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Posts posted by slide

  1. I feel like you think everything is an attack and you take things way to seriously. One of the huge issues with your attitude and the way you respond to things is you take it out of proportion. I feel like this is one of the main issues that causes these threads to get off topic and out of control. 

    So that's your way of justifying brushing off casual accusations against staff? I hear players say they don't want to be lumped together or false accusations thrown around, neither do I. It is a serious issue.

  2. Slide please stop taking everything as a personal attack. Calm down homeslice. I'm saying it as a broad term obviously and in no way pointing one person out. I feel that many people are never listened to. 

    Well, it does feel like an attack. I mean you are literally saying that we don't let people ever ask any questions. If you don't mean that, then please be more clear otherwise it is an attack because it is in no way the truth and I will defend myself/others against an accusation like that.

  3. You're saying that people aren't allowed to be unhappy when MrLoud was the one who locked the thread and took away peoples ability to have a "healthy discussion"? Because to me, closing community threads for utterly no reason when there COULD be a discussion is the opposite of having a "healthy discussion".  


    I downvoted because MrLoud took away peoples privilege to speak their minds on a topic in what is supposed to be a community based server.


    You do realize it is literally head admins role to moderate the servers with a final say, which includes the forums. It seems to me that you are implying that any moderation by the staff is 100% against the "community" (which the staff are a part of, right?)

    • Upvote 1
  4. Except you downvote Ridiculous's last comment stating something very important about how the forums are being moderated. I feel his comment was worthwhile and constructive, and gave a different perspective. These forums are made for the community to feel comfortable having open discussion with whatever comes on there minds about the server (or other things) and having it closed because it was discussed and finalized in private makes me feel that there is no point in having the forums public!

    I downvoted him because i felt he was trying to tell the heads what to do, it seems the few recent threads have been, in context, very hostile towards staff and imo disrespectful. That's just my opinion , though I know others feel the same. Y'all are trying to help, but it is coming off more as attacks. But if we say or do anything about it we are oppressing people and get flamed. I'm just not sure what to do.



    I honestly cannot even tell if you're being sarcastic... If that's legit, than I pity you for taking this so seriously. If it's not, than I can say that I downvoted you because your snide remarks are more detrimental to this discussion than anything Ridiculous and Gsand have said.

    Oh, i'm being 100% honest, and yes that is extremely sad because its 100% true. I guess that's my problem though and is in no way to fault of any of the players (also not sarcasm)

    • Upvote 3
  5. I agree, the community funds the servers, so the community should be entitled to transparency. When I first joined, everything was very transparent, if one had an issue, you could always go to ludeman84 and he would get it resolved without issue and post a forum post about it. A lot of players nowadays feel like any criticism will get them labeled "toxic" or grouped with other players that have criticized the servers as if there was some sort of #conspiracy to destroy the server.


    just sayin'




    And now we can't call out anyone or deal with any bad behaviour because people immediately say we are biased and oppressing them

    • Upvote 3
  6. My newest ideas I've put in the proposed for round 2.


    "Protected blocks re-appear" - My reasoning for this is to promote above ground builds. I think one of the biggest complaints is that no one really can build above ground in fear of constant grief. This is a legit concern and has seemed to drive away some players. This idea would make any citadel protected block reappear after a certain amount of time, say 6 hours? The block would not drop when destroyed unless their is no protection on it. So an acid block would be required to remove the block. The only exception to that would be inventory based blocks, which would not re-appear, they would be destroyed like normal after their citadel protection has been reduced to 0. I feel this would allow players to break in an steal chest contents, but not do permanent damage.


    "Slow down cobble generation grief" - There is a patch that can be applied to spigot to slow down water flowing over lava, this would greatly reduce cobble mountains being made.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Round 2 (Proposed)

    • Invisibility no longer bypasses Jukeboxes protected with diamonds
    • Night Vision potion allows you to see invisible players
    • Protected blocks re-appear
    • Slow down cobble generation grief
    • Enable normal beacons

    Round 1 (Implemented)

    • Invisibility bypasses snitches
    • Snitch radius reduced to 11
  8. Also, can we, as staff, at the very least try not to be too rash about dismissing this rev? Sure you can not like some of the changes, but being overly rash to anger doesn't help anything. This issue literally came up last night, and the server hasn't even been up a week. These changes aren't 100% permanent and we knew going into this we will have to make tweaks. This iteration is not exactly what S "is" (no one person gets to say what s "is" either) but we've got to continue to evolve and try to make that evolution for the better. Lets just all try to calmly discuss this stuff so we can make S a better experience for everyone, old *and* new. No one persons version of s is more "right" than anyone elses.

    • Upvote 7
  9. So I haven't been pearled yet so I'm not 100% on how it all works. When you get free'd are you ALWAYS killed or only if you are in the end? I think what happened here is the player was pearled, then /ppsummon'd and pushed into the obsidian pit, then they were /ppfree'd which I thought would kill the player so they respawned normally, but from what I'm reading doesn't? So maybe a compromise would be to make it work like they are in the end prison where if they are free'd they die so they can respawn. How does that sound?

  10. The map saves before it shuts down and there haven't been any errors in the log files from that, or when the server restarts. The next time it happens, please don't redo the area so that I can do some testing on it.

  11. When the server restarts it saves the map before shutting down. Lately when the servers have been getting stuck, it has been when they are coming back up so no data loss should be happening then. A DoS attack cannot cause server data loss, it cab cause your connection to time out and maybe a minute or so of your blocks being placed won't get trough to the server, but you most likely will notice nothing happening on the server in that time period,


    In order to debug these reports I need exact times (date, hour, minute) and locations (x,y,z) of any missing blocks. 

  12. I see a lot of people really excited about the new rev and I also definitely see a few people not excited. There is no way to ever please everyone and so there will never be a "vast majority of players" that choose exactly 1 set of plugins and config options and game rules etc.


    The s admins didn't ignore anyones opinion here, they held meetings, read forum and subreddit posts and thought long and hard. The biggest thing I feel people were asking for was simply to try out new things. Remember, this is also a "test" rev, so if things don't work out, they will change again.


    Just give it a try, I think right now the biggest hurdle to S coming back is simply people stuck into what THEY view the server as and being completely unwilling to change. Since everyone views the server slightly differently, this just can't work.

    • Upvote 8
  13. I'm actively trying to figure out why the servers all of a sudden seem to be stalling on reboots, it seems to only really be affecting c and s but it's a hard issue to debug. I hadn't heard about any kind of rollbacks though before this thread so next time it happens, or if you can remember a specific time it already has please get me the following information: exact time of build, exact time of restart, approx length of rollback, exact location in the world so I can look into it some more.

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