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Everything posted by totemo

  1. That's unfortunate. You are ultimately responsible for all actions performed on your account.
  2. You were warned not to use xray client mods at spawn, in the in-game help (reproduced here) and in the rules. You're banned for one month. Your inventory is cleared and all your edits are gone. Open a new appeal on the 20th of April to be unbanned. Screenshots of your edits follow. In some of them I've marked gold with yellow stained glass and diamond with light blue stained glass (although I didn't fully mark the ore deposits - just the "front" of it as you tunnel in). In others I just rolled the ores you took back into place for the duration of the screenshot. The last screenshot shows a particular tunnel in the shape of a J where you threaded from diamond to gold to diamond, digging down into the floor to get the expose the final diamond. Most of the other ores are diagonally off pre-existing (made by someone else) tunnels, or tunnels that you made. The last screenshot also shows a diamond in a diagonal side-tunnel off in the distance (below the glowstone) and a gold deposit marked with stained glass on the right, both of which are shown in detail in later shots. For these holes in the side of tunnels, if not marked with stained glass, then the original block was stone.
  3. In the interests of efficient communication, here is a list of the planned or tentative changes so far for the zombie apocalypse: Gameplay: Add a gun plugin. Add loot chests in buildings that can contain guns and ammo. Consider whether the event should be PvE or PvP, or (say) one round of each. Mobs: Remove baby zombies. Possibly add husks. Allow zombies to build with sponge when in water. Limit excessive zombie spawns. Add a custom zombie resource pack with sounds, modernised armour and weapons (e.g. wooden sword = baseball bat, iron armour = scrap metal pieces vs diamond armour = black kevlar body armour, health potion = medikit, splash health = hypodermic, splash speed = "stim pack"). Configure break times (by zombies) of the materials. Designate a few "high value" materials with longer break times for base building. Map: Remove ugly (mostly nether) building materials from the map generation configuration. Fix lighting glitches in the generated map. Use custom made building schematics. Spawn players randomly around the map rather than a single location. Consider hosting one day of the event in an old PvE or Creative city, or a map made from a conglomeration of these.
  4. I understand your frustration. I am similarly frustrated with the situation. I am also very busy at the moment. This is a situation caused by NotTegu xraying and using movement hacks and then evading that ban as JetPackJohn8, MiniTortoise and PvPMatt. We need to enforce the rules on the server, with real consequences and we have limited tools at our disposal for confirming people's identity online. He also came back on a VPN as CPTTurtle14. The same VPN that you are using, in fact. As I said, I am very busy at the moment and so have limited time (the most valuable thing a person has) to waste in trying to sort out who is whom. If you would like to play this month, work out how to turn off the VPN. Otherwise, wait for NotTegu to be unbanned, I am truly sorry if this causes you to be incorrectly banned, but I don't have time to do any better this week.
  5. We're going to have to get into specifics. Brand name on the VPN and I suggest you look seriously into how to turn it off.
  6. Find out what VPN that is and let me know.
  7. Yep. You can feel free to play if you don't use a VPN. Please turn off your VPN and comment here.
  8. James, I can see the email address you use to register forum accounts. MiniTortoise - xxxxxxxx.james@company.com NotTegu - xxxjames@company.com PvPMatt - jameswilliamxxxxxxx@company.com If you post any more appeals I'm simply going to start banning forum accounts and adding extra time onto the NotTegu (and all alts) bans.
  9. We cannot determine who is operating a given account at any particular time. These accounts have been used to evade a ban, therefore they are banned. Stop opening new appeals and wait until NotTegu is unbanned.
  10. As there is no way for us to determine who is operating a given account at any given time we cannot enforce the NotTegu ban without banning the other accounts. So sorry.
  11. There is no way to determine which person is operating a given account at any given moment. Stop opening new appeals.
  12. The adjudicator's decision is final.
  13. Nope. Sorry. Not babysitting. Stop trying to evade bans.
  14. Since you evaded this ban (for the third time), today it starts over today and ends one month from now (the 7th of Febuary).
  15. Nope. Sorry. As we have no way of determining who is operating an account at any given time, and since nottegu continues to try to evade the ban (as of 5 minutes ago), we will not be lifting any bans related to these accounts until the original ban is over. The original ban will be restarted at the time of the last ban evasion (today).
  16. You're banned for a month for xray. Your inventory has been cleared and all your edits wiped from the map. If you open a new appeal on the 4th of February, as a reminder to us, we will unban you. The account you used to evade the ban stays banned for that period too. You were using a hacked client and four staff members directly observed you mining directly from one ore to the next. We don't ban people for mining without torches. We do however ban pretty smartly if we observe them looking through walls, as you did and threading from one diamond (or other) ore to the next. I count three diamond deposits. Last one was particularly blatantly xray. Screenshots follow.
  17. Oh I see. Sounds like your friend played a prank on you. Who was that?
  18. Your inventory has been cleared and all of your edits undone. You'll be unbanned after the customary ban period of one month. Please open a new appeal on the first of February as a reminder to us to do so. There aren't many (any?) servers that explicitly permit xraying within the rules. Instead there are servers that enforce the rules poorly and those that do so well. Please read the rules before appealing again. http://nerd.nu/rules. Here they are in short form at spawn (start with the bottom middle sign): Here are a couple of screenshots of evidence of your tunnels, for the sake of completeness:
  19. No I'm definitely in the moving forward by moving sideways camp.
  20. It is a cultural thing tho. Mojang have balanced their vanilla game around single player. It leads to this wildly unbalanced multiplayer game that a skilled group of players like PvE can crack in about a week these days, and then we build houses and 3/4 of the server population go play something else for four months until the next rev starts. I'm aware that I'm pushing it uphill trying to change anything for the better. But it is good to recognise that it is basically just culture. Culture has changed. It could change again.
  21. Would anyone dare to change anything if a sensible suggestion elicits a full meltdown and permaquit? Hey, trip down memory lane: http://wiki.nerd.nu/carto/pve/p06/carto/#/-10/64/1630/max/0/0 Rev 6 didn't have iron grinders. Didn't have villagers. And yet it has rails all around the map. When did PvE get so lazy and entitled that the only way to make stuff is if the materials are free? Enchants cost 50 levels. XP was slow. I built a massive darkroom grinder and charged people a lot of diamonds for a good pick. There was no mending. You had to repair your gear. There were no horses, of courses, of courses, or flying around, so if you wanted to travel, rail was your best bet.
  22. Herr_Fawkes there's a whole lot of evidence refuting any assertion that we're short on iron in the other iron related thread: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4357-i-would-highly-recommend-adding-4-golem-spawners-in-the-very-near-future/page-2 There are also some points about the deleterious effects of providing iron grinders at spawn in the armour smelting poll thread, when that went off the rails into the unrelated debate about iron, here: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4381-poll-smelting-armor-for-ingots/page-2#entry35655 In the interests of not repeating ourselves and having a coherent discussion, can you move this to the other iron thread. It's not vastly different from anything that has been said elsewhere.
  23. From the armour smelting thread, here are some additional stats on iron mining behaviour: The first four pages of LogBlock iron ore mining results (posted earlier) add up as follows (I'm counting destructions only and skipping the placements, to save time): Miners 1 - 15: 76043 Miners 16 - 30: 44453 Miners 31 - 45: 33972 Miners 46 - 60: 23418 Total (1 - 60): 177886 or 57.7% of total iron ore mined. I'm assuming that with better tools we could plot all this and it would show up as a nice neat bell curve. And that the time usage stats would also show up as a similarly tidy bell curve. The top players by time are always going to end up with a bigger share of the loot. The question you should be asking is how do we encourage those 13000 iron blocks to move out of people's chests into the hands of the players that need them. Also from those LogBlock stats I can see that only 474 players of the 902 unique logins mined any iron at all, which in single player would be essential to get redstone or diamonds. Just to back that up: total number of unique players who have broken one log, essential to even starting the game at all: 602.
  24. That is not true. If you scroll up to comment #43, you will see that there are already 13000 iron blocks going to waste in people's chests. At week 5.
  25. I agree. If iron spawners are a limited resource then they are hard to balance because there are so many ways they could be used: with or without a constant AFK slave and shared or not. AFKing is not a great mechanic anyway and hard to balance in and of itself.
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