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Posts posted by Difficult1

  1. Well, active red stone and portal blocks can cause lag, and flowing water and lava can be used for grief.

    C players tend to be suspicious about newer players because of 3 reasons.

    1. C is griefed a lot and on a server where you don't need tools and food to get griefing, people pick out creative servers. It's quicker to grief them.

    2. Newer players to c have tended to be a lot younger in the past few revs, so some people assume they will not be mature in following or reading the rules.

    3. No one ever reads the rules, sure they cover a ton, but when someone sees 75 pages in a book I doubt they will bother.

  2. This is not what he's saying, and you assuming that is the case is really ignorant in my opinion. He is saying that an opinion-related poll should not be the determining factor for removing downvotes, regardless of countless people saying that the vote system is rubbish. He never said that the community should not be able to handle these votes, he was referring to the fact that a poll that should have been seen as an opinion based poll was taken in as a "community decision."

    So something most of the community agrees on and votes for should be completely ignored? Yea, makes total sence.

    • Upvote 1
  3. You remove us the option to dislike a post, yet you keep the option to upvote it. In my opinion, if you're going to take action against downvotes you might as well remove upvotes as well, because the entire system is really circlejerky at the moment.

    I dislike this post because......

    There's your downvote. You can dislike posts all you want, but Instead of blindly clicking a button, your expected to make a counter argument. The only reason this post has become "circle jerky" is because some people seem to just want to down vote and not say why...

  4. It's kind of weird. I often think about a possibility of "life after death", like what the fuck even happens? Do we just hang around with sp00ky skeltals and play cards, or do we re-incarnate? I find it frustrating no one lives to tell that story.[/quote

    All your questions will be answered at your nearest Waldonian church.

    Tolls are 4,000 caps

  5. So what your saying is if I make a poll:


    Should nickeox be a head admin?









    and the results turned out

    Yes 79%

    No 6%

    maybe 15%


    Does that mean I am going to become a head admin?


    The wording doesn't matter, but it does mean that we as players don't know who were trusting our votes to.  Votes held by players and moderators really should be considered as just 'food for thought', and used for a more official and deciding vote later done by those who are in a position to implement such changes that were votes on.

    The diffrense is the community up votes and down votes... They don't vote for head admins.

    The community is involved in that prossess in every way, and if general consensus is to remove the vote system then it should be gone.

    Why this post is continuing I have no idea, you really have an issue with someone's post then you'll probably be bothered to type out why you have a diffrense in opinion.

    • Upvote 2
  6. I feel like this is a perfect explanation of how I feel.

    I find it very ridiculous still no matter what anyone says. Plus on top of everything this poll was made by a user and no one knew if it was going to be put into affect and many people didn't vote at all. Could we get a more official vote for an accurate count of what the community wants instead of people following a certain "click".

    I know him, a lot of people do, he's far from new... I don't see how knowing the player is in any way relivent...

  7. Now the last few mod nominations made me a bit curious to how a mod is picked out from the rest of the players. I just want to know how the staff picks out the person and what traits do they look for? Another question i have is when a staff member picks someone to be mod, is it well discussed before voted on? 

  8. This sounds like an excellent idea we should at least have a steam group section seeing as we have an extensive steam community and it's never really made use of officially. It also could tie in a little with that misc admin idea someone had about appointing someone to organise out of minecraft events on things like steam. +1 to this idea from me.


  9. Last i checked, the poll showed a community consensus to keep only upvotes...if you have a problem with that you could easly go check that post and read the different arguments. Its a vote, dont complain when most people who voted vote for something diffrent.


    Edit: If you need information about if you dont agree with someone or have a reason they need to be reported, Dumbo summed it up in a server news post, go check that out.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Now, im not much of a PVP player anymore nor am I active on survival, but I think the jailing system needs a bit of work. Its far too easy to get ender pearls and diamonds. Correct me if im wrong but more diamonds= more hours in jail? I think if this system where to stay in place, it should be a hell of a lot more expensive. This way you don't have people trapping everyone for long periods of time and not trapping newer players.

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