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Posts posted by Silversunset01

  1. Please add your vote by the end of Saturday 4th November.

    If a staff member votes 'no', it is expected that their accompanying comments have been previously made known either within the feedback thread or directly to head admins. If not, we will get in contact with the staff member to get more detailed reasoning.

    If this vote is successful:

    • We will contact the player to ensure they would like to join staff. If they would:
    • We will contact techs to update player permissions in game, and update forum, slack etc. permissions across our services.
    • We will arrange basic training and inform server admins when new moderators are ready for additional server-specific training.
    • We will move this voting post to public mod forums, and inform the playerbase via the Head Admin changelog.

    If this vote is unsuccessful, or the player declines, we will inform staff within the post, and move it to the private closed nomination forum.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hello all, we're going to be moving forward with a number of permission changes upon our services and reflected on the staff page and will be contacting each individual to keep them informed of this change. Data for this was gathered from August 13th for Creative and September 22nd for PvE due to the reset.

    • Based on activity, we'll be moving the following people from current staff to inactive:
      • Lappy486
    • The following people will be moved from the inactive staff to our past staff section:
      • n/a
    • There are an additional 3 staff members who will be contacted regarding their activity levels to ensure we're doing all we can to assist them with any queries or issues, and make sure they're still available to participate as a staff member.
  3. 11 hours ago, Barlimore said:

    Suggestion: In the lobby, enable pvp, so that we can have slapsies while we wait for the server to come back up

    Our Response: Thank you for your suggestion here. We have no control over the lobby so we have passed your suggestion onto the head admin team for consideration.

    Thank you for your suggestion! At this time we are going to keep the lobby as-is without pvp as it would require significant modification of the build and doesn't really mesh with the intent of the lobby. If you wish to participate in 'slapsies' you're welcome to make an arena on creative to use during the pve downtime

    • Like 1
  4. We'd like to announce two additions to the Head Admin team!

    Cujobear has been a player on nerd since PvE Rev 14 (August 2014). She became a moderator in January 2016, and a PAdmin June 2016. She can often be found building in Lazuli Shores and thinking of new ways to torture players with her events.

    Zomise has been a player on nerd since PvE Rev 12 (September 2013) , and a moderator since August 2014. Zomise likes long walks on the beach, building in Rose, and yelling at me when I forget the proper hashtags on my tweets.

    As a sidenote, cujo will not be fully transitioning to the head team until PvE Rev 21 is settled as she still has some things she's working on. 

    Please join Torteela and I in welcoming Cujobear and Zomise to the head admin team. 

  5. Welcome to the Nerd.nu September 2017 News Digest!
    Below you will find a summary of all the cool stuff that's going on this month. Admins will make their announcement posts as usual and they will be compiled here to make it easier to locate them.


    Community Wide:







    Prior months posts can be found below

  6. My thoughts so far
    * Skyrails: You can't see down so it has no visual benefit as a skyrail in that sense (other than looking cool).
    * Skyrails: Dismounting from the cart in mid-air drops you to the ground (unlike normal rails that drop you on the 1-wide landmass). That would cause many many accidental deaths and salty players. 
    * the Sign switching: Is fun... and it works pretty well. But i dont like it at all for pve, it takes every bit of effort out of making rail and stations.  
    * Also you can't push carts either from inside them or outside (no pushing villagers around etc or walking yourself if you run out of powered rail). That seems like it would be a problem. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Abitcat said:

    I like what you're doing silver, but to me it looks really choppy and doesn't live up to the current one.

    My suggestions? Make the bars on the top an animation so they don't pop up without a smooth animation.

    Maybe change the taskbar on the right to make it cleaner? It does look crumpled up.

    Maybe change the sub-reddit bar on the top? You can do that stuff.

    It IS my own silly opinion, but I doubt all of these will happen. :happy:  

    Can you get a screenshot for the "taskbar on the right"? If I don't know what you're seeing I can't fix it. 

  8. Please add your vote by the end of Saturday 16th September.

    If a staff member votes 'no', it is expected that their accompanying comments have been previously made known either within the feedback thread or directly to head admins. If not, we will get in contact with the staff member to get more detailed reasoning.

    If this vote is successful:

    • We will contact the player to ensure they would like to join staff. If they would:
    • We will contact techs to update player permissions in game, and update forum, slack etc. permissions across our services.
    • We will arrange basic training and inform server admins when new moderators are ready for additional server-specific training.
    • We will move this voting post to public mod forums, and inform the playerbase via the Head Admin changelog.

    If this vote is unsuccessful, or the player declines, we will inform staff within the post, and move it to the private closed nomination forum.

  9. So i've been spending time fixing things on the subreddit stylesheet and out of frustration of having to !important everything to negate 10 previous lines of code i decided to attempt to replicate our style sheet (with some improvements) from scratch. 

    I've got a test sub set up, take a look, let me know what i've missed so i can work out how to fix it. For now i've tried to stick as close to what we currently have as i can, but change isnt bad so if you think of something we can do better let me know.


    The biggest change is the server dropdowns at the top. and the fact that the stylesheet goes from 3911 lines to 815 lines :P 

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