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2016 CTF Fundraiser Information Post


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What is the CTF Fundraiser?


CTF stands for ‘Capture the Flag’. Players will be split into two randomly assigned teams, Red and Lime. Players must find and capture the enemy’s flag and return it to their own flag base for points. PvP is enabled, so all you fighters out there - better get ready to rumble!


But don’t worry if you don’t enjoy PvP gameplay - equally important are those who stay at their own team’s base and concentrate on infrastructure, or those willing to go out and find those vital supplies to help secure victory!


Nerd.Nu runs a CTF event every year to help raise funds to keep the server and other nerd services up and running. Our funding goal is $2800 which will sustain the servers until the next fundraiser comes around.


If you'd like to help out the community with a donation, just visit http://nerd.nu/donate - any contribution is very appreciated!




When you first join the server you will appear at Space Station CTF-2016! To join a crew type /join or hit one of the crew assignment signs. You will be randomly assigned to either Red Crew or Lime Crew, and beamed to your destination ship. From then on, if you die, you will always re-appear at your crew's ship.


Take some time to explore your ship - you will find a basic kit, and somewhere in the ship's kitchens no doubt you will find some melons! Take them, you'll need them to start out. Once you feel ready, leave the safety of the ship and make your way to the team base!


You wear colored glass on your head to denote your crew - removing your glass helmet in space is not recommended!


Team Bases


Team bases are located in the North-West and South-East corners of the map.


This year, spawn ships cannot be changed, but your team bases are fully editable. There are uneditable 'forcefield generators' denoting the boundary of your safe area (the area in which the enemy cannot PvP you). The safe area contains a starter base for your crew to get things going.




Your ship and base are situated on a large asteroid, the surface of which cannot be edited by the enemy. However, if you aren't within your safe area boundary, then look out - the enemy can and will attack you! Build up your base with proper protection if you want to expand to the pvp enabled area!


Flag Bases


To capture an enemy flag you must first find one of their two flag bases. A 'flag' is a firey piece of wool in enemy colors! The flag bases are on their own asteroids, somewhere near to each crew's base island. You can build protections for your flags, but you must leave one side open for fair access to the enemy.




To steal an enemy flag, just click on it. To capture a flag and score a point, take it to one of your flag bases and click on your own flag. If the enemy has stolen both of your flags, you can't score!


Be careful you don't accidentally fly or run through your safe area. Taking an enemy flag into your safe area will cause it to be returned to them!


If you die or log out while carrying a flag it will be dropped on the ground. If you were flying through space, it will float. Clicking on a dropped flag that belongs to your team will cause it to be returned to its pedestal. Click on a dropped flag that belongs to the enemy in order to pick it up!


If a dropped flag is left for more than 5 minutes it is automatically returned. If a flag is stolen from its pedestal for more than 30 minutes it is automatically returned regardless of whether it is currently carried or dropped.


Craft a compass and it will point you towards the nearest stolen flag that belongs to your team!


The Power of Wool


If you step on wool or carpets in your crew's color, you'll recieve a beneficial potion effect. Conversely, if you accidentally step on wool or carpets in the other crew's color, it will hurt you!




Use wool to help protect your island and base from intruders, and to help you attack the other team!




Buffs are special blocks that give a beneficial effect to your entire crew. There are three buffs to find out here in space.




To capture a buff, simply click on it. However, it's not always easy to find a buff or get to them. For example, you might find spawners or parkour in your way!




Craft a jetpack to allow you to explore the quadrant for ores and other precious materials. There are two jetpacks available to you: Iron and Diamond. Both types consume coal as fuel.


Recipes are as follows:




The diamond jetpack is slightly faster, and has a better rate of fuel consumption. Keep an eye on your fuel supplies - if they run out you will drop out of the sky!


Player Damaging TNT


Yes, that's right... TNT is back! It won't damage any blocks or builds, but it will certainly damage enemy players!




Use it strategically to annihilate the opposition!





Here are some commonly used commands for the CTF:



Randomly assigns you to a crew on first join.


/g <msg>

Allows you to send a message in global chat (your default chat is team chat)



Lists all the members of a team.



Shows team and individual number of kills, deaths, flag captures, flag returns and buffs scored.



Drops the flag, if you have one!



Shows the location of the nearest flag stolen from your team.



Puts your space helmet back on (why did you take it off?!)


Don't forget to lock your chests!


/cmodify r:red

Type this then punch a chest, to lock it to red team (all red crew members can access it)


/cmodify r:lime

Type this then punch a chest, to lock it to lime team (all lime crew members can access it)


Other commands you would typically find on nerd.nu will work as well e.g. /clanchat, /list, /modlist, /modreq, /msg or /m, /r, /s





HYPPEEE! (Trailer courtesy of Zomise)



Silver Stealth Edit:

The server will be running a custom resource pack as well (prepared by our very own Sapphric!). You can play without it, but it will be way more fun to see all the fancy things he's added!

For those who have trouble with server-side resource packs sapphric has given the link for download so everyone can enjoy the fun (even if they have potato internet like me!!)

Edited by Silversunset01
added resource pack link!
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Wait, Friday as in today?


Edit: It looks like you guy put a lot of work into this, I hope enough people hear about it for it to be a success.

Yes. :D Today. There's been a post up about it on the subreddit. :)

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Ah, yes, on reddit.  I always forget to look there, thanks.

I think with most people it's the other way around. Would be nice to have things in both places though.

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Silver Stealth Edit:


The server will be running a custom resource pack as well (prepared by our very own Sapphric!). You can play without it, but it will be way more fun to see all the fancy things he's added!

For those who have trouble with server-side resource packs sapphric has given the link for download so everyone can enjoy the fun (even if they have potato internet like me!!)

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