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The Next Event?


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Hello all,


I was just wondering why the sever, or severs haven't done a Event in a long time. The last time I think we did an Event was ether 2013 or 2012. Personally I think there should be a Event every 6 months or so, something new each Event. Tell me what you all think about this.



Thank you :)   

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It feels like long term schedules have never worked well here. If thats true I wouldn't want to see it tried again.


What events would you like to see? Be conservative, in the past we've had Ctf, which required a custom plugin, even that had last minute issues.

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I believe that some of the staff are most likely working on it, as it's been brought up about 5 times now and frankly our coffers are going to run out eventually, meaning we need a fundraiser/event. An Event is on the horizon, yes, just be patient and wait for it to arrive. 

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I've also heard rumours that MCPublic will run out of money soon...


I've got a couple of event ideas:


Zombie/infection event: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/1swf2w/idea_for_next_fundraiser_zombieinfection_event


Underground dungeon keeper RTS-inspired event: https://gist.github.com/barneygale/d98bdef065d076387cf1


I've also got another one in early concept stages, briefly explained to Mumberthrax a few weeks ago. I might get my gf to do a couple of sketches for it, as I can't draw for shit and it's hard to describe the terrain (this literally came to me in a dream).

Edited by barneygale
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If anyone's interested in working on any of these with me (map design/coding/promotion etc) I've had conversations with the heads where they've indicated that if a group of players give them a fully formed fundraiser event that's decent, they'll run it.

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