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Minigames Map Making Contest!


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Hey all,


Since Halloween is just over a month away, the minigames server is launching a themed map making contest! We're looking for your most ghoulish and terrifying maps to play over Halloween weekend - the central theme being "HORROR!".




Bear in mind that we might like to keep some of these maps after Halloween in the normal map rotation - so try not to make them too holiday themed if you want them to stick around!


Competition winners names and skulls will be placed in a special area of the minigames hub.


The details:

  • Access the minigames map building world at /warp mgmaps on the creative server.
  • Plots are 200x200 (you don't need to fill all this space).
  • Competition plots are grey, other plots are red. Red plots can be claimed for minigame map builds unrelated to this competition.
  • Grey competition plots have warp signs set up for easy access from the spawn point. To claim a plot, stand in it and type /nerdplot claim
  • You may build a KOTH or a CTF map:
    • KOTH maps must have two teams, with two spawn points each. The KOTH single claimable point should be represented by a functional vanilla beacon (white).
    • CTF maps must have two teams, with two spawn points each. Each team must have one banner in their team colors that represents their capturable flag.
  • The theme is "horror" and you may interpret this in whichever way you choose, as long as it agrees with general server rules.

The closing date for this competition is Sunday 16th October.


Good luck and terrified happy building!  :ohmy:



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