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Posts posted by slide

  1. I first noticed this problem when we originally updated to 1.7, however I have not been able to reproduce this on S or P or on my own server. I haven't looked into it in a while, but I was at a loss before to it's cause. Originally it affected almost all the new 1.7 blocks and it seemed to simply strip the color for them. Currently it seems to only be happening on the stained glass and kinda unfortunately means its low priority for me =\ If anyone happens to figure out any more info, please do let me know.

  2. Yea Mrloud15 also asked what could be done so I started looking into it. On the 22nd I added a custom question to the registration process. So far it looks like it stopped the new spam accounts pretty well as I don't think there have been any since then. This post, while after that date, was from an account that registered on the 21st, so before the new question was in place. We may have a few spam accounts still in the system that will get removed once they post but I don't think any more should come up. We can always implement more checks in the future though.

  3. Design contests always have limitations that are imposed by the person(s) putting the contest on. They may seem arbitrary but as there aren't really many technical limitations, there HAVE to be "arbitrary" rules. Usually these rules go along with the person putting the contest on and their vision. My vision for all the work I've done on the lobby, currently includes a center spawn.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I see your reasoning here, with people not being able to see what they're up against, but I still don't think that it's fair that people who built them off the server are only given 4 days VS just short of a month. That's a massive difference in time.

    All they have to do is get whatever they have done, imported by Wed. It doesn't have to be finished, they can keep working on it on the event server. They have the exact same amount of time as everyone else.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Can you just tell me why your personal preference is for it to be in the middle? This is like the 4th time I've asked now.

    You don't need to hate staff to ask perfectly reasonable questions.


    "Well, huh, might as, might as well ask why is a tree good? Why is the sunset good? Why are boobs good? Man, firecrackers, ya stick 'em in mailboxes, you drop 'em in toilets, shove 'em up bullfrogs asses."


    That's just the way I prefer it setup.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Yeah but it's not answering the question. Why not drop the requirement for a central spawnpoint if there's no reason for it other than a tech admin's unexplained personal preference? It restricts the possible builds, as roastnewt has already brought up...

    The argument could be made that changing the rules now would disadvantage players who've already had to compromise their designs in order to have a central spawnpoint, and I'd be equally satisfied if slide said "oh I thought it would give us some kind of lag/fairness/whatever advantage but apparently I was wrong", but seriously how the hell can you defend this decision without bringing up a single factor that contributed to it? I don't even care if you guys made some kind of miscalculation or tired/drunk decision but at least don't try and defend it by saying "well, slide runs the contest so he can make whatever rules he likes without explanation!"


    What? So the person running a contest can not make any decisions based on their preferences? I want this lobby contest to have entries with a center spawn. Why do you hate the staff so much, that we can do nothing right apparently?

    • Upvote 4
  7. I don't understand. If you're trying to keep it level, why give people such different times?


    Even so, this is still really early, I know a few people that are building their hubs locally due to the WorldEdit restrictions on the Event server, I feel it's unfair to force those people to rush their build.


    No rule or announcement before the event stated we even will accept schematics. I believe I've posted twice on the issue, the first stating 'a few days from contest start' which is essentially now, and now I've said until Wednesday which just gives the people who didn't see the first announcement more time. They are also able to have their builds imported by Wednesday and finish building on the server. This is a concession made to not leave out the people who started early.



    I know of a couple, if not more people who have switched to working with their designs in single player rather than on the server as they have more freedom with the amount they can world edit to avoid causing lag for other players. If they finish theirs in single player without seeing this announcement, do their designs simply not count in the voting? What will happen there?


    Again, that's not answering the question that was asked. It makes no difference who is running it or who made the decision. The question was why was it decided so that spawn has to be in the center, could we have an answer for this question?

    At no point was it stated that entries could be submitted outside the event server so I'm not sure why they would expect to be able to


    As for the center being the spawn, see below.



    I don't mean to sound rude slide, but it's a very simple question and I have no idea why you can't give a simple answer.

    That is the answer, because that is how I want it. There is no technical reason, a decision had to be made and I decided to go with how I wanted it.

    • Upvote 4
  8. He asked for the reason for the decision, not the person responsible for the decision.

    The reason is because that's the way, uh huh, uh huh, i like it.



    Thanks, i'll re-enable it. Though it does seem to be weeding out the people who are too lazy to read any of the rules.



    If you don't mind, could I ask your reasoning for such a small time frame? The contest goes until next month, why make the deadline for imports so soon?

    The reason is I want all designs/work in one place, for the designs to be done inside the community, rather than alone in secret. I've tried to enable as many features as possible so it shouldn't be a question about tools.

    • Upvote 5
  9. Sorry I haven't replied, was watching the subreddit post more than here. I'll try to answer all the questions now.


    Curious as to the reasoning for this. Seems extremely limiting without much of a reason, tech-wise.


    It was a decision by me. The next lobby design contest will have different rules, but these are the rules for this contest.



    Are we required to build it on nerd on the event server? I mean I MAY have one that is for sure within the size limit, but its currently on a personal world. Just curious.

    related question: Could we get our build from a  personal server WEed in?


    I will be importing whole designs for the first few days only, since I'm only now posting this. I'll put the stop time at Wednesday, Jan 22nd by 10PM CST. I however can import small individual pieces later on, just not whole designs.



    No, /plotme auto finds the next plot out in a spiral from plot (0,0).  It would only go outside the border if every other plot inside the border was already taken.


    As far as I could determine, 'plotme auto' finds the next plot out in a spiral from the player location, not 0,0. If it's the other way around I can look into enabling it again, but I disabled it so that plots outside the worldborder could not be claimed.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Introducing the Lobby Design Contest!


    When: Saturday, January 18th, 10AM CST

    Where: Event server

    Ends: Saturday, February 15h, 10AM CST


    How it will work:

    You will be able to claim 1 plot per person in which to build your design. Each plot is 125x125 however you do not need to fill the entire space. Groups builds are highly encouraged.

    SafeBuckets is enabled, though you are able to place flowing water/lava.

    WorldEdit is enabled for use in your plot(s) only, however most commands are rate limited to help server stability. Any abuse will result in a ban.

    The map is currently limited to 25 plots as group builds are preferred, but we can expand if it's needed.

    The winner will be chosen by a vote on the forum.



    1. All standard rules apply.
    2. "Spawn" must be the center of your build.
    3. Unused plots can and will be reclaimed.
    4. Can be designed for creative or suvival mode.
    5. 1 plot per user. May be part of others builds.
    6. Portals can be any shape.
    7. Design needs to be able to hold 200 people.
    8. Design does not need to use the entire plot.
    9. Plot owners are responsible for their plots.
    10. Must have portals for C, P, S and E/X (1 spot)
    11. Can use the following blocks for the portal: Portal Block, Water, Lava


    • "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in
    • "/plot home" to get back to your plot
    • "/plot info" to get info about a plot
    • "/plot list" to list your plots
    • "/plot clear" to clear out your plot
    • "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot
    • "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot
    • "/plot dispose" to give up your plot
    • "/i water" to get flowing water
    • "/i lava" to get flowing lava
    • "/i portal" to get the portal block

    WorldEdit commands available:

    undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlaba, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp


    Except from rate limiting:

    sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut

    • Upvote 11
  11. I will setup the lobby so the mods are able to pretty it up a bit, thus satisfying y'alls desire. Also, the reasons for not using C are space and features. The contest will be using a plot plugin, allowing plot owners to manage the perms themselves after claiming. Also permissions are being granted that give the builders more advanced tools.... I'm waiting on 1 final piece before I can open the doors

    • Upvote 4
  12. It has been a real honor working with you. You've dedicated an insane amount of your time and energy and the results have been amazing. The community has been extremely lucky to have you for the time it did. I wish you well on your new endeavor. Stop by from time to time and if you ever get the Minecraft bug again, you know you have a place here!

    • Upvote 1
  13. I disagree, you can see at a glance that S is non-vanilla, with the preponderance of water ladders and lava blades.  All the plugin does is stop water from destroying redstone contraptions.  If the argument is about which one changes the day-to-day player interactions with water and lava the most, hands-down safebuckets is less vanilla.

    Water ladders and lava blades can easily be accomplished with signs so I don't see those as non-vanilla.



    Firstly, C is a different creature, because buckets are infinite, so the ability to grief with water and lava is much greater.  Safebuckets should probably remain on C, but we're talking about S. 


    Buckets are essentially infinite in survival as well with infinite wells.



    Almost every mob grinder design I can think of requires flowing water.  Flowing water makes building in the end easier.  Not having to wait for an infinite water source makes many other types of building faster.  Flowing water makes building farms easier.  There are millions of uses for flowing water.

    Flowing water is required to make it work, but not to build, which is the point he was making.

    • Upvote 1
  14. The first argument is that safebuckets is non vanilla, however the proposed changes, in my opinion stray even further from the vanilla style. At least safebuckets is toggle-able.


    In terms of safebuckets grief prevention measures I feel its value is being very underestimated. Every single chaos gives weight to it being invaluable, as spawn is almost immediately covered in lava. Not to mention there is a strong correlation between griefing and using hacked clients, it's rather simple for them to obtain x-ray'd ore to quickly make a bucket. Dismissing its value because we don't get griefed using buckets, where it actually lends more credibility to the fact that we need it, as it appears to be working. In fact I followed someone on C last week attempting to place hundreds of blocks of water which would have washed away lots of redstone and rails.


    In terms of moderating. A modreq for flowing water takes a mod roughly 30 seconds to complete, which is quite negligible. On the other hand, rail and redstone grief with flowing liquids takes much more time and removing the ability of them to be washed away feels too much like a softening of the game for my liking. Furthermore, the current state of rolling back flowing water and its effects are poor to say the least. Rails do not come back to their original orientation nor does redstone maintain its original state and cases where this happens can take the staff hours to fix.


    In terms of players using liquids, the only situations where I see it being necessary to have live action flowing water is for building where it lets you build under blocks or get safely to the ground. Any other situation you still have to take the exact same amount of time to place the water in the correct place. In fact in no way should it be harder to build a grinder with still water, if anything it would be easier because you are not being pushed around constantly trying to place/break blocks. Come to think of it, as long as you place torches, neither method is dangerous at all.


    The next argument is that safebuckets does not support dispensers. Actually, it does, or at least I have already developed this feature into safebuckets, not sure if I've pushed it into the public repo or not, but it would simply require a modreq and a dispenser would then be allowed to dispense flowing liquids.


    As always, please keep replies respectful.

    • Upvote 2
  15. The only reason you think MCPublic requires SafeBuckets is that it's been in place since long before you were even modded. If Amaranth and I had instead written a plugin that disabled diamonds, no doubt you'd be here zealously defending the position that diamonds make the server more difficult to moderate.


    So let me get this right edk, you, a former mod, who no longer plays and who gives nothing back to these servers except for your ire and contempt, is saying that I am a shill that just does, what, keeps the status quo? In actuality, I know exactly what it takes to run these servers, seeing as I'm one of the people ACTUALLY running the servers.... dedicating countless hours of my time to the people who do actually play.

    • Upvote 2
  16. slide23, please do not derail forum threads with personal whinging. You should bring personal issues to a Head Admin where they can sort it out, though my understanding is that you already have done this and the Heads do not share your very interesting viewpoint.


    barneygale, your hypocrisy is showing




    This really is one of the weakest things I've heard a staff member say since JA said essentially the same thing, i.e. "we can learn nothing from other servers". What makes MCPublic such a special snowflake that it has to change vanilla gameplay, to the detriment of regular players, where other servers make do just fine?


    Bringing up old unrelated information attempting to make a point. I'll detail how this is in fact unrelated, just because I know you will argue. What someone else says in some other, not related topic, is... wait for it... off topic.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Because you seem to be not only missing the point, but harbouring a deep, heartfelt longing for the point that burns with the passion of a thousand suns. My mention of other servers not disabling water-flow was *only* indicating that SafeBuckets is not necessary and that other people do just fine without it. It's a weak assertion but it runs completely counter to your strong assertion that "we need to restrict flowing liquids".


    Now don't let facts stop you from arguing barneygale. You seem to have a deep-seated resentment for staff. Almost every single interaction I witness from you come with accusations of either malicious intent or incompetence. Frankly I'm tired of it as it actively hurts the servers and the community. It's been a constant fact about you.

    • Upvote 3
  18. To clarify further: my point is that *MCPublic* chooses to deal with grief differently from other servers. The *reasoning* we have currently for *requiring* safebuckets *is* the fact that fixing things that do not roll back correctly takes much more time, not to mention mental effort, and anyone who uses their *brains* knows that can wear you out.

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