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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi. I'd like to appeal my ban. I was on the nerd.nu discord server in the politics channel often. I became frustrated at the way i was treated by users there in ways i perceived to be in violation of the rules. I became frustrated by the treatment i received from cheezychicken in response to my complaints. I became frustrated with some of the other staff who accused me of being the source of the conflict rather than those who were mistreating me. This happened in parallel with other events where the head admins engaged in what i perceived at the time to be misconduct on the PvE server. Fazaden in particular would engage with me on the politics channel and appeared to have the same inclination as I did at the time to get hot-headed on matters that are important to him. There's much more that went on to all of this, a lot of issues that really bothered me, but which don't really need to be brought up here. Suffice to say though, at the time I felt attacked on all sides by several users and by the staff who i believed had a responsibility to maintain order and justice, and that led to a lot of resentment and frustration. The fact that this intersected with the emotions of real-world political issues sent me to what I'd classify as peak amygdala hyperstimulation. I lost my patience and began treating the channel with flippancy commensurate with the level of care i perceived others to be putting forth. I cracked what seemed to me clever jokes in response to insults and attacks. In retrospect, there was no way that any of that would be productive. The people there were never going to accept any kind of argument against them, and losing my temper in response to trolling and trolling them back was never going to produce ideal results. In particular, lashing out at the admins who were themselves ideologically driven (as I was) and who mostly just would have preferred for the whole thing to go away was an error on my part. At one point I stated truthfully my belief in criminal prosecution leading to the death penalty for people who perform abortions. I still do not believe this violated nerd.nu's rules. I also made a statement which I fully intended as a joke, which I thought was obviously ridiculous enough to be understood as satirical - and which at the time I also thought cleverly referenced several topics that had arisen over the course of the conversation in a funny way, but because the admins saw me as the central figure in all of their problems, this satirical comment could be plausibly argued to have been made with serious intent. The context didn't matter, and stripping away that context was a strategy used to argue for the denial of my previous appeal. I understand why that was done. To make it extremely clear: my argument at the time was that "KILLING IS BAD". From my perspective, abortion is killing. ergo, i don't want people killed. At the same time, I was REPEATEDLY in support of the rule of law and criminal justice. These are very very basic concepts for functioning civilization that nobody should have issue with. To the best of my recollection, it was Fazaden who pressed me to describe what I would want done to people who perform abortions under a hypothetical scenario where the rule of law has dissolved and anarchy and chaos have taken over my country. So I said, iirc, that in that scenario such people should be executed - in much the same way that murderers are given the death penalty. (FWIW, my stance on the death penalty today is more reserved than even then. I tend to believe in repentance and forgiveness.) My "joke" was suggesting in that scenario a 'genocide' of people who support and perform abortions. Obviously it is not a genocide, because people of various races and ethnic backgrounds share in that activity. Obviously extrajudicial killing people who merely give support to murderers is a violation of the concept of law and order, the rule of law, and a violation of the belief that "KILLING IS BAD". I hope this is making some sense. I'm not sure how better to explicate this. My intention right now is not to argue against abortion or turn this appeal into a political debate, to argue the nuances of law and 'what is a human' or any of that stuff, because that's not what this is about. I share what I have shared because it is what happened, and I was instructed at nerd.nu/appeal to do so. My stance is that the head admins and deaygo made considerable mistakes in their handling my previous appeals - but they are understandable mistakes. I don't care that they did, it doesn't bother me anymore. Nobody cares. I have no interest in going on the politics channel at all. I have no interest in talking about political issues with people who already have their opinions cooked. Getting into heated arguments about politics is fruitless at best, and disruptive and harmful at worst. I simply wish to have the ban reversed at this time. Also, for what it is worth, I'm much calmer these days. I am sorry I caused trouble for you admins, for not conducting myself at a higher standard even when I felt mistreated. Previous appeal posts: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5780-mumberthrax-defiex https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5823-mumberthrax-defiex-please-re-open-my-previous-appeal-so-that-i-may-respond https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/7167-mumberthrax-defiex/
  3. Last week
  4. I am sorry for griefing
  5. Earlier
  6. Good afternoon- You were banned after another staff member and I witnessed you and another player actively building on and griefing other player’s builds. We tried to reach out to you through direct message in game to ask you to stop and to read the rules and we were not answered. After several attempts at communicating, you were banned for failing to follow the rules on PVE. Please see the rules at nerd.nu/rules.
  7. I dont know what it is
  8. Hello Citlalin, If that is your decision, then all right. Have a great day, -defiex
  9. This could be literally anything. Too vague. Honestly, if we're really going this far then I'm not even going to bother to try.
  10. Good morning Citlalin, Thank you for posting after the 18th. I have unbanned you since you have said you have re-read the rules. Please note that due to your history, if there is any further issues -minor or major- you will be permanently banned. This is your last chance to play nicely with our community. You have been spoken to in the past on a myriad of topics. If you are unsure about any of these issues, please reach out to a head admin via this forum. (defiex, fazaden, pez252) -defiex
  11. Hello, Harassment of users or staff is definitely not allowed in our community. Please consider how your actions and words may effect others in the future. You have been unbanned.
  12. Forgive me, I submitted this a almost week and a half ago. Is there anything else I need to do before I am able to be unbanned?
  13. Hello fox551175, You were banned for griefing on creative. Due to it being a relatively minor offense, you have since been unbanned. Just make sure to reread the rules at spawn once you join. Welcome back to nerd.nu 🙂 Sincerely, Fluffhead555
  14. I am sorry for griefing. I wont do that again. I will follow rules.
  15. Join the Easter build contest! Participate by going to /warp WeeklyBuild Begins: Saturday March 23rd Ends: Monday April 1st There will be a public vote on the 2nd where the winner will be decided. Rules: - Teams are allowed - Multiple entries are allowed - Claim plots by using /nerdplot claim while standing in a plot.
  16. I'm writing this thru tears sorry in advance for bad spelling
  17. I find this to be an missunderstanding and quite frankly extreemly embarassing. I decided to pull a wholesome prank on one of the server admins (Cujobear.) I would pretend to be a stalker and had this big plan to scare the shit out of him. Well, later, I find that he is a she, and that the joke would fall flat. (Unsure if it would've been funny anyway) I said I looked gay because I am female myself and present myself as hetrosexual. I didn't mean to present myself as homosexual, and was disapointed that I showed an act otherwise. I didn't mean any kind of bigoted argument against any kind of LGBTQ+ member. I hope that we can see eye to eye on this missunderstanding and so I can be unbanned and continue to contribute to this wonderful server I've been fighting to be a part of. - PS I'd like to actually appologize to Cujo, as I didn't mean to be this fucking creepy or embarassing.
  18. It's after the 18th. I re-read the rules and will follow them. I understand what I did and it will not happen again? Is there anything else I need to do before I am able to be unbanned?
  19. Bans for ChesticleWaRshiP InfoBans forBans madeNotes forNotes made Banned By Reason Time Banned Server cheezychicken threatening staff nerd.nu/appeal 2 years, 6 months ago c.nerd.nu Had to track down the username you were under on our ban system! It been over 2 years, I can't really remember what you did either so I'll unban you. Read the rules, play nice, have fun!
  20. "Ireland" by iceberg76 "Snakes Out!" by fazaden "Pot o' Gold Garden" by MisterCactus1900 "O'Briens Pub" by AndyJF "The Land of Leprechauns" by Za_Zaa "Greenhouse" by SquirrelsBane "Guinness" by Bardidley "Greedy Leprechaun" by Za_Zaa "The ARGH Mine" by Omega_Orion
  21. Sorry for the mistake, I was banned by [cheezychicken], my user name is MoonRockOnMoon.
  22. I was banned on this server a good while ago, something over a full two years. I don't exactly remember what I did, but I do recall having a good time goofing around and being annoying in the chat. And appearently you aren't supposed to say you're gonna chew an admins balls off or whatever threatening thing I said to an admin just for some attention. I do remember having an incredibly fun time exploring the world of nerd.nu and I would really enjoy doing that again. (Without the ball chewing and being a menace. Sorry.)
  23. Thank you for confirming You have now been unbanned.
  24. Hi i read the rules i will not so it again im realy sorry i got long time to think about it and im sorry
  25. Kevcraft8, Please reply to the original thread confirming you have read the rules. Do not make a new appeal
  26. I readed the rules pleas unban me i dont will do it again!! spirit_society.us.to:258
  27. Please keep one appeal per player. I will lock this one
  28. Hello Kevcraft8, You were banned on the 7th of March for continious block and crop grief on PvE after being warned twice beforehand. Some examples of this grief include crops (wheat, bamboo, sugarcane, etc) as well as blocks like scaffolding and other player-placed blocks As a PvE survival server, we have 0 tolerance for griefing, as this is not what our servers are about. However seeing as this is your first ban, I am happy to unban you once you can confirm you have read the rules, found here: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve Thank you, XeTrain
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