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Found 22 results

  1. Greetings fellow nerds! It's time for our annual fundraiser! For the newer users out there, this is a weekend-long event where we close down the other servers and hold a big party. (And if you so choose, you can even donate to help with our server costs for the upcoming year.) In order to make it the best event it can be, we'd like input from you, the community, on when you can make it. The poll above shows the weekends we're considering; please vote for the dates that work for you (you can choose multiple weekends). The poll will close this Monday, August 19th, shortly after 10PM Eastern Time. [EDIT: Due to constant ties, the poll has been extended an extra day] P.S.: I know you're all itching for some details, so here's a little taste before the big post: In honor of our community's 10th anniversary, we're going with a Museum theme! Expect to build, fight, and play your way through the spawns of many of our previous maps. More to come Soon™! Thanks, The Head Admin team
  2. Howdy folks, I am happy to announce a short building contest for PvE’s next Revision! I am in need of cool nether builds to include in the custom nether map generation. The contest will run for 2 weeks starting today, September 8th, and ending September 22nd at midnight (2 weeks). To join the contest and start building, head over to Creative and go to /warp NetherContest. We are using NerdPlot for plot management. To claim a plot, find an unused plot and type /nerdplot claim and it will be protected to you. If you want to add more people to your plot, just do /rg i to get the region name and then do /rg addmember nether_contest_### <username> to have them added. Plots are 50x50, however do not feel the need to use all of that space as we just wanted to give extra room in case you needed it. We are looking for small builds and big builds, details below: Small Builds (1x1 - 20x20) The smaller the build the better. Smaller builds will have a much higher chance of appearing in the world. Some examples of a small build: Small house with loot chests, small dungeon with a mob spawner, glowstone trees Small note: We are looking for glowstone and mushroom tree variety! If you build a custom glowstone/mushroom tree your build will most likely be included. Big Builds (20x20 - 50x50) We are also looking for some cool big builds as well, whether that be mob spawner temples or large custom nether fortresses or even something else. Note that big builds will have a lower chance of spawning in the map because they are bigger. Some examples of a big build: Custom nether fortress, large dungeon with multiple mob spawners, large house with loot chests Winners There will be a Top 5 builds that we be decided by the padmins. We will judge the build on quality and how well it will blend in with the custom nether. Those top 5 will be guaranteed to be generated into the map. We will also pick out a variety of other builds we like to include in generation, but only the top 5 will be announced. This is a short contest and is only running for 2 weeks so don’t put off building! I look forward to seeing what everyone can come up with! Subreddit Post
  3. Good afternoon everyone, we are happy to announce a new building contest to take place on C! In the coming months we plan to start hosting events more often on the Event Server and to do that we are in need of Arena’s. Who better to build some Arena's than the community? Information Starts: October 11th 2015 Ends: November 11th 2015 We are looking for 3 types of Arena’s: PvP: An Arena that can be used for a variety of PvP Events ranging from Tournaments to Kit PvP, and more King of the Hill (KOTH) or King of the Void (KOTV): An Arena that has a point that players must race to get to and will fight each other to get there (Please no absurdly hard parkour, however some parkour is fine) Other: Have an idea for a different type of Arena such as a Mob Arena or Spleef Arena? Then it goes here, let’s see what people can come up with! How it works: We will be using the same system as the lobby contest: PlotMe. WorldEdit commands will also be the same. You will be able to claim 3 plots per person in which to build your design. Each plot is 100x100 however you do not need to fill the entire space. Groups builds are highly encouraged. SafeBuckets is enabled. You will need to /modreq for flowing water/lava still, sorry =/ WorldEdit is enabled for use in your plot(s) only, however most commands are rate limited to help server stability. Any abuse will result in a ban. The winner will be chosen by a vote on the forum. The contest is taking place on C in the 'Contest-Arenas' world. To get there type "/mvtp Contest-Arenas" OR "/warp ArenaContest" Please put a sign with the arena type and your name(s) in one of the corners on your plot. Rules All Nerd.Nu Universal Rules Apply Each player may submit 1 Arena for each category (for a total of 3 entries) Unused/Abandoned Plots can and will be removed and reclaimed All Arena’s must be no larger than 100x100 and no smaller than 50x50 We will not be importing builds, your build must be done on C in the Contest-Arenas World (/mvtp Contest-Arenas) Arena Requirements: PvP Arenas 2 Team Gates (No more than 2 teams) No smaller than 50x50, no larger than 100x100 KOTH No team gates, however can have multiple gates/entrances No smaller than 50x50, no larger than 100x100 Other No smaller than 50x50, no larger than 100x100 No other real requirements, besides be creative! Winners/Prizes Winners will be decided by a public forum vote that the community votes on. There will be one voting question for each category. The person with the most votes get first place, the second most votes gets second place, etc. Prizes: PvP First Place: Your arena will be used in the first PvP Event on E PvP Second Place: Your arena will be used in the second PvP Event on E KOTH First Place: Your arena will be used in the first KOTH Event on E KOTH Second Place: Your arena will be used in the second KOTH Event on E Other First Place: Your arena will be used for the first non-pvp/non-koth event on E All Other Places for All Categories: Your Arena will be used at some point for some event on E Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot
  4. The end of the Rev is less than a week away and that means it is time for the end of Rev festivities! What better way to celebrate the end of the Rev than by dieing a few hundred times to Doppelgangers? Join us this Tuesday 1/5 at 5PM PST (8PM EST) for the brawl. Timezone Converter Pictures on how to get to Nightoak. You can also follow the black wool from the portal to Nightoak. If you would like to help out by donating to Nightoak we are in dire need of diamonds for doppelgangers. We are providing the following gear for the fight but please feel free to bring your own gear! Full set of Iron Armor Iron Sword Splash Health II Potions Bows and Arrows Food Subreddit Post
  5. Next weekend we will be having a very special event for EVERYONE to participate in from all servers! We will be hosting an all-admin hunt on P next weekend Saturday December 19th, 11pm EST and Sunday December 20th, 12pm EST This will be a VERY SPECIAL admin hunt, as you will not just be able to viciously murder Padmins but also Cadmins, Eadmins, Head admins, and Tech admins! For those who are new to the server or need help preparing there will be some kits available at spawn - you may want to show up a bit early to make your way out of spawn, or show up sometime beforehand to explore the map and get a feel for the land you will be hunting in. Feel free to start preparing now, you've got ALL WEEK to grind for materials and make your gear. And as usual the admins will be hard to catch :) The schedule is below - pick the time your least favorite admin is online and be ready to dance on their graves violently murder them to death. For prizes! For glory! For maybe even your head mounted in spawn for all to see your prowess with dealing death! Also make sure you are in mumble for some added hilarity as our evasive admins taunt and giggle and scream for their lives while they run from your flaming arrows. See you all next weekend! Saturday 11pm EST: - Silversunset - redwall_hp - SwitchViewz - Challenger2 - Sapphric - totemo - Bardidley - Trooprm32 Sunday 12pm EST - Silversunset - Barlimore - sirtacoface - ExcessiveToker - sir_didymus
  6. Hey everyone, this week we will be doing TF2 again however we will be doing Mann VS. Machine. However this isn't just regular MvM. The entire point of this is to goof off and do crazy things. Want a team of 10 engineers? You go it! Want to try and win a wave with 10 snipers? Let's do it! And more crazy things. Please note that we can only fit a max of 10 players in a MvM Server so please be on time if you'd like to make it! I don't think we will have any issues though. Saturday Night Gaming When: Saturday September 18th 6PM PST/9PM EST (Time Converter) Game: Team Fortress 2 Mode: Mann VS. Machine Length: 2 Hours Where: Mumble/Steam Recording: Probably
  7. I will be hosting a big Spleef event in the End on Saturday, in the 5 hours leading up to the opening of Creative's new revision. Come say goodbye to PvE Rev 15 and hello to a new Creative Rev with a fun-filled afternoon of spleefing! Events start at 2:00PM EDT and continue until the Creative restart at 7:00PM. The top prize: I will come to your town and build you a spleef stadium in PvE Rev 16! For more details, check out the Reddit post here.
  8. Hey there everyone, with the launch of our CS:GO Server we will be celebrating by hosting a Tournament for you guys to compete for prizes. Info This is a standard 1v1 bracket tournament in a best 2-out-of-3 rounds format. Players will play a total of 3 rounds and the person that wins 2 rounds first wins that slot. All matches will be played on the map de_dust2. Once the tournament starts players will be given 3 days to complete the match they are assigned. Matches will need to be observed by a staff member and must be played on our server. Once the first set of matches is complete then next round of matches will start and players will again have 3 days to complete their second match. It will continue on like this until we have our winners. The tournament starts on August 1st alongside our server launch. Signups will close on July 31st. Prizes: 1st: 50$ Steam Gift Card + Subreddit Flair 2nd: 25$ Steam Gift Card + Subreddit Flair 3rd: 25$ Steam Gift Card + Subreddit Flair Note: Subreddit Flair will be assigned once our new CSS theme has been completed. All prizes were generously donated by LadyRavenOwl. A live view of the tournament bracket can be viewed here: http://challonge.com/NerdNuCSGO Note: Ignore any current matches as they are temporary. Everyone will be shuffled once sign ups are finished. Current people signed up: SwitchViewz Barlimore zburdsal TornadoHorse tactical_spork slide Torteela Cutter_Will Django_Fett Four_Down Alxe1851011 lousiscool123 TokenChineseGuy Grapes Bardidley Unce smellykid50 ForeignPigeonHD Noahyoda pancake267 Lt.Worf Flumper Oletoothless butterywaffle23 SorryNotSorry Shoobox11 EeHee2000 d3north HarlockCZ KRwisTy96 dizney07
  9. We're doing Saturday Night Gaming again! Our first one will be on the 18th, starting sometime in the EDT 6pm time. We'll do whatever game gets the most votes in this poll, and remove it from the poll for the next week to keep it from being repetitive. If you have any suggestions to add to next time's poll, please post them below!
  10. We are planning on hosting open mic nights every 2nd week starting on July 17th at 10pm BST http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20150717T22&p1=136&p2=0 The event shall run on throughout the day/night until it dies out. So if you feel like you want to sing, play a musical instrument or yodel for us come join us on mumble! :D
  11. Survival Rev 29 Spawn Contest Starts: Sunday, May 17th Ends: Wednesday, May 27th Where: Creative - World: Contest-SurvivalSpawn (/mvtp Contest-SurvivalSpawn) Info: You have a 150x150 plot Spawn can be on the ground or in the air Use any block you wish and terraform how you want Spawn secrets are welcome but please keep them appropriate Winner will be chosen by a community vote Rules: All universal nerd.nu rules apply You must build your design on C in the designated contest world, we will not be importing builds The spawning area where you first spawn cannot be re-enterable, however the rest of spawn must be The shop must be included in your design - Must have areas in it for players to have customizable designs - Does not need to be a solid building like Rev28’s - All shop stalls must be in one centralized location - Must include an area that has a shop tutorial board and shop announcement board You must include an arena date and announcement board (have at least three signs designated for arenas please) Must include a rules and information board Must include an area to access a nether portal via walking Please leave signs blank as they will be filled in by admins later Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot "/i water" to get flowing water "/i lava" to get flowing lava "/i portal" to get the portal block WorldEdit commands available: undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlava, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp Exempt from rate limiting: sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut All contest entries will be voted on by the community and the winner selected will be used for Revision 29. Winning spawn may be changed upon admins’ discretion. Winning community member may be requested to be available for creative supervision of their masterpiece during the pasting into the Revision 29 map. Winning community member will be announced and have their name located at spawn during the revision. By entering this contest, all contestants agree to the terms listed above.
  12. Hey folks, I'm happy to finally put up the voting thread for the second lobby design contest! The way voting works is you vote for your top 3 favorite lobbies, and the people with the most votes will win that place. Prizes are: 1st Place: Lobby up for 6 months, fancy subreddit flair 2nd Place: Lobby up for 4 months 3rd Place: Lobby up for 2 months All other lobbies that do not place 1st/2nd/3rd will be up at some point for 1 month so that everyone gets there lobby used! Note: A lobby may be temporarily replaced with a holiday lobby, or a special lobby for an event, but the lobby will return after and continue it's full time. Pictures of all the lobbies: EternityOfDeath: http://imgur.com/a/9NHU5 Unce: http://imgur.com/a/xMFZY Creeper001: http://imgur.com/a/uHyR3 Timinator58: http://imgur.com/a/hTJ81 Pixles: http://imgur.com/a/836Wk FatherSouth: http://imgur.com/a/Colnx bmx20042004: http://imgur.com/a/dfMmA ExcessiveToker: http://imgur.com/a/33tSb kittypuppet: http://imgur.com/a/tMZEW C45Y: http://imgur.com/a/6rzhA Voting ends in 1 week! May 27th!
  13. Lobby Design Contest #2 Starts: April 11th 2015 Ends: May 9th 2015 Where: Creative Server - World: Contest-Lobby (/mvtp Contest-Lobby) Rules: All standard nerd.nu rules apply You must build your design on C, we will not be importing builds. If you have a small part you would like imported then we can do that, but we are not importing entire designs Spawn can be anywhere, however, all portals have to be relatively evenly spaced from spawn. No “prioritizing” or “favoriting” one portal by having it closer to spawn then the others (exception being E) Portals must be at least 15 blocks away from the spawn point Unused plots can and will be reclaimed 1 plot per person, may be part of others builds Portal frames can be built out of anything Open portal blocks (the spinning purple blocks or water you travel into to teleport to the selected server) can be any block you want Closed portal blocks (the purple wool/ice that appears when a portal closes) can be any block Design needs to hold at least 200 people Design can be a max size of 200x200 (no height limit) Must have C, P, S, E Portals How it works: We will be using the same system as last time: PlotMe. WorldEdit commands will also be the same. You will be able to claim 1 plot per person in which to build your design. Each plot is 200x200 however you do not need to fill the entire space. Groups builds are highly encouraged. SafeBuckets is enabled, though you are able to place flowing water/lava. You will need to /modreq for flowing water/lava still, sorry =/ WorldEdit is enabled for use in your plot(s) only, however most commands are rate limited to help server stability. Any abuse will result in a ban. The map is currently limited to 36 plots as group builds are preferred, but we can expand if it's needed. The winner will be chosen by a vote on the forum. Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot "/i water" to get flowing water "/i lava" to get flowing lava "/i portal" to get the portal block WorldEdit commands available: undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlava, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp Exempt from rate limiting: sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut
  14. Survival Arena League (SAL) this Saturday! Join us May 16th at 5p EDT (translate your time here) if you want to battle! There will be four different types of fights that you can earn points in: 1v1 (duels) 1v1v1v1 (4-ways) Free-for-alls Mob free-for-alls How does it work? Like any other arena, the round type will be announced along with a word to type. Keep in mind for points, you can only fight once per round type. If people want to fight for no points, they are welcomed to ask though! We will not be supplying any gear for these fights, so you must bring any items you would like to use (you will have access to an enderchest). Although diamond gear is appreciated for some fights, you don’t have to have it to participate! For information about the rules and scoring, check out the SAL spreadsheet. As mentioned in the Revision 28 Recap and Revision 29 Forecast post, points from this revision will carry over to the coming Revision 29. Can't wait to see you guys there!
  15. Survival Arena League (SAL) is back! Join us this Saturday, April 25th, at 4p EDT (translate your time here) for our first SAL battle! What is it? The Survival Arena League is a series of bi-weekly arena nights on s.nerd.nu to encourage top-tier PVP, all the time. In addition to the usual prizes given out for arena fights, we'll be keeping score throughout the revision. The top-scoring players at the end of the revision win fabulous prizes: Top 3 scorers get special subreddit flair! Top scorer gets a monument built in their honor in the next S spawn and a $50 Steam gift card! There will be four different types of fights that you can earn points in: 1v1 (duels) 1v1v1v1 (4-ways) Free-for-alls Mob free-for-alls How does it work? Like any other arena, the round type will be announced along with a word to type. Keep in mind for points, you can only fight once per round type. If people want to fight for no points, they are welcomed to ask though! We will not be supplying any gear for these fights, so you must bring any items you would like to use (you will have access to an enderchest). Although diamond gear is appreciated for some fights, you don’t have to have it to participate! For information about the rules and scoring, check out the SAL spreadsheet. Can't wait to see you guys there!
  16. Start mining and grinding for the first maze arena of the revision! Beginning at 7p CDT this Saturday, April 11th on Survival (calculate your time here), be ready to kill your friends in a Portal inspired fight to the death! Everyone is welcomed to attend! Don't want to join the blood bath? You can still cheer in the stands! The matches will be as follows (if unspecified, it will be a kitted match): 1v1v1v1 2v2 4vMinotaur (Gear supplied) 1v1v1v1 (Bring your own gear) 8vMinotaur (Gear supplied) 4v4 (if enough attendees) 1v1v1v1 (Bring your own gear) 1v1v1v1 2v2 1v1v1v1 (Police hats and time switched to night) FFA (kitted) A reminder of the rules: Kitted Match: Fight to the death where the gear is given. Last participant standing wins the prize! Minotaur Match: Team match of four participants against an admin in special gear. The goal is to use team work to defeat the Minotaur. Killing your teammates will result in you being removed from the match. If the team of participants kills the admin, all participating players will be given the prize. Bring Your Own Gear (BYOG) Match: Bring your own gear. Any gear is allowed. Fight to the death match with the last standing person in the arena being the winner. Police Hats: Kitted match including a police hat. Fight to the death. Must keep the police hat on the entire duration of the match or you will be disqualified. FFA: No gear or items, fight to the death. Last person standing wins. Interfering with any of the arena matches will result in a warning kick. If you persist in being ornery after being kicked you will be moved to time out. All other general server rules apply. Curious as to what the prizes are? They vary but include your standard diamonds, a mob egg of some sort (in some cases you get to choose!), ghast tears and more! Win certain matches and you might receive some jungle tree saplings! Questions or comments? Reply here or shoot me a PM! Can't wait to see you all there!! :D
  17. Those of you who've been on the server for a few years may remember my Puzzle Challenge, where players have to solve riddles, crack codes, and such. I'm currently working on a third, Creative-oriented scavenger hunt. If all goes well, the event should go live around mid-march. But first, I need your help! Specifically, I'm looking for suggestions for prizes. What would you want to see the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners get? Premium building spaces near spawn? Subreddit flair? Free items on S or P? Get Creative!
  18. Now that all the entries are in, it's time to start voting on the Community Pick for the Museum Build Contest. You will notice that I have made the votes public. We made this choice in order to avoid vote-stuffing. Votes from brand-new accounts, alts, etc, will be discounted. Because of the delay (sorry!) in getting this poll up, voting will last until this Sunday (February 1st). I'd also like to ask that you vote for the entry that you actually like the best. Please don't make this a popularity contest. PLEASE VISIT EVERY BUILD BEFORE VOTING! Sometimes stuff looks different in-person. Good luck everyone!
  19. This Saturday we will be hosting a Speed Build Arena on Creative at 4p CST! Don't live in the sandwich of Canada or the United States? No worries! Calculate your time here! What's Speed Building you ask? Traditional Speed Building is a game in which players are presented with a topic and only have a certain amount of time to build something. In our case, this event will have 4 rounds of 10 minutes each. Each round, I will announce a theme, and you will have 10 minutes to build the best thing you can within your plot, myself and a panel of judges will then choose a top three and we will move on to the next round! Think you want to try your luck of abstract building? Meet us at the arena built by the lovely ExcessiveToker on Creative! Don't be late though, plots won't be reserved, which translates to it's first come, first serve. What happens if you win? Winners of each round will be announced in an awesome post and linked to the MOTD of the day for the Creative Server. In addition to the MOTD, we will also be listing the winners at spawn on a specially made announcement board made by one of the Cadmins, SirTacoface! We look forward to seeing you all there for some exciting rounds of Speed Building!
  20. Hello, everyone. I'd like to announce a build contest on c.nerd.nu, sponsored by Four_Down and me. We hope this can be a recurring event, depending on how successful the first one is. This contest will have TWO winners: a community pick, and a host pick. The community winner will be chosen by a forum poll, and the host winner will be chosen by Four_Down and myself. The community pick and the host pick could be the same build. BOTH the host pick and the community pick will be offered a $25 steam gift card in exchange for the rights to copy/use their build as Four and I see fit. If the host pick and community pick are the same person/build, they will be offered a $50 gift card. Winning does not obligate you to accept these terms. This first build is a MUSEUM BUILD. The guidelines are as follows: 1. Be recognizable as a museum. This most likely means Greco-Roman architecture, but we will accept more modern building styles. 2. The build will serve as a "hub" to link to other servers. In addition to using the build for our own purposes, we would like to use the build to link to old revisions of C/P/S, so each portal would take you to an old revision (so you can reminisce about old builds). This means that each "viewing/display" area inside the building should have space for a portal. If anyone is familiar with the server TheAcamadician hosts, exactly like that. The contest will end on Sunday, January 25th, giving you two weekends to build. Voting for the community pick will begin immediately afterwards, and will last until the following Friday (Jan 30th), at which point both the Host and Community Picks will be announced. To enter, just respond to this post with the coordinates of your build (before January 25th). That's it! Be creative and have fun! EDIT: Building in teams is allowed, as long as you say how you would like the prize distributed in your submission post.
  21. This is a classic arena battle starring unce's arena being held Saturday, January 24th. Beginning at 7p CST (calculate your time here) on the dot, be ready to kill your peeps! Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it means just cheering in the stands! The matches will be as follows (if unspecified, it will be a kitted match): 2v2 2v2 1v1 (Bring your own diamond gear) 3v3 4v4 (if enough attendees) 2v2 (Bring your own gear) 1v1 1v1 2v2 FFA (no gear) Curious as to what the prizes are? They vary but include your standard diamonds, a mob egg of some sort (in some cases you get to choose!), ghast tears and more! Questions or comments? Reply here or shoot me a PM! Can't wait to see you all there!! :D
  22. Tomorrow, December 16th, Event will be opening for the Winter Holiday maze! Enjoy snow filled adventures with murderous snowballs and killer snow golems, mazes of awesome, parkour, and more! In the center of the maze you will find a Christmas Tree. slide23 wrote an awesome plug in that allows the community to help decorate it! You can place any one block; place carefully though because you won't be able to break it after! I've included a list of different heads for you all to use in case you don't want to use your own. :D There is also a scavenger hunt on this Event round! I've hidden 26 heads around the map with easy-signs to hit for points (you must hit the sign for credit). Those who find all the heads will be credited flair and possible forum tags. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this Event possible and dealing with my controlling anal retentive...... awesomeness. A special thanks to the following: Mrgauthier34, without him half the things on Event wouldn't have been constructed. He's a true trooper and has probably dealt with my controlling shenanigans more than anyone on here (besides meebs slide23). He's been a bau5 at getting things done in a timely fashion as well. cab417 and rtr69, also badasses. Thank you so much for helping myself and MrG out. You've been awesome and great to work with. JudgeDread, beautiful build as always. Denevien and redwall_hp, you two are awesome. The plugins you two wrote for this are amazing and you're not even tech admins. :D smiler100 and slide23, both of you are equally awesome. The adjustments and plugins that were written to make this Event even better are so awesome and Event wouldn't be nearly as amazing without them. SirTacoface, thank you for building a brilliant parkour course for everyone to enjoy and adding a new depth to the map. :D xkittypuppetx, the Christmas Tree that you built for the center of the maze is wonderful and I greatly appreciate your work on it. It looks great and I really enjoyed working with you on Event. SwitchViewz, though you occasionally freak me out, (:P), a lovely spawn as usual. Thank you for making the time with school and your life to make it for me. Also a special thanks to my two speed build arena winners, Segadude20000 and ultrahub. You guys are great. :D
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