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I had a modreq denied for my Wither Farm


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So, me, and some very helpful volunteers have put significant effort into the wither skeleton farm. I build the farm and for aesthetic purposes cleared everything up to 64 blocks away and rebuilt the lava floor of the nether. This alone too 3 weeks of work. Then to top it off we also added at a minimum 30,000 slabs (probably closer to 60k due to caves, etc) to the surrounding area to ensure spawn rates.


Now, all of this is part of the build. Without this, the build would not 1) have the same visual appeal and 2) not function as well. So both are most certainly essential to its use. However, when I tried to get the area protected, I was denied. Now I understand this is a large area, but this area most certainly has more blocks placed than probably any area in the overworld. Also probably more blocks removed. We are talking literal weeks of man hours to get this built.


Now I doubt anyone would complain about the work that was done for the farm. It increases spawn rates and makes everyone happier. I also guarantee you that all those who put in hours upon hours of work would want to make sure that said work is protected.


Those factors alone should be enough to get the area fully protected. But I will also mention something else, if some individual was to build something over the custom lava lake surrounding the farm, I would obviously modreq that as grief as it is breaking both the visual design of the farm as well as the functional workings of the farm and I doubt any mod in good conscious would deny such a request. And if that is so, that any build in the area would be considered grief of the farm, then it only follows that the area should be able to be protected in the first place.


I ask this not because I want to limit the areas that others can build it, but only to protect the hard work that many individuals have put the time and effort into. 




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Apologies b00ds - re-examination of the proposed space (and a re-checking of the given coordinates in the modreq ><) revealed the significant terraforming endeavor, and thus the region has been expanded accordingly.

Edited by buzzie71
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If some individual was to build something over the custom lava lake surrounding the farm, I would obviously modreq that as grief as it is breaking both the visual design of the farm as well as the functional workings of the farm and I doubt any mod in good conscious would deny such a request. And if that is so, that any build in the area would be considered grief of the farm, then it only follows that the area should be able to be protected in the first place.


One would also think this applied to terraforming for iron grinders. Seneca's iron grinder area has been cleared, terraformed and fenced off, but a region protection for the area has been denied and people are starting to build in the area, their doors screwing with the villager mechanics for the iron grinder.

Edited by twilexis
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One would also think this applied to terraforming for iron grinders. Seneca's iron grinder area has been cleared, terraformed and fenced off, but a region protection for the area has been denied and people are starting to build in the area, their doors screwing with the villager mechanics for the iron grinder.


AFAIK you must have a complete build to get a protection on PvE. The difference between your situation and boods is that you don't have a complete build yet. He had the build finished and needed the area protected for it to function well. I've been told that transforming land and setting up a border isn't enough to count as a "build." Once you finish the iron grinder you'll be able to get it protected.

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