them want to come back. 
    Going onto some forum to make an account to create a post about why you're innocent or why you aren't isn't necessary at all, if all you did was break of a couple blocks of Glowstone from some dude's house or something of the like.
    Temp bans could also be quite useful for shutting up disruptive players. I for one, if kicked for being a disturbance, will likely come back and argue with whoever kicked me, that's just who I am. However, a temp ban would allow me to take a step back to prevent myself from actually getting a proper ban. Let me note that this doesn't just apply to me, either.

    Also, we have temp bans on the forums, why not in-game?

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