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Everything posted by Bardidley
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Halloween Weekly Build Contest! The winner will be decided on a public vote. View the entries in this post and on Creative at /warp WeeklyBuild, choose your favourite entry! The vote will close Monday, November 2nd at midnight EDT! Entry Guide https://imgur.com/a/dajUohO
Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Crashing player clients, banned items on Creative. nerd.nu/appeal] 2020-05-07 Hi Infernoboy16, You were banned for distributing items to two players which resulted in them being unable to rejoin the server without repeatedly disconnecting. I had to intervene to remove the items so that they could rejoin. If you desire to rejoin this server, you must understand this activity is against the rules.
Mr_CTA, There is currently plenty of free space and empty claims. There are some claims that are due to be removed soon for not being developed/built, you can watch for these spaces to become available possibly in the next month. Also there is a possibility for a small border expansion in the future. There is currently plenty of space to connect the CTA to the claims around the map.
Hello jadedeconomist, Your notes on this account will not be removed as they are still indicative of your play style on this server. Just because you are absent does not mean your notes get cleared. They get cleared by demonstrating to us with your game play that you no longer reflect these notes given. If you decide to come back to this server and show us that you have changed - over a period of time, we will be happy to reconsider the note removal.
Congratulations to the winner of Weekly Build "Holiday Treats": iceberg76 ! The final theme will be New Years Eve 2020! To join, type /warp weeklybuild and find a free plot and type: /nerdplot claim You will have until Saturday Jan 4th to complete your build! ~cadmins
For the month of December we will be having Christmas Holiday Themed build contests! To participate, go to /warp WeeklyBuild and find a free plot, type: /nerdplot claim. You may build alone or as a group. Depending on turnout, there will be 2 contests in December. The first 2 weeks the theme will be: Santa Claus The winner and next theme will be posted in this thread on December 14th! Happy Building! ~Cadmins
Over the next two weeks there will be a special Halloween themed build contest! Players can join the contest by going to /warp weeklybuild and use the command /nerdplot claim on a free plot. Players are allowed to build on one plot entry as a group or solo. The build will be open tonight, Oct17th until the evening of Oct 31st! ~Cadmins
Today I am happy to announce that marting11 will be re-joining the Cadmin Team! marting11 previously held the role from September 2013 to mid-2015 and now we are excited to have him back as an admin after being active as a moderator since May. We will be working to bring you Creative 1.14.4 and Revision 35 soon! ~Cadmins
The Weekly Build #11 Winner is AndyJF, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #12 Theme: Something that features 1.13 blocks! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, August 21st, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Continued public accusations of rule-breaking, NSFW chat and ignoring admin requests. nerd.nu/appeal] 2019-07-30 Hello Vexillologist420, Thank you for making an appeal. If a player has said something in public chat that was rule-breaking, the best way to handle it is to make a modreq for staff to look into. To be clear, the players comments were NOT made on Nerd.nu services. Therefore we cannot hold them to account in terms of a ban. My feeling is they truly do not mean what they said and they probably regret it. Other instances of antisemitic comments on Nerd.nu services were dealt with and we have not witnessed or had reports of anything since. If something is witnessed and not seen by staff please use /modreq to report the offender, that way it is on the record and we can be alerted to it. Resorting to harassment is not the proper way to deal with your displeasure with someone on this server. I will unban your account tonight at 7pm EDT
The Weekly Build #10 Winner is abitcat, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #11 Theme: TV / Movie Character How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, July 24th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
The Weekly Build #8 Winner is WaxTed, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #9 Theme: Musician! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, June 26th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
The Weekly Build #6 Winner is GoliathHDS, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #7 Theme: Summer Vacation How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, May 30th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
Creative Suggestion Box Responses Anonymous suggestion box submissions are made in-game using /suggestion-box <suggestion> and are checked by the Cadmins. 1. decrease the number of props in spawn building its too laggy Bard + Mew - We will check for unnecessary props in spawn. 2. turn off spawn snow pls its really lagging me out Bard + Mew - Snow has been turned off, perhaps next year we will have it snowing less. 3. ./checc should = /check like /stacc = /stack Bard + Mew - /checc implemented 4. Is it possible for the //snow command have snow be abled to be placed on top of leaves? Bard + Mew - Unfortunately snow on leaves has to be placed manually 5. can /nerdplot unclaim somehow become a thing Bard + Mew - To remove ownership of a region, it has to be done with staff permissions. It allows us to manage and keep track of region removals and prevents abuse. Mew 6. Can //centre be a thing? Bard - //center can be used by //center <blockID> Mew - If I’m correct and you’re wanting a new command that fits to your spelling habits that does the same thing as the regular //center <blockID>, I can have a word with techs about getting that implemented. 7. Maybe make it easier to access plots on test worlds? Bard - Testbuild can become crowded after a while. I recommend setting a home in your testbuild so that it won’t be lost. Mew - Since we have no organized grid system and allow claims under the same claiming rules as the overworld, having an easier system isn’t really possible. /Sethome is the only option you have, unless you’re good at retracing your steps. 8. I don't speak english very well, sorry if i do some mistake, but in claim, it's possible to able TNT explosion to autorise players cannon using TNT? Bard + Mew - TNT explosions are disabled on Creative. Sorry. 9. Allow "/tp ~# ~# ~#" for more precise measurements or builds. Perhaps only within one's region. Bard - /tppos is disabled to prevent players from accessing areas they are not supposed to be in. Mew - I suggest making use of the //stack command for that (ie, measuring something by doing //stack x, flying to the end of that stack, and then doing //undo. Wah-la!) 10. After we rotate our clipboard. We are unable to use //deform to undo it. Mew - If //deform doesn’t work, I’d suggest keeping “savepoints” of your builds off to the side if possible. You can also save them in testbuild if you are working with limited space. We will alert the techs about this. Bard - Deform works with the correct parameters. See https://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Region_operations#Deforming_regions for details. 11. have the mods actually be active Bard - Staff volunteer their time on Nerd.nu, unfortunately some staff go inactive. We try to have staff available at all times. Mew - Not to mention most staff members are adults with work and school to deal with. C is currently working on getting new mods, albeit slowly. Might be wise to look into a C training class for P-frequenting mods in the future, though. 12. don't stop being awesome! -amossylog Mew + Bard- https://imgur.com/a/xoRJ3Kk
The Weekly Build #4 Winner is Verros, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #5 Theme: Foreign Cuisine How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, May 1st, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
The Weekly Build #2 Winner is Challenger2, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #3 Theme: Medieval How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, April 17th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Harassment on Creative. nerd.nu/appeal] 2019-04-06 Hi TuxyWhale, Thank you for making an appeal. There are several instances of your attacks and inappropriate general chat in the past, not just last night. I hope that you can turn things around and be in the company of this server's players. The pattern of being rude and attacking players is going to stop. You will be unbanned on Sunday, April 7th at 9PM EDT
Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Racist chat on Creative. nerd.nu/appeal] 2019-02-24 Hi TurtlesRLit, Thank you for making an appeal. Please familiarize yourself with the rules on this server. I will unban your account Sunday at 10PM EDT
Ban info: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Built another swastika, you were warned. nerd.nu/appeal] 2017-12-31 Hello JoeSeaward, Thank you for appealing. Your ban is from December 2017 and indeed it was for swastikas you made on the Creative server, on more than one occasion. I am going to unban your account now but please know if we find more related activity you will be swiftly banned again. If you share your account with other people please be sure to change your password before joining. Welcome Back
We are pleased to announce the first contest of Revision 34! The current /warp SpeedBuild is going to be retired soon and we need your help building a unique arena to facilitate our bi-weekly Speed Build competitions! We've got some requirements and guidelines for the arena to work to it's fullest potential, so please read carefully. GUIDELINES: You will have a 300x300 plot of building space! Any theme you want is okay. If you build SQUARE plots they must have a minimum size of 25x25. If you build CIRCULAR plots they must have a minimum diameter of 30. Plots must have FULL vertical clearance (nothing blocking potentially tall builds). Plots must be at least 7 blocks deep from ground level (for any builds that require digging). The arena must have a minimum of 18 plots. More is fine. (If your arena wins and does not meet these guidelines, it may be subject to modifications. If it cannot be modified, the 2nd place arena may be chosen in it's place.) HOW TO PARTICIPATE: The contest will take place on c.nerd.nu Enter the contest with /warp SBAContest or /mv tp speedbuild_contest Find and stand in a plot, then type /nerdplot claim You can use World Edit in your plot. You may add other players to your plot with /rg addowner. DURATION: Begins: January 26th 2019 Ends: February 23rd 2019 Public voting will be held upon completion of contest. Have fun and happy building! -Cadmins
Hello Everyone! Below is the schedule we will be following during the change over to Creative Revision 34! - November 28th WEDNESDAY @ 9PM EDT CHAOS (Survival Mode, World Edit Disabled, PVP enabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - November 29th THURSDAY @ 9PM EDT TNT PARTY (Creative Mode, World Edit Disabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - November 30th FRIDAY @ 9PM EDT Revision 33 Launch (Everything back to normal, with new map.) Here are some more details on the maps features: Main World will be 15,000x15,000 blocks, and made with WorldPainter and WorldMachine. Spawn City will feature Suburbs, Downtown, Uptown and City Representative Offices in the spawn building. Suburb plots, Downtown plots, Uptown plots, City Rep Office plots - Nerdplots available from the beginning limited to 1 of each per player. Cardinal roads will be player built. We have several players who are keen to build them. The CTA has a spawn station. The current map and Testbuild will be transferred with their contents to Revision 34 as separate MV worlds. The Revision 33 Map will be available for download shortly after it is taken down. It can be found at http://mcp-dl.com ~The Cadmins
The Creative server will be launching Revision 34 on November 30th 2018. Due to delays with server plugins for 1.13 we will be launching on 1.12.2, we will stay on 1.12.2 until we can guarantee the functionality of necessary plugins for 1.13 or a future version of Minecraft. We apologize for the delay in bringing this news but we had to be certain as to what version we were going to use before announcing a date. Another announcement will follow, giving details on the changeover schedule. Thanks to everyone who took part in our poll to gather ideas and suggestions, we have taken all input into consideration! Here are some screenshots from the new map! ~Cadmins
Weekly Build Contest - Winner & This Week's Theme
Bardidley replied to ExcessiveToker's topic in Creative
Congratulations to Week #47 Winner, WaxTed! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp clock Week #47 concludes Weekly Build for Revision 34. We will resume Weekly Build possibly under a new format in Revision 35. In the next several weeks we will focus our efforts on Group Build. Thanks to everyone who participated since the beginning of the revision! The Weekly Build world will remain saved and available for download once the revision ends. -
Weekly Build Contest - Winner & This Week's Theme
Bardidley replied to ExcessiveToker's topic in Creative
Congratulations to Week 46 winner, WaxTed! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Soda Week #47 category: Grandfather Clocks How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (9/22/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team -
Weekly Build Contest - Winner & This Week's Theme
Bardidley replied to ExcessiveToker's topic in Creative
Congratulations to Week 43 winner, promaxxe! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Pizza Week #44 category: Paranormal! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (9/1/2018) at 9pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team