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SMP Client mods.


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SMP Client Side Mods


What I think.


If the information is already there, Why shouldn't we be allowed to alter it, to make it easier to read.


IE If I can read off my light reading from the F3 Menu, Why cant I put it to a graphic, and insert it into my HUD with out being called "unfair"


What I know.


Player Rader, Aim Bots, Entity Trackers, Spam Bots, Ect. are not allowed.


Yes it is possible to do these things using Vinalla, But its not fair.


What I think should change


Things that are already availible should be allowed to be changed.


IE Armor durability numbers, Tool durability numbers, Health numbers, Item numbers.


Basicaly HUDs in general. There isnt a lot of them, but here is a few.




http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1702641-152-forge-v305-tukmc-the-slickest-looking-hud-youll-see-for-a-while-11k-dl/   (this one has slight player radar, so it is just an example.)



(again this is more of an example, But it still just shows infomation on the HUD)



(Really useful, but is themed for MineZ, Still useful for vinalla.)


http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1430913-152-may-3-smp-stfu-%E2%80%93-client-side-mute-command-for-muting-players-in-smp/ (Not a HUD, But useful.)


http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/690142-147-advanced-hud-481/ (its discontinued by the Dev, But is currently being picked up by a few people, So its WIP for 1.5)


What do you guys think?


Please suggest more SMP Vinalla mods that you think should be allowed.


(Personally I would love to learn Java and write a custom HUD, but I need help.)

Edited by graymansnel
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From the rules:


Players using modifications to change gameplay may be asked to stop, kicked, or banned with little or no warning depending on the severity of the situation. This includes, but is not limited to: noclip, invincibility, speed modification, xray/ore-detection, and duping hacks. (Note that Survival has its own list of approved client mods; see below.)
If the mod does NOT modify gameplay to give you an unfair advantage, and you AREN'T playing on S, then you should be fine.
(Obligatory, "I am not a mod")
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Tharine said that any mod thats was not on the allowed mods list, isnt allowed, So could we pleace add some mods.


I really want to use the slick HUD one, it looks nicem and is the best.


The only downside is if you can see a persons name tag, it tells you how many blocks you are away from them (and also there Ping to you, so you know liek if you start to fight them, are they going to lag.)


It is slight player radar, But if someone could remove it from the code, would it be allowed then?


Also are any of the other mods I liked allowed? I would like Lude, Cailin, Tharine, or anyone Over the mods to OK them, before re-installing. (Tharine told me to uninstall them then post)

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  On 6/2/2013 at 10:52 PM, zifnab06 said:


From the rules:



If the mod does NOT modify gameplay to give you an unfair advantage, and you AREN'T playing on S, then you should be fine.
(Obligatory, "I am not a mod")




Even if you are playing S. You should be allowed HUD mods. And mods that maybe help with redstone, or do things like this




But without the Toggle Run,

I kinda understand that one.


Although again, I could macro WW in my Keyboard settings... Soo I dont see how they could not allow Toggle sneek, if it can be done without the use of Minecraft mods.


Anyway Yeah, i think as long as you can do it in Vinalla without altering Minecraft, it should be allowed in all server. This means Light Level (F3) Clock and Compass (stats) HP (Default HUD) EXP (Defult HUD) Location (F3) Mobs (F3) Ping (F3) Ect.


F3 is just messy, and not customizable, Mod HUDs are.

And therefore should be allowed, Atleast in my mind.

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  On 6/3/2013 at 12:50 AM, graymansnel said:

Although again, I could macro WW in my Keyboard settings... Soo I dont see how they could not allow Toggle sneek, if it can be done without the use of Minecraft mods.

Macros aren't allowed and toggle sprint gives you a huge advantage in pvp.

Edit: Also the HUD mods are allowed.

Edited by IDNAUB
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  On 6/2/2013 at 10:35 PM, Jauris said:

Uh, I'm 95% sure HUD mods are allowed.


Can I get an admin to confirm?


Haven't had the opportunity to properly read through this thread, but HUD mods that are on the approved client mods list are allowed. graymansnel was using one the other day that included a player radar feature, so we're certainly not okay-ing all "HUD" mods without question. I asked him to start this thread so we can take a look at some suggestions and add them to the approved list if they were suitable. I'll comment back here when I have the appropriate time to.

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I'm not really sure of the point of this thread. If you're asking for armour and effect HUDs to be allowed, I believe they already are. Other than that, I think that all of the mods that are and aren't allowed are pretty clearly stated, and there is no need to change them.


I don't think we need to look at every mod made to say whether it should or shouldn't be allowed. However, if you are unsure whether the mod(s) you are using are allowed, always check first. It's pretty simple, and far less hassle and work than it seems you are making it.

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  On 6/7/2013 at 5:11 PM, TornadoHorse said:

I'm not really sure of the point of this thread. If you're asking for armour and effect HUDs to be allowed, I believe they already are. Other than that, I think that all of the mods that are and aren't allowed are pretty clearly stated, and there is no need to change them.


I don't think we need to look at every mod made to say whether it should or shouldn't be allowed. However, if you are unsure whether the mod(s) you are using are allowed, always check first. It's pretty simple, and far less hassle and work than it seems you are making it.


S has a specific set of mods that are allowed, the rest are banned. http://redditpublic.com/wiki/Client_mods

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Just to chime in, I haven't tested them yet, but the Tabbychat and Smooth Movie Recorder seem like they don't affect gameplay in a way that would be unfair to others and I'd be interested in them myself. Thanks for posting graymansnel, hopefully some of these will be added to the mods list, whichever side they fall into ;)

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Took me a long time to get around to responding to this thread just on the basis of how many mods you proposed  :blink:



- ArmourStatusHUD = Fine to use

- DirectionHUD = Fine to use

- StatusEffectHUD = Fine to use



- Unclear from the videos/screenshots and little information provided whether or not the player distance shown in this screenshot are a part of the actual mod (or an accompanying one). In the absence of finding further videos of the HUD's usage, I will have to say no to this one at the moment.


[MOD] LunaZ Released! | The FREE Mod To minecraft!

- I would say no based off of the 'friend' and 'enemy' features of the mod, but i'm going to try looking into that a bit more. Video provided on that page wasn't incredibly helpful (and frankly, a struggle to get through  :mellow:)


MineZ Tactical HUD Mod

- No, based on the name tagging feature.



- I see no immediate issue with players using this mod. Bear in mind however that if you use this mod and receive any kind of warning from a staff member and you have them muted, we will treat you no differently from someone who has deliberately chosen to disobey said warning, and you will not be excused by any means.


I don't have the energy to dedicate to watching the videos for the remaining mods tonight, but I wanted to submit what I had so far so as not to lose what I had written :P

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