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You've Got Mail! [Creative Build Contest] Aug 15th-27th (Extended)


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Hello all. We're bringing you an fun and quick contest to participate in this week!

We'll be having a building contest to create a post office build that contains a minimum of 150 single-chest (or double-chest) PO boxes for creative players to claim and share mail in!

The winner's build will be placed by spawn and warped.


To participate login to C and type /warp PostContest, There are 12 plots (more will be added once all are claimed) each of varying sizes.


You may claim 1 plot, and you'll have until August 20th to finish your build, then it will be put up for show for voting all of Sunday.


Monday the winner will be finalized from the poll results, so act fast.

Users will be able to claim chests for PO boxes (donation chests) where we may give you those 1000 cookies we've been waiting to give you while you've been away.

[ Or send you that novel-length /mail message in a book instead of blowing up your inbox ]


Have fun nerds! All welcome.


EDIT: Due to high demand to extend the length of the contest, i've decided to go ahead and do so. You'll have until Saturday the 27th at 9PM EST to finish your builds.

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Guest Former Staff

There are 12 plots (more will be added once all are claimed) each of varying sizes.


All 12 plots so far just got claimed! :-)


Building in this contest is a fun distraction.

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