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Multiple Fundraisers


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Hey guys, with our recent concerns for funding and wanting to expand to other games we have decided that we are going to host multiple fundraisers per year. I have some questions for everyone that will help me work out the details of multiple fundraisers and would greatly appreciate you guys answering them.

1.) How many fundraisers would you like to see per year? How offen do you think they should be?

2.) What do you think we should do for fundraisers? Should we have one that is always CTF and others be something different, or have all of them be CTF, or something else?

3.) How long do you think fundraisers should last? (In days)

4.) Should we give some sort of recognition to donators via a forum award or subreddit flair? (No in game bonuses)

5.) Any other comments or feedback you have about donation drives/fundraisers?

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Guest Former Staff

Thanks for seeking feedback from the community on this one SwitchViewz.


1. The number of fundraisers should be representative of what could be achieved in terms of creating them. I would be pulling numbers out of thin air to suggest that we could have a fundraiser available every 3-4 months, fully set up and ready to go as this could vary in manpower availability and the type of event we wish to create. Some event styles require brand new plugins whereas others could require less effort. My suggestion is to always be working on a fundraiser so that if we have a substantial number of months of funding left, we do not leave it too late so that we're in the position we are now in that our servers currently only have funding for approximately just over a month. Fundraisers should not be run within weeks of a new revision launching.


2. In terms of what we should do for the fundraisers, I think that at least one Capture the Flag event per year is such a good piece of fun. I will try anything built and I'm sure others will have great suggestions to work on.


3. Fundraisers should not outstay their welcome but not be too short. Capture The Flag appears to have been comfortable at around a 2-3 day event in the past however other event types may be better suited to a much shorter duration where the map itself is reset for new "teams" to be generated.


4. If you had asked me years ago, I would have been more reluctant to move forward. Now I'm fine with the idea provided this does not lead into pay to win later down the line.


5. Donation drives need to be better planned. I have constructive concerns that I wish to raise regarding our performance on this event after it is over in the aim to make the next event progress better.

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1) We should not call them fundraisers and just call them events. We should constantly be trying to raise funds, not just during allocated blocks of time that we do something special. I would like to see events about every 2 months.


2) We should cater to different playstyles, CTF is great but we have a lot events such as the island build contest, there are a lot of fun game types such as skyblock, hardcore pvp, factions, etc

Just look through some of the servers at http://minecraftservers.org/type/minigames


3) Length depends entirely on event choice, some events work well resetting every 6 hours, others would need at least a week.


4) Yes, however ruling out in game bonuses makes no sense, please elaborate why you have added this.


EDIT: For example, how many people on PvE do you think would pay $10 a revision for a double chest sized ender chest? There are little things like that we can offer which a lot of people would pay for


5) Events need planning, the current CTF thread is a mess with no clear direction, as event admin I would like to see you take charge of things like this more ( I know its finals etc, I think us being weeks away and running out of funds is just terrible timing )

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Hey guys, with our recent concerns for funding and wanting to expand to other games we have decided that we are going to host multiple fundraisers per year. I have some questions for everyone that will help me work out the details of multiple fundraisers and would greatly appreciate you guys answering them.

1.) How many fundraisers would you like to see per year? How offen do you think they should be?


I'm gonna go with Barli on this and say maybe once every 4 months or so.



2.) What do you think we should do for fundraisers? Should we have one that is always CTF and others be something different, or have all of them be CTF, or something else?



At least have one CTF event - CTF seems to be a favorite.

I'm pretty sure having other types of events could bring in more players.

I can see people maybe wanting something like hunger-games type for one.



3.) How long do you think fundraisers should last? (In days)


Hmm.. Honestly, I'd shoot for 3 days (maybe 5?) depending on what the event is.

There's even the idea of rotating events each day, though that'd be a lot of work.



4.) Should we give some sort of recognition to donators via a forum award or subreddit flair? (No in game bonuses)


How would the flair be implemented with the current flair on the subreddit?

Maybe it gives you a code or something that you send to the flairbot, so it adds [donator] to it?

I'd prefer a forum thing personally, as doing that might attract more people to the forums (or so I'd hope).

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Thanks for the feedback guys! *takes notes*


5. Donation drives need to be better planned. I have constructive concerns that I wish to raise regarding our performance on this event after it is over in the aim to make the next event progress better.

5) Events need planning, the current CTF thread is a mess with no clear direction, as event admin I would like to see you take charge of things like this more ( I know its finals etc, I think us being weeks away and running out of funds is just terrible timing )

I completely agree with both of you here and it's a bit of a mess unfortunately due to my lack of time. Schooling/finals come before Minecraft does and the last 2 weeks I have spent focusing heavily on them. It was really just a bad time overall to have a fundraiser but we are sadly low on funds. However I am free from school now so I hope to clean up this mess and get things a rollin'! As we finish this fundraiser I intend to immediately start on the next one so we don't run into issues again.


3) Length depends entirely on event choice, some events work well resetting every 6 hours, others would need at least a week.

Our big Events have always involved taking down our other servers to host the Event. If we want to do a full week fundraiser would we want to take all the servers down for a week? If we don't we will most likely not see as many players on E.


As for other Events, I do plan to have other events on E that don't involve taking the others down, and I also plan to have it be the main stage for when I roll out "Player Events".



4) Yes, however ruling out in game bonuses makes no sense, please elaborate why you have added this.

We have always been an Anti-Pay-To-Win Community and most in game bonuses would encourage Pay-To-Win or Pay-To-Be-Above-Everyone-Else sort of deal. We could perhaps put a "donator:" in with /list but other then that I'm not sure what else we could add? Were more then open to suggestions so please feel free to share any if you have some.


How would the flair be implemented with the current flair on the subreddit?

Maybe it gives you a code or something that you send to the flairbot, so it adds [donator] to it?

I'd prefer a forum thing personally, as doing that might attract more people to the forums (or so I'd hope).


We could have a bot set up or we could add it manually but those are details we can work out later down the line.

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We have always been an Anti-Pay-To-Win Community and most in game bonuses would encourage Pay-To-Win or Pay-To-Be-Above-Everyone-Else sort of deal. We could perhaps put a "donator:" in with /list but other then that I'm not sure what else we could add? Were more then open to suggestions so please feel free to share any if you have some.


I edited my post but I might as well post as a separate comment.



For example, how many people on PvE do you think would pay $10 a revision for a double chest sized ender chest? There are little things like that we can offer which a lot of people would pay for

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There are some interesting ways to offer in-game bonuses that apply to everyone, not just the donator. For example, c45y mentioned double-size enderchests, you could also expand the map by 10 blocks per donation, or a temporary XP boost for everyone for an hour after a donation, etc.

I'm not sure if this has been done before, but you could offer in-game bonuses during a donation drive in the same way. During a CTF event, if someone donates, it would give everyone speed 2 for a minute, or boost XP gain for a little while, or make mobs drop double the items, etc.

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