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Admins can silently edit their posts and delete PMs they've sent


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Pretty sure anyone can delete their PM convos, and it is removed from the other person's inbox. Why does it matter?


Actually, only admins were able to do that (have it be removed from the other person's inbox as well).  I think this has been changed recently, though.  Some conversations that were previously deleted by admins are back in my inbox again, just marked as "Deleted."


The silent editing of posts is still the case, though.

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Ya it totally defeats the point of the feature...

The one place I've seen the "silent edit" feature used was when Mrloud asked roast in the donation thread why he's asking questions about donations.

Now obviously this is a silly question and I can forgive Mrloud for not thinking it through. I make silly posts with some regularity, too! But then to use an admin-only feature to remove the "edited by..." line on the post? How does attempting to maintain an illusion that you're never wrong qualify as official staff work?

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Pretty sure anyone can delete their PM convos, and it is removed from the other person's inbox. Why does it matter?

Seems like a weird feature, that's all. When I send a letter or an email I can't then delete it. If you don't want to send a message, don't press the "send" button! What's the legitimate use-case of this?

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Ya it totally defeats the point of the feature...

The one place I've seen the "silent edit" feature used was when Mrloud asked roast in the donation thread why he's asking questions about donations.

Now obviously this is a silly question and I can forgive Mrloud for not thinking it through. I make silly posts with some regularity, too! But then to use an admin-only feature to remove the "edited by..." line on the post? How does attempting to maintain an illusion that you're never wrong qualify as official staff work?


Apparently "Show 'Edit by' line" is unchecked by default for admins, so it's pretty easy to miss. I don't view the existence of this feature as a big deal by any means, but I wouldn't miss it if it were removed.

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