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Creative Admins
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Everything posted by Bardidley

  1. Jesus_MF, Since your banning moderator is not currently around, I'm going to go ahead and unban your account. Welcome Back! FYI the old survival server is no longer online but you can join the new server pvp.nerd.nu on 1.9
  2. Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [building lag machines, racism on creative. nerd.nu/appeal] 2016-04-13 Hi Cutco, If you want to return to the server I am going to ask you to read over our rules at http://www.nerd.nu/rules Once you have done so, respond here no sooner than Friday April 15th Tuesday, April 26th stating you have read our rules and I will unban your account. EDIT : it was unfortunate you decided to evade your ban with an alt account, our guidelines state that ban evasions are to have a 2 week minimum ban length. The account you used for ban evasion (hjob) will need to be appealed in its own thread.
  3. Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (stellarviking) [griefing on survival nerd.nu/appeal] 2015-05-14 Hello Jesus_MF, It appears as though your ban is for the account Jesus_MF. I will send your banning moderator a PM in case they are not aware of your appeal.
  4. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  5. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  6. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  7. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  8. Chest protections with lwc have been added to creative. When a chest is placed it will automatically be a public chest. If you wish to make it private you must use the /cprivate command. For all commands type /lwc *Please note that staff have access to locked chests
  9. This changelog is way past due for some updates. December 2015 - Hollifer has joined the Cadmins, Challenger2 has joined the Tech Admins February 2016 - Challenger2 has implemented a plugin he developed called NerdPlot, giving players ability to claim spawn city plots without a moderator and limiting players to how many plots in spawn city they can own.
  10. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  11. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  12. Join the Speedbuild Competition at 9PM EST Three 10 minute rounds of Creative Speed Build @ /warp Speedbuild
  13. xTrollerx9000, There are many ways we can detect players who are griefing or using a modded client. If you must know how I caught you, the biggest giveaway was your modreq to have your area protected and you set off ncp warnings almost constantly and I was checking up on you while being vanished. Looks like your client lived up to it's name.
  14. Join us for the launch of Creative Revision 30!
  15. Hello Everyone! Below is the schedule we will be following during the change over to Creative Revision 30! - as per https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3941-creative-revision-30-launch-date/#entry31956 - FEBRUARY 11th THURSDAY @ 7PM EDT CHAOS (Survival Mode, World Edit Disabled, PVP enabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - FEBRUARY 12th FRIDAY @ 7PM EDT TNT PARTY (Creative Mode, World Edit Disabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - FEBRUARY 13th SATURDAY @ 7PM EDT Revision 30 Launch! (Everything back to normal, with NEW map.) Timezone converter http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/?t=7PM&tz=EDT%20(Eastern%20Daylight%20Time)& Here are some more details on the maps features and new server information: - The Main World will be 5000x5000 to start off, potentially expanding to 10000x10000 in small increments. The map terrain is naturally generated with some World Painted areas mixed in. - Challenger2 has worked very hard on a new plugin called NerdPlot. This plugin will allow players to instantly claim a plot ONLY within spawn city's pre-made suburb and downtown plots and the redstone playground. NerdPlot is smart enough to allow 1 plot per player in certain areas. Each player may have 1 suburb plot, 1 downtown plot, multiple redstone plots. Claiming any plots does not require a moderator, however if you want to add another player to the plot or be removed from the plot - you will have to make a /modreq Claim Spawn City and redstone plots by standing in the plot and typing: /nerdplot claim Other NerdPlot commands can be looked up by typing /nerdplot help - There will be a Classic Multiverse World with no world edit or flight. @ /warp classic. - Spawn City will form a ring around the spawn location(which is located in the main world). - Cardinal roads (North, East, South, West) can be connected to, but not blocked or disturbed. - The CTA will have a spawn city downtown and suburb station, tracks will be both above and below ground. - Redstone Playground will be available @ /warp redstone - this will have the traditional plots as well as much larger plots. The Revision 29 Map will be available for download shortly after it is taken down. It can be found at http://mcp-dl.com RULE CHANGES 1. Standalone redstone builds are required to be in the Redstone Playground. (This rule does not apply to builds that include redstone contraptions.) 2. Removing borders from complete or near complete builds. (Removing your borders will be easy with World Edit and it will look much better on the map render.) ~The Cadmins
  16. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and votes! We have taken into account the feedback we received and we look forward to seeing you on the server this revision 30!
  17. Speed Build begins @ 9PM EST on the Creative server. Type /warp speedbuild to join.
  18. Hey Everyone! We are in the beginning stages of preparing the new map for Creative Revision 30! This poll and the following suggestions will be taken into consideration for our planning. We anticipate the revision to be launching in February (an announcement will be made 1 month prior to the launch date). Please provide us any of your ideas in the comments below, we want to gather your ideas for consideration! ~The Cadmins
  19. Tonight we are pleased to announce that Hollifer will be joining myself and ExcessiveToker as a Creative Admin! She has been an active part of the Community for the past 1.5 years, first joining in 2012 and becoming a moderator in July 2015. Hollifer is known for her artistic style in her builds which are usually symbolic in some way. Being helpful towards other players and her contributions with Spawn City and Bigtown this revision has made her the perfect addition to our team. We look forward to the ideas she will bring to the Creative Admin Team! Please welcome Hollifer to her new position when your see her in game! ~The Creative Admins
  20. Today we are announcing the opening of the Creative Speed Build Arena Contest! The goal of this contest is for the winning builders arena to be featured on our next map. The winning arena will be used weekly for our regularly scheduled 10 minute Speed Build Contest. The current Speed Build Arena is located at /warp speedbuild Contest Details: - Contest will be open until the final day of Revision 29. (TBA) Approx. 8 weeks - The winner will be revealed in Revision 30 launch. To Begin: - Join the Creative server. (c.nerd.nu) - Type /mvtp world_contest_speedbuild - Type /plotme auto to be assigned and moved to the next available plot. - You are allowed to build with World Edit within your plot. - Other players can be added to your plot. Type /plotme add PLAYER. Guidelines: - Arena plots are all 150 x 150. - Your arena must have at LEAST 16 building plots. - The arena building plots must be at least 25 x 25. Larger is fine. - Can be any theme. - All server rules apply. Be Creative and Have Fun!
  21. Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Hollifer) [banned for greif (removing a player's house) on C. nerd.nu/appeal] 2015-12-02T06:01:15.494 Hello FNCMeven, It seems there was an error in your ban, it is my error because I was assisting Hollifer while she was investigating your build. Somehow my alt check did not list your other account - and this may have been due to a typo. We thought it was a case of a player hijacking another players claim and that is why the ban was issued. I apologize for the wrongful ban. We will restore what you had in the area. Welcome Back.
  22. Ban info for McKnightly: Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (geb_) [Homophobia in chat on S. nerd.nu/appeal] Please wait for your banning moderator, they will reply shortly.
  23. What would be a good time for Euro timezoners? If you suggest a certain time frame we can look into the possibility of having one catering to those players. If there's a demand we can do our best to accommodate.
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