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Moderation Guidelines Reference Cleanup and Updating


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I had intended to do this from the top down, but I've realized it is more prudent to crowdsource this updating a bit. Please help update information for this once invaluable but now woefully out-of-date moderation reference in this thread (or even better, link to a wiki sandbox page). For ease of viewing, please quote the verbatim original section to be changed and then write your alterations/additions below. Or just highlight changed portions a la wiki edit history, that'd be fine as well.


In terms of overall format, let's have headers of Universal-Creative-Survival-PvE with parallel sections of chat/logblock/auxiliary commands/etc in each. I will take sections and suggestions from this thread and incorporate them into a running version here, and will update this thread when I do so.


Thanks everyone, and hopefully this will serve as a useful reference and training tool for the foreseeable future!

Edited by schererererer
Clarified quoting original guidelines
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WorldGuard: Building Protection

Mods have the power to protect users’ creations. To protect something, you have to imagine a box surrounding the entire structure. You select a corner, and the opposite corner (e.g. top left back and bottom right front) by left- and right-clicking with a wooden shovel (left click for first corner, right for second). It is often good to have the protectee place blocks at each of these corners to reduce miscommunication. The chat box should say something along the lines of "First point selected; Second point selected" in purple text when you select the points. Then, type:

/region define name_of_area name_of_owner

To add someone else (to a protected area, type:

/region addmember name_of_area username1

To add multiple people at once, type:

/region addmember name_of_area username1 username2 username3 ...

Here is the full guide to protecting areas.

Warning: The wooden shovel can be a very powerful tool, as it allows you to select millions of blocks if you aren't careful. After you select the second point of an area, a number will pop up in parenthesis that shows the number of blocks in the selected area. For the majority of builds, this will be well under 100,000. Anything over one million blocks is too big; you likely had one corner left over from a previous protection. A quick way to reset a selection is to left click and right click on the same block.

Note: Installing the WorldEdit CUI client mod is very much recommended. It allows you to easily see exactly what you have selected, making it a lot easier to select the correct area to work with (helps prevents the all too common mistake of unknowingly selecting huge areas of the map).

Reminder: This feature is NOT on the survival server; s.nerd.nu; this is because people will need to break into building sometimes to PvP.





WorldGuard: Building Protection

Moderators have the ability to protect users' builds and creations. To protect something, a worldguard cuboid box must be placed around the entire structure. Using the wand tool, you'll want to select opposing corners of the area requested as Position 1 and Position 2. Position 1 is made by either using the right-click with the wand or //pos1, and Position 2 is made by either using left-click with the wand or //pos2. When both corners are selected successfully, you will see a selection outline if using WECUI.

Players placing defined corners, as following the tutorial at spawn here, can speed up the process and reduce miscommunication.


To create a region: /cregion regionname ownername1 ownername2


It is advised to first check if the player has built the structure they're requesting protections on, and if another region currently exists in the seletion you have.


Using /region-intersects will show all regions intersecting with your current selection.

Using /lb sel sum p will show who has contributed the most block edits to that selection.


Here is the full guide to protecting areas.


Warning: The wooden shovel can be a very powerful tool, as it allows you to select millions of blocks if you aren't careful. After you select the second point of an area, a number will pop up in parenthesis that shows the number of blocks in the selected area. For the majority of builds, this will be well under 100,000. Anything over one million blocks is too big; you likely had one corner left over from a previous protection. A quick way to reset a selection is to left click and right click on the same block, or using //sel.


Note: Installing the WorldEdit CUI client mod is very much recommended. It allows you to easily see exactly what you have selected, making it a lot easier to select the correct area to work with (helps prevents the all too common mistake of unknowingly selecting huge areas of the map).


Reminder: The Survival server, s.nerd.nu only uses Worldguard regions for beacon pyramids, as well as redstone builds not used for base-defence or pvp.

                    The Creative server, c.nerd.nu uses specific region names formatting, as well as land claim solid borders. More info here: Creative now has World Edit



Feel free to fix anything up I may have crucially missed. I will work on the other sections I feel comfortable with aswell.

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WorldEdit Commands

/removenear [item id] [radius] will remove blocks in a certain radius. Is not to be used except for purely mod reasons, like editing spawn. This is good to take care of spammed blocks; just check the area to make sure you aren't removing buildings!

/fixwater [radius] will turn flowing water into source blocks and level the height. - Good for quick infinite sources, instead of having to /i water/lava and place.

/fixlava [radius] is the same as /fixwater.




WorldEdit Commands

/fixwater [radius] will turn flowing water into source blocks and level the height.

/fixlava [radius] is the same as /fixwater.


Only use these two commands on the Creative server, as they no longer serve a purpose on PvE or Survival.

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LogBlock Commands

/lbrb-r (player name in full) (radius of blocks to be rolled back)

/lbrb (player name in full) - Shortcut to a ten day, ten thousand block rollback - Useful for X-ray rollback.

/trace (player name in full) - Shows a user's edits, and runs a lookup on the player; kind of like a /lb player (name)

/trace-r (player name in full) (radius) - Shows a players edits in the radius provided, and runs a lookup on the player; kind of like a /lb player (name) area (radius)

Mods: Remember to always /trace-r (player x) (radius x) before you do a lbrb-r rollback; this will ensure you are not rolling back anyone's chests - even if you undo a rollback, chests will be empty; this is stressful for an admin to refund, because we don't know if the player is lying or not.

More advanced uses of Logblock exist, and can be very useful in some settings. In some cases, /lbrb will not fully roll back some edits, and you may need to redo the edits of the player who got griefed.

/lb redo player (player name in full) - This will redo all edits of the player specified. It is better to limit this command further with area/block/etc commands.

Some available limits of logblock are: - Time # - Used to specify how far back in Logblock logs to go (Defaults to minutes, but can be specified to hours, days, etc) - Area # - Used to specify the radius for the command to affect - Before # - Goes back to the specified time in Logblock, and affects edits before that point. - After # - Goes back to the specified time in Logblock, and affects edits after that point (Similar to time, but can be used with before to limit a specific time frame) - Sel - Only executes the Logblock command on the region selected by World Edit - Sum players - Gives a list of all players that meet the requirements of the rest of the command - Destroyed - Filters Logblock results by destructive edits (Useful with sum players and time to find griefers on C)

Talk to an admin for an in-depth tutorial on rolling back griefing.

An example;

You /check, there is a griefing modreq. You /tp-id 1 (I.D. of modreq) and get /kit mod, you also /claim 1 (claim the modreq.). These three commands have been combined into one simple command: /tpc 1 will check it, claim it, and tp you to the spot of the modreq. Then you try and see who built the house, and who did the griefing. You use your stick and see who placed the wood (or whatever block the house is made of.) and you note it in your brain. Then, you place coal-ore on the missing spaces of the house that were modreq'd. You find out this:

1. Luke made the wood

2. Lude griefed the wood. <--- You need to rollback the griefer

So, now you stand there and /trace-r lude 10; this shows where and how much wood he destroyed. You see he destroyed about 47 blocks of wood; so you decide to /trace lude to see if he had any placing block edits and any other bans/notes. He had other placing block edits; so you don't call him a 'griefer griefer' :P. Now, you stand near the place you did the /trace-r and you /lbrb-r lude 15 (increasing the radius so you rollback everything.) Now, you decide to keep him on the server, and '/addnote lude minor griefing; next is ban' and '/mail send lude Please don't grief others houses and look at nerd.nu/rules! Thanks.'

The house is rolled back, and you '/done 1 Griefing rolled back'

Now, you go back to do other rollbacks/modreqs; it's a good idea to stay with the smaller req's when you first start; mainly doing logblock ones to remember the commands more.

So; the process in a simple order:

1. /check

2. /tpc <ID>

3. /kit mod

4. Place coal ore in missing blocks and click sticks on replaced blocks to get logs for areas.

5. /trace-r <griefer> <10-30, depends on size of grief>

6. /trace <griefer>

7. /lookup <griefer> (see his record; notes and bans)

8. /lbrb-r <griefer> <amount in /trace-r> (stand in the spot about you trace-r'd

9. redo the steps if the grief isn't fully fixed.

10. /done <ID> <Short message explaining what you did>





LogBlock Commands

Shortcut Commands


/trace (player name) - Shows a user's edits, and runs a lookup on the player.

/trace-r (player name) (radius) - Shows a players edits in the radius provided, and runs a lookup on the player.

/lbrb (player name) - Rolls back all of the players current edits.

/lbrb-r (player name) (radius) – Rolls back all of the players current edits in the radius given.

Quick Note: Always run a /trace-r (player name) or similar before running a /lbrb-r (player name). This ensures you won’t accidently roll back something you didn’t plan on.


Full Commands and parameters


/lb player (player name) – Displays all edits a user has done in list format.

/lb rollback player (player name) – Works the same way as /lbrb.

/lb redo player (player name) - This will redo all edits of the player specified. It is better to limit this command further with parameters.

/lb tp #  - When using the Coords param, this will let you teleport to the specified edit number.

The advantage of using the full commands over the shortcut commands is due to the parameters. Parameters limit what the listing, rollback, and redo commands execute.


Useful and common parameters include:


Block (block type 1) (block type 2) – Limits to the commands to the blocks given.

Created, destroyed – Limits to what the player created and destroyed according to their history.

Area (radius) – Similar function to /trace-r and /lbrb-r, but can be used with additional params.

Sel – Only queries edits within your current Worldguard selection.

Time (number in minutes, hours, or days) - Only queries in the last X time specified.

Since (dd:mm:yyyy) (hh:mm:ss) – All edits a player has done since the specificed time.

Before (dd:mm:yyyy) (hh:mm:ss) – All edits a player has done before the specified time.

Sum (blocks or players) – Shows a detailed list of total block edits and total player edits respectively.

Coords: Shows the coordinates of blocks, so they can be visually displayed, or so you can teleport to them.


For more in-depth logblock training, feel free to contact and admin or experience moderator for assistance.



These reply boxes just decimate formatting.

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ModReq Plugin

With this plugin, the player base can ask for mods help, even when no mods are online. When mods are using this plugin, it is more involved. When someone fills a request (whether you are in ModMode or not; on s and p of course) you will get a chat line pop up; 'A new request has been filled; type /check for more.'

Most likely being used commands for mods;

/modreq <request>: Make a request

/check: Check request queue

/tp-id <#>: Teleport to a request

/claim <#>: Claim a request

/unclaim <#>: Remove your claim from a request; lets other people teleport, finish, and claim the request.

/done <#> <message>: Mark a request as completed

/reopen <#>: Reopen a closed request

/elevate <#>: Set flag for admin on a request

/check <#>: Check a targeted request

/tpc <#>: Claims, checks, and teleports you to a request.

Example below;

You see a 'New request filled; type /check for more'. You go into modmode (/modmode) and type /check. You notice a water flow request, it is I.D. 742. So, you either type /claim 742, /tp-id 742, and /check 742; or you type /tcp 742 and it does all three commands at once. Now, you get to the water blocks needed to be flowed, so you type /i water and place the water at the non-flowing water blocks, and you're done. Now, you '/done 742 Flowing' to close the req, then you repeat the process, the only variable being whether you /elevate 742 to an adminreq. You should elevate things like; land disputes, chest refunds, LWC abuse, harassment, PvP logging, LARGE scale griefing, and hacking, etc. If the modreq said something along the lines of "Please check logs of <player>, he has been harassing people." You should '/mail send <player that made the modreq> Please explain what he said, if it seems major I'll /elevate to an admin req, please make another modreq saying what he said and i will take care of it.'

Continue to do these modreq's.

I would consider new mods to do each command by hand, not doing /tcp or doing any modreq's needed to be elevated it ~ Keep it simple :P





ModReq Plugin

With this plugin, a player can ask for mod assistance, even when no mods are online. This plugin is more involved when mods are using it. When someone files a request, a message will display in your chat box; 'New request. Type /check #### for more information'.

Commands used when dealing with modreqs include;


/check: Check request queue.

/tp-id <#>: Teleporta you to a request.

/tpi <#>: Checks, and teleports you to a request.

/tpc <#>: Claims, checks, and teleports you to a request.

/claim <#>: Claim a request.

/unclaim <#>: Remove your claim from a request; lets other people teleport, finish, and claim the request.

/done <#> <message>: Mark a request as completed.

/reopen <#>: Reopen a closed request.

/elevate <#>: Set flag for admin on a request.

/check <#>: Check a targeted request.

/modreq <request>: Make a request.


Feel free to contact an admin or experienced moderator if you need help with the Modreq plugin.



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It's worth noting that all three of the chronological parameters for LogBlock accept times in other formats. I use relative times a lot (e.g. /lb sum b sel since 2d). Unless you need to be very specific (and remember which timezone the server is in) then it's much easier to just use relative times.


Also, thoughts on maybe having a section dedicated to Watson? I've also thought about writing a quick tutorial for getting started with running LiteLoader (either with or without Forge) since I recall a lot of mods not even having WE CUI installed, let alone Watson. Kind of forgot about it though, lol.

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It's worth noting that all three of the chronological parameters for LogBlock accept times in other formats. I use relative times a lot (e.g. /lb sum b sel since 2d). Unless you need to be very specific (and remember which timezone the server is in) then it's much easier to just use relative times.

Also, thoughts on maybe having a section dedicated to Watson? I've also thought about writing a quick tutorial for getting started with running LiteLoader (either with or without Forge) since I recall a lot of mods not even having WE CUI installed, let alone Watson. Kind of forgot about it though, lol.

I was actually planning on writing a recommended mods section, would be happy to incorporate a tutorial in it :D

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This is a new header that will go before the first header "useful plugins"


Recommended Client Mods and Tutorials


In this section we will cover the recommended client mods, what they do and how to use them, as well as an installation tutorial.


World Edit CUI


Being almost necessary for moderators doing protections, WECUI visualizes world edit selections in order to easily identify where the bounds begin and end.

Being a very straightforward mod it only requires one command, being //sel. This will clear your active position markers, removing your selection.


Example image of a cuboid selection Here




Crafted by our very own totemo, Watson visually displays logblock edits, draws vectors between them according to edit date, utilize annotations for quick return points, and a whole lot of other super useful features.


/w display on: Will turn on the watson display if it doesn't automatically happen.

/w help: Will give you a list of commands ingame.


Example of visualized Logblock Here


The visual display depends solely upon using the Coords param in world edit and how much pages of edits you have scrolled through.


/lb time 12h player playername block 56 coords

/lb page 2

/lb page 3

/lb page 4


The above will show you the first 4 pages of player's diamond edits visually, and will draw vectors from edit to edit accordingly.


When dealing with grief modreq's, you'll generally want to know what the griefer has done before, and after griefing an area. This is where /pre and /post come in.


/pre ##: Shows ## of edits before the block you queried by location, whether it be with the coal ore, or the Coords param. Defaults at 45 without a number.

/post ##: Shows ## of edits after.


After finishing a modreq, or just wanting to clear your screen of the visualized edits, simply use /w clear.


Annotations are useful for many different reasons. If you want to save a list of edits by a player, and want to be able to return easily afterwards, anno's are for you.

You can add an annotation by logging a block with the coal ore, and using /Anno add <text>. This will give you a text box on that logblock spot, which can be teleported to at a future date. Both must be saved for that to be possible, which is where Watson's /w file save comes in. These save files can be loaded up showing all previous saved visualized logblock items, as well as annotations.


Anno add <text>: Adds an annotation at the last logged block.

Anno list: Shows a list of annotation in your current watson display.

Anno tp <number>: Teleports you to a specific loaded annotation.


/w file save: Saves your current LB display with a filename of the last person logged using logblock.

/w file load: Loads a Watson save according the file name

/w file list: Shows your current Watson saves

/w file delete: Deletes a save.


Watson also add a few non-logblock related tools. The built in calculator /calc, and a chat highlighter. The highlighter can be used to make players names stand out for future reference.


/hl: List of all the highlight commands


/hl add <colour> <pattern>: Adds a colour, pattern to a word or name which follows the specified parameters.


Screenshots also base its name off of the last logged player, and sorts them into folders in your /minecraft/screenshots directory.


For more in-depth Watson, please visit the Readme Here.


Client Mods Installation Tutorial


<Insert whatever redwall does here!>

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Client Mods Installation Tutorial


The two principle client mods we use for moderation now use LiteLoader (in the old days, Watson was a Forge mod), so you will need to install it before you can run Watson or WE CUI. If you already use Forge for other mods, don't worry, you can have both running with a little bit of work.


1. Download LiteLoader, ensuring the version you get matches your Minecraft version.


2. Close Minecraft and the launcher.


3. Run the LiteLoader installer.


4. If you wish to have LiteLoader running in tandem with an existing Forge installation, select the "inherit from" option and choose the version of Forge installed. Otherwise, leave it alone and continue.


5. Click OK and complete the installation.


6. Open the launcher, select the newly created LiteLoader profile, and launch Minecraft to ensure that it worked properly. If all goes well, you should see a little slide-out menu "tab" in the upper right corner of the main menu.


7. To install mods, simply drop the .litemod files into the mods/[MC version] folder inside your .minecraft folder. (e.g. mods/1.7.10) If this folder doesn't exist, create it. If you want to run OptiFine, you can drop it into this folder too. You will have to restart Minecraft for them to take effect.

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