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Saturday Night Gaming!


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Hey everyone, sorry for the late post but I wasn't sure of my schedule yet. There will be no FNG this week as I will be busy however we will still be playing on Saturday. We'll also being playing CS:GO again due to only doing it once last week.



Saturday Night Gaming
When: Saturday March 21st 8PM PST/11PM EST (Time Converter)

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Mode: Undecided, will decide when we play
Length: 2 Hours
Where: Mumble/Steam
Recording: No

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I may of wrote this in a hurry and didn't proof read it... Still no excuse for my mistakes since this is the third time I've done it  :dry: Fixed!


Not sure why d3north felt like there was an absence of cuntyness here that he needed to fill. 


Unfortunately I'm out this friday otherwise I would've liked to be involved, hope it all goes smoothly. 

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Thanks to everyone that came and played tonight, we had a good time. Many people stayed after the designated time to continue playing.



There will NOT be FNG/SNG for the next 2 weeks as I will be unavailable (March 27/28, and April 3/4). Please feel free to get together on your own though and play! There just won't be an official event.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Former Staff

Given that this forum is used for upcoming events and this topic has seen no updates in over two months, I'll move this to our past events: A new topic can always be created should this or another event return.

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