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Issue with scrolling over users on forums


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So Here's the problem in picture form: Aq3AJui.jpg


As you can see, when scrolling over a user, this happens. What normally happens, for those of you who don't know or have never tried, is that it is supposed to display a small amount of information about the user. Don't know if this is just for me, for everyone, etc. For info, I'm using firefox. Thanks!

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In my experience, this is caused by you using the wrong URL for the site. 

If it's nerd.nu/forum/ then yes, you will get this problem. You also will be unable to view your inbox and your notifications. 

The fix for this is to use "nerd.nu/forums", (note the 's') as this is the proper, primary URL. If you're lazy, just click on the big "reddit Public" logo that's always in the top left corner, that'll send you to the homepage and from there you should have no problems. 

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BTW, it should not matter whether HTTP or HTTPS is being used. A website should be expected to be working properly using either.


Edit: Quick post editor is borken. I'll cut the explanation short, since I don't want to type it a third time. It's caused by hardcoding URLs to https instead of //. See this jQuery bug ticket. (There's something weird with the forum text filtering that is always canceling out what I wrote...)

Edited by GMMan
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