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Staff Meeting Notes


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December 2019 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Discussed New Lobbies
    • Applyformod - Application is currently down - will be posting how to submit until it is fixed
  • PvE
    • Weekly Friday Fun nights - still going strong!
    • Discussed [redacted!]
    • Discussed 12 Days of Christmas Event that is currently ongoing
    • Sekrit Santa completed and was fun!
  • Creative
    • Discussed [redacted]
    • Join Creative for Christmas weekly build, now ongoing!
  • Tech Admins
  • Open Floor
    • Next week Multi Server event!  See subreddit post by Fazaden for more info
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  • 2 weeks later...

February 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Apply for a Mod has been fixed
    • Discussed Moderator Nominations
    • Discussed Staff Activity
    • Discussed Lobby Update
  • PvE
    • Weekly Friday Fun nights - still going strong!
    • Discussed New Rev Planning
    • Discussed Weekly build (co-hosted on Creative) for new rev map sprucing
  • Creative
    • Discussed Revision 35
    • Discussed Weekly Build (co-hosted with PvE) for PvE new rev map sprucing
  • Tech Admins
    • Apply-for-Mod has been fixed
    • Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech
    • World Edit has been updated for 1.14
  • Openfloor
  • Upvote 1
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  • 1 month later...

March 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Discussed Moderator Nominations/Voting
    • Discussed Lobby Update
    • Discussed recent Bot Flooding
    • Discussed future tech admins (no one specific just if you see someone, say something -to the hadmins!)
  • PvE
    • Discussed lag
    • Discused [redacted event!]
    • Discussed fun prizes for spawn stores
  • Creative
    • 1.15 planning
  • Tech Admins
    • Nothing new to report!
Edited by defiex
updated to add creative's 1.15
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  • 1 month later...

April 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Welcome to new mods!
      • assasymphoni
      • Kitty9232
      • tadrogers
      • Zedadex
      • Verros(returning!)
    • Discussed [redacted event]!
  • PvE
    • Dragon Flight Prep! - Getting the last of the fight tweaked for fun and terror Coming Soon
    • Weekly Events - Going strong and looking into non-US times so everyone can play.
    • Bedwarp Signs to be fixed (at exit portal)
    • Villagers and unlocking
    • Land Claims
  • Creative
    • Is now on 1.15!  You can use /creative and /PVE to hop back and forth between the two!
    • Carto update - working on it with the techs (edit 5/20/2020 from defi, this has since been fixed!)
    • Speedbuild/Spleef on Saturday's at 9pm(eastern)
  • TechAdmins
    • Totemo working on dragon fight and lag
    • Challenger working on NerdPlot
    • Hug a tech (from six feet away, please!)
  • Open Floor
    • Staff Well-being
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  • 2 weeks later...

May 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser Planning has begun!
    • Welcome to new Mods
      • assasymphoni
      • Kitty9232
      • tadrogers
      • Zedadex
      • Verros(returning!)
    • If you know someone who'd be a good moderator, nominate!
  • PvE
    • Post Sta-Cation Event discussion
    • Discussed updates to admin vs mod modreqs
    • Discussed rail line protections
    • Discussed Water & flow requests
    • Reminder to submit events to Padmins for Events Calendar
  • Creative
    • /hud is now live on Creative!
    • Spleef tonight at 9pm (US Eastern Time
  • TechAdmins
    • Hug a tech (from six feet away, please!)
  • Open Floor
    • Piston Bolt transportation - No, this is not allowed.
    • Villager Mechanics
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  • 1 month later...

June 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser Planning is moving along!
  • PvE
    • Blog post! re:
      • Roadside Attractions https://nerd.nu/b/pve
      • Points of Interest being added - not big enough for a place, but still awesome
      • /motd (while in game) will give you a link to the post!
    • Events
      • Discussed various ideas for new events
      • USA 4th of July - Admin hunts
      • Scavenger Hunt - find the items and take a selfie with it and get that to the padmins!
    • Weekend Events
      • Booked through July
      • Held Friday nights and Saturday Mornings. Saturday mornings are subject to Padmin availability.
    • Undead Horses - you can now leash undead horses
    • Enchant Books
      • Clarification on how they work and what you can do with them Blog Post to come
      • Players cannot request TWO SUPER ENCHANT books on one item.  One book per item, please.
      • Players to have patience with these modreqs as Admins only can take care of them.
    • Player Traps
      • If you dig a hole:
        • Fill in when you're done
        • Water at the bottom so players do not die
        • Put a trapdoor or fencing around the top so people don't fall in.


  • Creative
    • Speed Build 4th of July Weekend (US Holiday)


  • TechAdmins
    • Hug a tech (from six feet away, please!)


  • Open Floor
    • Can Chaos map be reset?
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July 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser 2020 update for mods
  • PvE
    • Mid Rev Feedback post coming soon
    • New Rev Planning between the Padmins has begun
    • Player Events have been going well!
    • [Redacted Event update] coming soon!
    • Redacted Moderator Only update
  • Creative
    • Speedbuild tonight! 9pm (US Eastern)
  • Open Floor
    • x.nerd.nu reset
      • discussed resetting the nether -hadmins to follow up
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  • 4 weeks later...

August 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser 2020 update for mods
  • PvE
    • Is going smashingly!
    • Mid Rev Feedback post doing well, don't forget to post your response!
    • New Rev Planning between the Padmins continues
    • Player Events have been going well!
    • [redacted] event for new rev planning discussed
  • Creative
    • Creative is now about half done
    • So much space to build!
  • Open Floor
    • x.nerd.nu reset
      • Chaos should be on latest snapshot now
    • request for assistance on Chaos
    • PvE's The End - issues with unloaded chunks during dragon fight - appears to be only on client side.
    • Post on the Forum re: Survival - if you have anything to comment, please do so.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

October 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Mod nomination reviews
    • Fundraiser date set
    • Fundraiser theme set more details to come - much fancy!
  • PvE
    • New rev prep
    • End of Current Revision Plans
      • Final Save date tbd
      • Discussion on End of revision Chaos vs PaVE
  • Creative
    • Halloween Themeed weekly Build Contest  https://redd.it/jhltyw
    • Thanks to the Cadmins from Padmins for helping with the build contest for Wonders of the World!
    • Questions about updating server to match PvE (1.16)?
    • [redacted]
  • Open Floor
    • remidner that PvP arenas are still a thing
      • discussion regarding PvP ideas
    • discussed resetting parts of Chaos (that have low/no use/etc)
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November 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Moderation in chats
    • Mod Nominations
    • Fundraiser - Coming Soon!
      • in two weeks
      • this is the perfect time to panic
      • Will open for sprucing by mods soon
      • redacted stuff goes here!
  • PvE
    • Modreqs - double check at restarts
    • minimaps are still a bit wonky, we know, please report if it happens to you!
    • 4 weeks from rev start!
      • leaving restarts at 1hr
      • dragon fight coming soon
      • known issue about certain chunks that are having loading issues, please report if it happens to you.
  • Creative
    • Still testing 1.16.4
    • Spleef tonight at 9pm!
  • Tech Admins
    • We know that there are some bugs on PvE right now
  • Open floor
    • Too many channels in all the places
      • Defi does prune every once and a while.
      • Staff Clean up
      • Why are the meeings so short? so we can get to the snacks faster.
      • Redacted!
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  • 5 weeks later...

December 2020 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Fundraiser Wrap-up
      • Money Sent to Child's Play $2161.65 sent +$64.87 Fee
      • Thanks for all your help!
  • PvE
    • So many events. So. Many.
    • Still looking into Chunk issues - please report! If you see something, say something!
    • Perfect Villagers: players have been sending in suggestions for more villagers.
  • Creative
    • Weekly Build Voting - Type /warp weeklybuild to visit!
  • Tech Admins
    • Nothing new at this time
  • Chaos
    • Discussion about updates
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  • 3 weeks later...

January 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
  • PvE
    • So many events! Discussions had about new types of events - impromptu brainstorming session had!
    • Valentines Event
    • Padmin request to players to not use so many hoppers!
    • Mapworld update by defi is nearly compelete - update post to come
    • Tics Trivia Run Coming soon!
  • Creative
    • Speedbuild tonight!(jan 30th)
  • Chaos
    • Discussion about updates - Chaos returning and Fundraiser server coming down
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  • 6 months later...

February 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • New Lobby is live!
    • New Moderators: NastyHabits, Ocelotpotpie, AndyJF - accepted and one player declined.
    • two pending moderators to go to review
    • Survival Discussion - Discord channel made to discuss
  • PvE
    • Reminders about modreqs
    • Rev 27 planning is on going, more info to come
    • mid-rev community build (Behold the Anti Cube!)
    • St. Patrick's day event being worked on
  • Creative
    • New Revision in April?
    • Saturday night events going well, Speedbuild is getting more players in
    • Crashes - we know, it's being worked on
  • Chaos
    • updating the map
    • putting up a fresh map
    • discussion on keeping/resetting/nuking the map
    • disussion about chaos and stability of 1.17
    • Reminders that Chaos is a temporary server! (Don't plan on retiring there!)
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March 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Keep on keeping on!
    • Wholesomememes channel is live
  • PvE
    • still reviewing possibility of 1.17, nothing concrete
    • Trivia updates coming! Hopefully will update every two weeks
  • Creative
    • Looking at New rev Stuff
      • Map is nearly finished
      • still no launch date as of yet
    • Speed build tonight!
  • Chaos
    • waiting on Mount Terrain to be updated before bringing back
    • will be starting with a fresh new map
  • Open Floor
    • issues with the lobby -seems to be timing people out at restarts -being looked into
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April 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Wholesomememes channel on Discord and Rules discussion
  • PvE
    • Mods are awesome and the Padmins love you!
    • Rev 26/27 discussions and details
  • Creative
    • New Revision SOON
    • Discussion about new map
    • discussion about chaos at end of revision
  • Chaos
    • Discussion about resetting and working out details
  • Skyblock
    • Unless there are issues, don't plan on taking it down for now or resetting
    • Plenty of empty plots to go around
    • defi does check for modreqs at least once every day or so.(mostly new players asking for help finding signs)
  • Lobby
    • lobby issues: it's haunted.
  • Tech Admins
    • Issues with modmode being weird discussed, let admins know if it happens to you.
  • Open floor
    • discussion about inactive/past staff
    • Survival - keeping an eye on the channel, discussion in channel and the doc they've started
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May 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Discord discussions
    • New Tech search ongoing, interested has been expressed
  • PvE
    • New Rev announced (mojang is being rude so plans have changed)
    • PaVe - will discuss
    • 1.16 vs 1.17? Probably 1.16
  • Creative
    • New Revision launch went well
    • Speed build tnight at 9pm eastern
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June 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • LadyCailin returning to tech admins
    • Fundraiser discussions beginning/starting/plotting
  • PvE
    • New Rev launched. On time! Going well!
    • discussion about further plans for new revision down the road
    • New region claim processes
    • Leaves not decaying issues - being looked into
    • Eyes of Ender issues -  can be modreq'd
  • Creative
    • Weekly Build has resumed!  This week's theme: Patriotism
  • Open Floor
    • Watch out for Spawn rails, make sure they doing get too tangled up/borked/etc.
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July 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Reminder that we have an inactivity page
    • Voting threads for new moderators
    • Defi's bi-annual - Slack vs Discord vs Forums question
      • everyone has their preference, not planning on changing how things are done atm.
    • Staff Activity Page
      • defi is just about done reviewing and will be reaching out to inactive moderators/etc.
      • Mumble permissions - defi is coming for you for updates
    • Fundraiser - info for moderators coming soon
  • PvE
    • Headmart is open!
    • Dragon Fight 99$% done. Coming Soon
    • Mapworld Update
      • is updating slowly
      • if you see that a marker hasn't/isn't updating, please let Defi know!
      • /petfinder is back!
  • Creative
    • Spleef tonight!
    • Discussion on build contest
  • Tech Admins
    • LadyCailin has been doing All the Things behind the scenes. Send her some love!
  • Chaos
    • We need a stable launch, not just snapshots
  • Open Floor
    • Give defi your pictures for instagram/twitter!
    • Looking for a good 1900x250 type images for the subreddit header, too.
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  • 4 weeks later...

August 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Staff Updates & how stepping down/inactivity works
    • Welcoming new moderator TemporarilyAlive
    • Discussed pending moderator
    • Fundraiser Planning
    • Discord - discussed specific rules for moderation


  • PvE
    • Dragon fight - amazing!
    • Rev 26 Download: Soon(tm)
    • Discussed PvP
    • Discussed Xray


  • Creative
    • Nothing new to report
    • Speedbuild is this weekend!


  • Tech Admins
    • Discussed Tech updates


  • Chaos & Skyblock
    • Chaos - still down for now
    • Skyblock - still up! defi does pop over during restarts.


  • Open Floor
    • Cross Server Chats
    • S-Revival Talks
    • Request to keep servers on the same version in future
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  • 1 month later...

September 2021 Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • New Mod Voting
    • Fundraiser Discussions
    • Next Staff Meeting Dates (current conflict with holidays)
  • PvE Admins
    • Nothing new to report
  • Creative
    • Spleef tonight!
  • Chaos/Snapshots
    • Back and Running on 1.18!
    • Branding shifting to "snapshot server" rather than "chaos server" as many people think Chaos means racism/hacking is OK.
  • Open Floor
    • Updates on Carto?
      • Deaygo is working on it
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  • 1 year later...

Early-January 2023 (post Holiday) Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Welcome back!
    • Moderator Things
      • Welcome New Moderator
        • Andromeda4210
        • Fluffhead555
      • Passed Nominations - Heads will reach out to see if they are willing.
      • Voting threads - go review, vote. Reach out to the Heads if you have any concerns.
      • Comment Threads - Review, comment, & reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
  • PvE Admins
    • Christmas Event things have been removed from spawn
    • Friday/Saturday Events going well
    • Updated to 1.19.3 which borked some things, but fixed now.
    • Working on Dragon Fight issues
  • Creative
    • Speed build was yesterday, Spleef next week!
    • Swing by if you can, more participation!
    • Cadmins are exploring adding minigames (Thimble,etc)
    • Exploring an update to 1.19.3
  • Tech Admins
    • 1.19.3 update on PvE - had some bugs, are being worked out/have been worked out
    • New Servers are a'coming.
    • DynMaps as things migrate - please be patient.
    • Dimension issues on current map should fix themselves
  • Open Floor
    • We love you.
    • Discussion about Skyblock & New Snapshot - thoughts on throwing each up
      • How often to update snapshot?
    • Be polite & Friendly in chat when moderating
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January 2023  Staff Meeting

  • Head Admins
    • Moderator Things
      • Voting threads - go review, vote. Reach out to the Heads if you have any concerns.
      • Conduct policy discussions
  • PvE Admins
    • Dragon fight is out!
    • Valentine's Event info to come
    • Trivia Train - Go try your luck! Choo choo!
  • Creative
    • Tonight is spleef!
    • Still looking at 1.19.3 updates
    • Minigames discussion
  • Tech Admins
    • New Servers Migration has begun
    • Carto when? Soon™
    • Requests
      • /ignore mode that is more permanent discussion
      • /mute
  • Open Floor
    • We love you.
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February 2023  Staff Meeting
  • Head Admins
    • Outside Conduct Policy discussion
    • Moderator things
      • Go post/vote if you haven't
      • Tadrogers has returned to staff as a moderator!
  • PvE Admins
    • Admin hunt went very well!
      • Avoid Artix & Berry Bushes - these are the top killers of Admins
    • Valentines Event went well
  • Creative
    • Thimble has been added to Events
      • /warp Thimble exist
      • Players can make their own Thimble drop zone in plots avail to build in
    • Discussed Team Fortress PvP
    • Discussed other ideas for mini-games
  • Tech Admins
    • New Servers migration is complete
  • Open Floor
    • We love you.
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