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Bye Bye


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(Sorry I couldn't think of a witty stepping down post title.)

Suggested listening.

It's no secret I haven't been around much lately. I've been pretty busy since this summer with working and going back to school full time. I've also been playing Minecraft since back when it was a free browser game, so it feels like time for a break. I'd been looking to step down for a while now but wanted to make sure I was leaving things in good hands. The current heads definitely care a lot about this community and the people in it, so I feel like I can do that now.

Many people have told me their favorite part of Nerd is the community, and I definitely agree with that. This is probably the best online community I've ever been a part of. I've made some friends here that I'll keep in touch with for the rest of my life. Thanks to everyone who has been part of my time here.

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